You don't think the millions China gave the Biden family paid off?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Think again.

Biden's push to force Americans to "go green" while ignoring the fact China is by far the biggest polluter on the planet is going to make American dependent on China for decades to come.

China controls the manufacturing and raw materials for all the "green" stuff Biden is pushing on America. This is proof the money China sent to the Biden's got what they want.

Oh, and don't forget that Biden let China fly a spy balloon over our nuclear and military sites for two weeks gathering intel without doing a thing about it.

But a growing chorus of critics, including some Democrats, argue that the administration’s effort to grapple with America's foremost adversary is contradictory, illustrated in the White House’s Beijing-empowering pursuit of ambitious climate change goals.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, as the White House has called for, will almost assuredly make the United States dependent on China while enriching it.
China currently holds a commanding position in the clean energy industry, controlling the natural resources and manufacturing the components essential to the Biden administration’s desired alternative energy transition. Energy experts believe that its dominance will become more entrenched in the years ahead because of domestic environmentalist opposition to perceived “dirty” mining and refining operations, and the Biden administration’s “clean energy” spending blitz – which could provide Chinese companies and subsidiaries billions in subsidies.

“China,” says Senator John Barrasso (R-Wy.), the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, “is playing us for suckers.”

Red China’s Green Dominance

China’s alternative energy clout comes from its command over supply chains that culminate in the production of wind turbines, solar panels, and lithium-ion batteries on which the net zero transition depends.
On top of its own large domestic reserves, it has invested in mines worldwide, and grown into a global hub for raw material refining and processing. China underscored this point on the eve of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s visit last month, when it imposed export restrictions on gallium and germanium, rare earth metals not only critical to the manufacture of semiconductors, but also found in electric vehicles and solar panels.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, China is the leading producer of 30 of 50 minerals, including among them rare earth metals, that the U.S. government deems critical, particularly for their usage in energy technologies.
Rare earth metals are integral to the magnets key to electric vehicle motors and wind turbines. America is 95% net import reliant on such materials, which China produces 70% of globally. According to the International Energy Agency, the PRC dominates “across the [rare earth] value chain from mining to processing and magnet production.”
Other critical minerals for clean energy technologies include: copper, key to solar cells, wind turbines, and electric vehicles; cobalt, key to lithium-ion batteries; nickel, also key to such batteries and in renewable energy storage; and lithium itself. China is the world’s largest refiner of all these minerals and produces 50-70% of all lithium and cobalt globally. The U.S. has no refining capacity for many of the same materials.

Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, all paid off for their green energy laws, policies, and support. They all got paid over a $100 million! For speeches? Bullshit!

The Renewable, Sustainable, Green, Clean, industry tell us they will spend at least $100 trillion. Only the United States will print that kind of money.

Who gets rich, the politicians. Even the ones not getting rich are enjoying ultra-rich vacations going to the conferences in the richest places in the world.

The Federal Reserve, 5% of every dollar they print is their profit. $50 billion if only $1 trillion is spent. $5 trillion if they print the entire $100 trillion.

Banks, Securities Brokers, profit buying and selling the bonds.

Wall st., buys and sells, and profits.

and it goes on and on, lots of people are making millions, some are making billions
Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, all paid off for their green energy laws, policies, and support. They all got paid over a $100 million! For speeches? Bullshit!

The Renewable, Sustainable, Green, Clean, industry tell us they will spend at least $100 trillion. Only the United States will print that kind of money.

Who gets rich, the politicians. Even the ones not getting rich are enjoying ultra-rich vacations going to the conferences in the richest places in the world.

The Federal Reserve, 5% of every dollar they print is their profit. $50 billion if only $1 trillion is spent. $5 trillion if they print the entire $100 trillion.

Banks, Securities Brokers, profit buying and selling the bonds.

Wall st., buys and sells, and profits.

and it goes on and on, lots of people are making millions, some are making billions
Well, that took us off the point of this topic. The topic I believe is Biden has sold us out and committed treason doing it. Certainly Joe is involved in bribery, extortion, conspiracy, racketeering and treason.
Well, that took us off the point of this topic. The topic I believe is Biden has sold us out and committed treason doing it. Certainly Joe is involved in bribery, extortion, conspiracy, racketeering and treason.
Actually, it is exactly on topic. It seems to me you want us to narrowly focus on Biden ignoring who else may be involved and exactly what all this encompasses.

My post is exactly on topic. Tough luck that you do not like all the facts.
Actually, it is exactly on topic. It seems to me you want us to narrowly focus on Biden ignoring who else may be involved and exactly what all this encompasses.

My post is exactly on topic. Tough luck that you do not like all the facts.
Here is the topic of the thread: "You don't think the millions China gave the Biden family paid off?"
It is most certainly only about Joe Biden and his mafia family corruption, bribery, extortion, conspiracy, racketeering and treason. No reason to change the subject to Clinton, Gore, Kerry or Trump unless you want to save Biden from his crimes.
Think again.

Biden's push to force Americans to "go green" while ignoring the fact China is by far the biggest polluter on the planet is going to make American dependent on China for decades to come.

China controls the manufacturing and raw materials for all the "green" stuff Biden is pushing on America. This is proof the money China sent to the Biden's got what they want.

Oh, and don't forget that Biden let China fly a spy balloon over our nuclear and military sites for two weeks gathering intel without doing a thing about it.

But a growing chorus of critics, including some Democrats, argue that the administration’s effort to grapple with America's foremost adversary is contradictory, illustrated in the White House’s Beijing-empowering pursuit of ambitious climate change goals.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, as the White House has called for, will almost assuredly make the United States dependent on China while enriching it.
China currently holds a commanding position in the clean energy industry, controlling the natural resources and manufacturing the components essential to the Biden administration’s desired alternative energy transition. Energy experts believe that its dominance will become more entrenched in the years ahead because of domestic environmentalist opposition to perceived “dirty” mining and refining operations, and the Biden administration’s “clean energy” spending blitz – which could provide Chinese companies and subsidiaries billions in subsidies.

“China,” says Senator John Barrasso (R-Wy.), the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, “is playing us for suckers.”

Red China’s Green Dominance

China’s alternative energy clout comes from its command over supply chains that culminate in the production of wind turbines, solar panels, and lithium-ion batteries on which the net zero transition depends.
On top of its own large domestic reserves, it has invested in mines worldwide, and grown into a global hub for raw material refining and processing. China underscored this point on the eve of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s visit last month, when it imposed export restrictions on gallium and germanium, rare earth metals not only critical to the manufacture of semiconductors, but also found in electric vehicles and solar panels.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, China is the leading producer of 30 of 50 minerals, including among them rare earth metals, that the U.S. government deems critical, particularly for their usage in energy technologies.
Rare earth metals are integral to the magnets key to electric vehicle motors and wind turbines. America is 95% net import reliant on such materials, which China produces 70% of globally. According to the International Energy Agency, the PRC dominates “across the [rare earth] value chain from mining to processing and magnet production.”
Other critical minerals for clean energy technologies include: copper, key to solar cells, wind turbines, and electric vehicles; cobalt, key to lithium-ion batteries; nickel, also key to such batteries and in renewable energy storage; and lithium itself. China is the world’s largest refiner of all these minerals and produces 50-70% of all lithium and cobalt globally. The U.S. has no refining capacity for many of the same materials.

This is why the entire green movement is a fraud. They ignore China.

Until they go after China, they can fuck ALL THE WAY off.
Here is the topic of the thread: "You don't think the millions China gave the Biden family paid off?"
It is most certainly only about Joe Biden and his mafia family corruption, bribery, extortion, conspiracy, racketeering and treason. No reason to change the subject to Clinton, Gore, Kerry or Trump unless you want to save Biden from his crimes.
It is not only about China and Biden, there are many politicians getting rich off the Green Energy and China. Further, my comments adds details that are not included. I give more information people should be aware of.

OP's do not need you policing them to make sure people stay on topic. No thread is 100% on topic.

And as I have repeated, I am on topic.

Your comments are off topic, trolling I say.
It is not only about China and Biden, there are many politicians getting rich off the Green Energy and China. Further, my comments adds details that are not included. I give more information people should be aware of.

OP's do not need you policing them to make sure people stay on topic. No thread is 100% on topic.

And as I have repeated, I am on topic.

Your comments are off topic, trolling I say.
Thanks for trolling and trying to steer us away from discussing the Biden Crime Syndicate Racketeering Family. BCSRF :popcorn:

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