Harris Campaign Needs To Tweak Its Campaign!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I think that Kamala Harris is doing an outstanding job running for President, I plan to vote for her because she is a trillion times better candidate than Donald Trump, in part, because Trump isn't smart there is nothing wrong with his intelligence, he just often doesn't act with wisdom which makes him dangerous! Even though Kamala receives an "A" grade doesn't mean she cannot do better. What I am about to write might seem like going off on a wild tangent but if you just bare with me you will see I have meritus advice.

If Kamala loses and they do an autopsy of her campaign optimally smart analysts will say part of the reason was that Democrats made a big mistake with making part of their platform and they have multiplied the problem in making it a key part of the platform a national law giving women the right to an abortion. One compelling reason why it is a huge waste because it will not last, power in Washington eventually always swings to the other party and an abundance of Americans in Republican states find the practice abhorrent so the top priority of Republicans when they take the reins of power will be to repeal the law and return it as a state issue. The other compelling reason is that Democrats morally characterize the issue as the government telling women what to do with their bodies but this issue also has another completely legitimate moral perspective that this part of a women's body at issue here the fetus at some point becomes a human being, a little beautiful baby that a moral person and especially a person that has a strong faith in God is duty bound to protect. What the Democrats should have made as their platform putting into a national law the "exceptions", the Supreme Court's long existing protections for women to get an abortion during all three trimesters of a women's pregnancy when the life of the mother is at risk or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest; this right would stop the extreme injustice cases that America sees on this issue with women needlessly dying or having their health severely harmed and the vast majority of Americans support these exceptions including a large amount of pro-life Americans. The balance of the issue the Democrats should decide to fight it state by state, it is probably achievable in all states to eventually get a twelve week right to an abortion which would cover eighty-five plus percent of the cases. I am not suggesting the Harris campaign chart this different course at this juncture, the die is cast in this race; but I am suggesting that the Harris campaign cast this issue in a different light. The Harris campaign is making a glaring mistake the way they are approaching this issue, I watched Kamala campaign speech in Georgia last night and I was shocked at how she drilled down on the abortion issue in this speech I am thinking to myself does this women consider that she is running for President in America an extremely Christian nation. She is going off about how thirteen states have complete abortion bans and a third of women in America have to live under this oppressive evil system, for the abundance of people in these states having their state painted as evil and for the many many other people across the nation who also believe this policy issue involves the live a baby, Kamala appears as a manic abortion zealot and it is a real turn-off. The Harris campaign should dial down this issue a little and be a little humble about the topic. Take the approach that the constitution guarantees a person the right of privacy and even Republican appointees to the Supreme Court such as Sandra Day O'Connor acknowledged that the principle of privacy includes the decision of a women of what to do about her fetus which is in her body per Justice O'Connor whether it was a constitutional right came down to the at what point the fetus became a human person. At this juncture the Harris campaign's platform should be the Harris administration will codify the Roe law into a national law so as to give back to women a right they had for fifty years before the Dobbs case came down, frankly currently, the Harris campaign is really scary on the issue do they only see the fetus as part of a women's body is their agenda to make the national law to give women the right to an abortion even during the third trimester, up to the moment of birth are they really that kooky! The Harris campaign should further adopt the perspective and emphasis that the American people should elect Harris because the next President will likely appoint one or more Justices to the Supreme Court and the American people don't want a President Trump to appoint Justices like Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett because they are right wing ideologues appellate Judges and more right wing activist Justices on the court could readily result in things like the privacy right of gay marriage and the privacy right to utilize contraceptives could be reversed and not exist in America as well as the medical treatment of in-vitro fertilization which helps couples conceive a child a right-wing Supreme Court could deem the fertilized eggs used in that procedure as a human person and allow a state to ban the procedure as this medical care sometimes results in fertilized eggs being destroyed.

Many polls indicate that the second most important issue to the American people is to stop the illegal immigration into this country I believe even the Congressional Budget Office put the number of people coming into America without visas without legal permission during the Biden Administration to be six million eight hundred thousand that is an extreme failure and the American people legitimately want it stopped! Trump is dramatically beating Harris on this issue and I think what Kamala has to do is get into a slug fest with Trump on the issue go toe-to-toe be frank and raw on the issue and take your hits. Start, Continue and End by saying that no President can solve the problem without changing the law; the current law provides a too broad right to asylum and not enough resources and empowerment to staff at the border to process all the asylum claims, the law needs to be changed to remedy these shortcoming. I think that Kamala needs to point out the shortcoming in the current working solution, people keep saying why didn't the Biden Administration do this Executive Order, prohibiting asylum claims unless the immigrant came through an official port of entry, three years ago so America wouldn't have seen this mass illegal migration; she needs to come right out and say that this working solution probably violates U.S law it will probably be struck down by the Supreme Court on the basis that Congress in passing our asylum laws did not condition making such a claim on whether the claimant came in at an official port of entry. Moreover, the big drop off in illegal immigration at the Southern Border has a lot to do with the policy of the Mexican government which in recent months has been transporting en masse migrants that make it to the norther border of Mexico back to the southern border of Mexico policies which the American President Administration does not have control over. Again, the only real solution is passing a good immigration reform bill like the bi-partisan Senate bill that was negotiated earlier this year that Trump blocked because he wanted to use the issue as a complain issue; this bill was negotiated by one of the most conservative Republican Senators in the Senate and I may be wrong on this issue but I believe during the negotiations for the bill Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said about the compromise bill that if Republicans held all three centers of power in Washington both chambers of Congress and the Presidency they would have be lucky to come up with this bi-partisan bill. Harris needs to keep hammering that only a Harris President will get the needed immigration reform bill through, a Trump has practically no chance of getting such a bill through, he will not get the Democrat votes in Congress. Democrats in Congress will be out for justice on this issue and won't give Trump a good bill here because it is a matter of an important principle involved here a Presidential candidate cannot use his or her enormous power to kill a bill which will dramatically help the country because that Presidential candidate wants to use it as a campaign issue and after winning the election reverse his or her position and say I now like the bill it is good for the country pass it Congress and I will sign it into law, a Presidential candidate cannot harm the American people's interest like this for personal political gain this game playing cannot be tolerated. Further, Democrats legitimately perceive Trump as a racist, bigot and discriminatory his comments like illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of our nation, why should we accept people from "s""h"'I""t" hole countries in Africa why can't we get more people from Norway and his Muslim ban (we were in a heavy war against ISIS in Iraq and he wants to ban Muslims from Iraq a vital ally country in this war from getting visas to come to America - Trump is beyond the pale) and Trump doesn't bring humanity to this illegal immigration issue - his policy of separating families to use the trauma to deter other families from illegally emigrating to America and his efforts to do mass deportations ignoring the equities involved some illegal immigrants have been in the country over thirty years and have worked hard and made a difference for good in our society and now you want to deport them, some illegal immigrants have several school age children who are American citizens and now you want to deport the father and mother who will take care of the children what is in the best interests of society. A President Harris will be a hundred times better than a President Trump on the illegal immigration issue because she can get the needed legislation passed into law.

Kamala Harris, her surrogates and her supporters that appear on TV all repeatedly make the same mistake about Trump that to his supporters and fair-minded Americans makes you look like your wrong, unfair and you lack integrity so I should probably discount other things you're saying. What I am driving at here is Trump often says things that can be construed in a bad light or an okay light and Democrat latch on to the bad light interpretation and try to score points against Trump on it and you are being unfair and a jerk! Before I give examples it is important to note that Trump makes so many statements one loses count that are not ambiguous on the bad\okay issue they are accurately bad comments and he deserves to be held to account for them. Example, Democrats are saying these days that Trump praised Hitler it like they want the American people to believe Trump would like to do what Hitler did to Jewish people in killing six million of them during World War II. What Trump said is that he would like American Generals to be more like Hitler's Generals meaning Hitler's Generals followed instructions they did not concern themselves with the character of the man issuing those instructions and that is consistent with the off-the-charts character depraved Trump; Trump does some good things and he does many bad things that are off the charts bad but people like Trump expect their staff to construe loyalty as labeling everything he does as good. Another dumb criticism of Trump is the reference to his statement to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger when he said "find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won this state." where people try to interpret it as Trump saying he wants the Secretary to fabricate the votes one cannot prove that Trump believed there was massive fraud in the Georgia elections and he wanted it corrected criticism of Trump here is meritless. Lastly, the Harris campaign and her surrogates assertion that Donald Trump is becoming more and more unstable and more and more unhinged is a bunch of garbage, it appears as political spin where the promulgater just loses credibility.

The Harris campaign is making a lot of strong and good attacks at the end of this campaign that have a sound basis keep up with that and stop with the slick moves people see it for what it is and the campaign hurts its case for their candidate with the tact. Good attack: President Trump in the White House will be drawing up an enemies list and stewing over it and President Harris will be drawing up a To-Do List to make your life better and working hard to check off the items on that list. Good attack: President Harris will make it a top priority to bring down the cost of living for the American people with legal action against corporations to stop the price gouging and policies that bring down home prices, child care costs and health care costs; whereas, President Trump will slap on a ten to twenty-percent tariff on all exports into the U.S. where history has shown time and again that such action just raises prices on American consumers and experts predict will cost the average American family nearly $4000 per year!
I think that Kamala Harris is doing an outstanding job running for President, I plan to vote for her because she is a trillion times better candidate than Donald Trump, in part, because Trump isn't smart there is nothing wrong with his intelligence, he just often doesn't act with wisdom which makes him dangerous! Even though Kamala receives an "A" grade doesn't mean she cannot do better. What I am about to write might seem like going off on a wild tangent but if you just bare with me you will see I have meritus advice.

If Kamala loses and they do an autopsy of her campaign optimally smart analysts will say part of the reason was that Democrats made a big mistake with making part of their platform and they have multiplied the problem in making it a key part of the platform a national law giving women the right to an abortion. One compelling reason why it is a huge waste because it will not last, power in Washington eventually always swings to the other party and an abundance of Americans in Republican states find the practice abhorrent so the top priority of Republicans when they take the reins of power will be to repeal the law and return it as a state issue. The other compelling reason is that Democrats morally characterize the issue as the government telling women what to do with their bodies but this issue also has another completely legitimate moral perspective that this part of a women's body at issue here the fetus at some point becomes a human being, a little beautiful baby that a moral person and especially a person that has a strong faith in God is duty bound to protect. What the Democrats should have made as their platform putting into a national law the "exceptions", the Supreme Court's long existing protections for women to get an abortion during all three trimesters of a women's pregnancy when the life of the mother is at risk or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest; this right would stop the extreme injustice cases that America sees on this issue with women needlessly dying or having their health severely harmed and the vast majority of Americans support these exceptions including a large amount of pro-life Americans. The balance of the issue the Democrats should decide to fight it state by state, it is probably achievable in all states to eventually get a twelve week right to an abortion which would cover eighty-five plus percent of the cases. I am not suggesting the Harris campaign chart this different course at this juncture, the die is cast in this race; but I am suggesting that the Harris campaign cast this issue in a different light. The Harris campaign is making a glaring mistake the way they are approaching this issue, I watched Kamala campaign speech in Georgia last night and I was shocked at how she drilled down on the abortion issue in this speech I am thinking to myself does this women consider that she is running for President in America an extremely Christian nation. She is going off about how thirteen states have complete abortion bans and a third of women in America have to live under this oppressive evil system, for the abundance of people in these states having their state painted as evil and for the many many other people across the nation who also believe this policy issue involves the live a baby, Kamala appears as a manic abortion zealot and it is a real turn-off. The Harris campaign should dial down this issue a little and be a little humble about the topic. Take the approach that the constitution guarantees a person the right of privacy and even Republican appointees to the Supreme Court such as Sandra Day O'Connor acknowledged that the principle of privacy includes the decision of a women of what to do about her fetus which is in her body per Justice O'Connor whether it was a constitutional right came down to the at what point the fetus became a human person. At this juncture the Harris campaign's platform should be the Harris administration will codify the Roe law into a national law so as to give back to women a right they had for fifty years before the Dobbs case came down, frankly currently, the Harris campaign is really scary on the issue do they only see the fetus as part of a women's body is their agenda to make the national law to give women the right to an abortion even during the third trimester, up to the moment of birth are they really that kooky! The Harris campaign should further adopt the perspective and emphasis that the American people should elect Harris because the next President will likely appoint one or more Justices to the Supreme Court and the American people don't want a President Trump to appoint Justices like Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett because they are right wing ideologues appellate Judges and more right wing activist Justices on the court could readily result in things like the privacy right of gay marriage and the privacy right to utilize contraceptives could be reversed and not exist in America as well as the medical treatment of in-vitro fertilization which helps couples conceive a child a right-wing Supreme Court could deem the fertilized eggs used in that procedure as a human person and allow a state to ban the procedure as this medical care sometimes results in fertilized eggs being destroyed.

Many polls indicate that the second most important issue to the American people is to stop the illegal immigration into this country I believe even the Congressional Budget Office put the number of people coming into America without visas without legal permission during the Biden Administration to be six million eight hundred thousand that is an extreme failure and the American people legitimately want it stopped! Trump is dramatically beating Harris on this issue and I think what Kamala has to do is get into a slug fest with Trump on the issue go toe-to-toe be frank and raw on the issue and take your hits. Start, Continue and End by saying that no President can solve the problem without changing the law; the current law provides a too broad right to asylum and not enough resources and empowerment to staff at the border to process all the asylum claims, the law needs to be changed to remedy these shortcoming. I think that Kamala needs to point out the shortcoming in the current working solution, people keep saying why didn't the Biden Administration do this Executive Order, prohibiting asylum claims unless the immigrant came through an official port of entry, three years ago so America wouldn't have seen this mass illegal migration; she needs to come right out and say that this working solution probably violates U.S law it will probably be struck down by the Supreme Court on the basis that Congress in passing our asylum laws did not condition making such a claim on whether the claimant came in at an official port of entry. Moreover, the big drop off in illegal immigration at the Southern Border has a lot to do with the policy of the Mexican government which in recent months has been transporting en masse migrants that make it to the norther border of Mexico back to the southern border of Mexico policies which the American President Administration does not have control over. Again, the only real solution is passing a good immigration reform bill like the bi-partisan Senate bill that was negotiated earlier this year that Trump blocked because he wanted to use the issue as a complain issue; this bill was negotiated by one of the most conservative Republican Senators in the Senate and I may be wrong on this issue but I believe during the negotiations for the bill Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said about the compromise bill that if Republicans held all three centers of power in Washington both chambers of Congress and the Presidency they would have be lucky to come up with this bi-partisan bill. Harris needs to keep hammering that only a Harris President will get the needed immigration reform bill through, a Trump has practically no chance of getting such a bill through, he will not get the Democrat votes in Congress. Democrats in Congress will be out for justice on this issue and won't give Trump a good bill here because it is a matter of an important principle involved here a Presidential candidate cannot use his or her enormous power to kill a bill which will dramatically help the country because that Presidential candidate wants to use it as a campaign issue and after winning the election reverse his or her position and say I now like the bill it is good for the country pass it Congress and I will sign it into law, a Presidential candidate cannot harm the American people's interest like this for personal political gain this game playing cannot be tolerated. Further, Democrats legitimately perceive Trump as a racist, bigot and discriminatory his comments like illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of our nation, why should we accept people from "s""h"'I""t" hole countries in Africa why can't we get more people from Norway and his Muslim ban (we were in a heavy war against ISIS in Iraq and he wants to ban Muslims from Iraq a vital ally country in this war from getting visas to come to America - Trump is beyond the pale) and Trump doesn't bring humanity to this illegal immigration issue - his policy of separating families to use the trauma to deter other families from illegally emigrating to America and his efforts to do mass deportations ignoring the equities involved some illegal immigrants have been in the country over thirty years and have worked hard and made a difference for good in our society and now you want to deport them, some illegal immigrants have several school age children who are American citizens and now you want to deport the father and mother who will take care of the children what is in the best interests of society. A President Harris will be a hundred times better than a President Trump on the illegal immigration issue because she can get the needed legislation passed into law.

Kamala Harris, her surrogates and her supporters that appear on TV all repeatedly make the same mistake about Trump that to his supporters and fair-minded Americans makes you look like your wrong, unfair and you lack integrity so I should probably discount other things you're saying. What I am driving at here is Trump often says things that can be construed in a bad light or an okay light and Democrat latch on to the bad light interpretation and try to score points against Trump on it and you are being unfair and a jerk! Before I give examples it is important to note that Trump makes so many statements one loses count that are not ambiguous on the bad\okay issue they are accurately bad comments and he deserves to be held to account for them. Example, Democrats are saying these days that Trump praised Hitler it like they want the American people to believe Trump would like to do what Hitler did to Jewish people in killing six million of them during World War II. What Trump said is that he would like American Generals to be more like Hitler's Generals meaning Hitler's Generals followed instructions they did not concern themselves with the character of the man issuing those instructions and that is consistent with the off-the-charts character depraved Trump; Trump does some good things and he does many bad things that are off the charts bad but people like Trump expect their staff to construe loyalty as labeling everything he does as good. Another dumb criticism of Trump is the reference to his statement to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger when he said "find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won this state." where people try to interpret it as Trump saying he wants the Secretary to fabricate the votes one cannot prove that Trump believed there was massive fraud in the Georgia elections and he wanted it corrected criticism of Trump here is meritless. Lastly, the Harris campaign and her surrogates assertion that Donald Trump is becoming more and more unstable and more and more unhinged is a bunch of garbage, it appears as political spin where the promulgater just loses credibility.

The Harris campaign is making a lot of strong and good attacks at the end of this campaign that have a sound basis keep up with that and stop with the slick moves people see it for what it is and the campaign hurts its case for their candidate with the tact. Good attack: President Trump in the White House will be drawing up an enemies list and stewing over it and President Harris will be drawing up a To-Do List to make your life better and working hard to check off the items on that list. Good attack: President Harris will make it a top priority to bring down the cost of living for the American people with legal action against corporations to stop the price gouging and policies that bring down home prices, child care costs and health care costs; whereas, President Trump will slap on a ten to twenty-percent tariff on all exports into the U.S. where history has shown time and again that such action just raises prices on American consumers and experts predict will cost the average American family nearly $4000 per year!
Is that yer best poison pill? There's a hole in that bucket.

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