Seems there are different possibilities here.
One prevailing thought of course, is that it's a liberal clerk, who leaked it with the hope that once the justices see the massive outcry, one or more them might change their vote.
Another, is the idea that it's one of the conservative justices, who not wanting to see another situation like that occurred when Roberts got cold feet and changed his vote reaffirming Obamacare. By leaking the decision, it could put pressure on the conservative justices to stay the course and not be remembered like Roberts will always be remembered.
One prevailing thought of course, is that it's a liberal clerk, who leaked it with the hope that once the justices see the massive outcry, one or more them might change their vote.
Another, is the idea that it's one of the conservative justices, who not wanting to see another situation like that occurred when Roberts got cold feet and changed his vote reaffirming Obamacare. By leaking the decision, it could put pressure on the conservative justices to stay the course and not be remembered like Roberts will always be remembered.