So, who is stocking their shelves?

o i have ammo...i am not counting on it to discourage mobs for i have a little more faith in mankind...and this country i am not pos unamerican trumper who has to predict the sky is falling to feel better ...yall kill me....a 6 day gas shortage and yall lose it....never would have made it thru the 70s when it last for 6 months...toughfen up butter cups..most of you wont make it 3 days without starbucks but get on here and puff puff puff

If it comes down to someone's family starving or shooting you what do you think is gonna happen?
I think you should look again. Look at all the truckers retiring, all the people being forced to quit, Fuel prices going higher and higher. Grocery stores running low on things. Trucks supply us with fuel and food. Truckers retiring or quiting over this vaccine bullshit. Fuel prices higher and higher.
Maybe but retailers want to sell goods to stay in business. We already have local chains banding together to hire their own trucks for goods. You can't stay in business if your shelves are empty fir long. Big money at stake so everyone but mom and pop shops will find a way
I have been stocked for a while. We have enough put aside for several months. I think it's funny when these dumbass leftists laugh at people who prepare for emergencies. They shall reap what they sow.

The Wife and I are prepared for a six month scenario if not longer food and water wise,you can always drink pool water in a pinch.
Of course ammo isn't an issue for the three main guns for protection. Plenty of 5.56 , .45 and 10mm. Mag ,10mm and .40.
I really need to stock up on some 12 gauge though,I'm down to around 400 .00 ought buckshot and around 200 slugs.
If things got really bad we'd load up the truck and head to the lake. The artesian well on the property would solve all water problems and there's plenty of game and fish. And of course the camper would give us some shelter and we have solar panels to keep the lights on.



I think you should look again. Look at all the truckers retiring, all the people being forced to quit, Fuel prices going higher and higher. Grocery stores running low on things. Trucks supply us with fuel and food. Truckers retiring or quiting over this vaccine bullshit. Fuel prices higher and higher.

The first thing you need to do is learn to get by without gasoline or any other fuel source you cant make yourself because they will run out.
This where solar and water powered electricity will shine. Of course solar panels do wear out but a water powered wheel to generate electricity is good for ever. Damn up a creek and instal a water wheel and you're good to go. There should be plenty of alternators around if it was a solar flare.
Yeah. We preppers know very well what will happen. Unless we have good defenses.

Nine meals between now and anarchy.

For the unprepared thats very true.
It'd be tough telling your starving neighbors that you cant help them because you're in the same boat as they are.

The hard part is deciding when it's time to bail out from the neighborhood and hit the sticks.
I think I'd pack the truck like we we're leaving in the morning,at least then you could bail at the drop of a hat.
The Wife and I are prepared for a six month scenario if not longer food and water wise,you can always drink pool water in a pinch.
Of course ammo isn't an issue for the three main guns for protection. Plenty of 5.56 , .45 and 10mm. Mag ,10mm and .40.
I really need to stock up on some 12 gauge though,I'm down to around 400 .00 ought buckshot and around 200 slugs.
If things got really bad we'd load up the truck and head to the lake. The artesian well on the property would solve all water problems and there's plenty of game and fish. And of course the camper would give us some shelter and we have solar panels to keep the lights on.View attachment 552232
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Your house and the water spout/fish does not compute. Lol

No one lives in a house that nice and has a spout in the yard.

You live on a lake or are the pics unrelated to your property?

Nice digs btw. If I was an envious person you'd have my attention but I'm a simple man
For the unprepared thats very true.
It'd be tough telling your starving neighbors that you cant help them because you're in the same boat as they are.

The hard part is deciding when it's time to bail out from the neighborhood and hit the sticks.
I think I'd pack the truck like we we're leaving in the morning,at least then you could bail at the drop of a hat.
The prepper novels I am most scared by show the neighbors turning up in a body and informing the prepper family that it's going to be everybody share equally ---- of course, the preppers are the only ones who actually have supplies.
The prepper novels I am most scared by show the neighbors turning up in a body and informing the prepper family that it's going to be everybody share equally ---- of course, the preppers are the only ones who actually have supplies.

Thats when you toss em a few cans of beans and hit the road at 2:00 AM before they come back demanding to search your house.

The only thing that would scare me about hitting the boonies is the locals in said boonies are armed and wouldnt have a single problem killing you and your family for all your shit.
Which of course makes you want to error on the side of caution and leave at the first hint of things going sideways.
While being wrong would suck at least you'd be ahead of the game.

I already have two dozen rat traps to tack to the nut bearing trees for squirrel and a couple dozen Yo,Yo's to hang from trees over the lakes,ponds and creeks.
This kinda stuff comes easy when you've did it during your younger years for sport and some fresh squirrel and fish with little effort.
And of course you'd run a bunch of trotlines as well.

Thats when you toss em a few cans of beans and hit the road at 2:00 AM before they come back demanding to search your house.

The only thing that would scare me about hitting the boonies is the locals in said boonies are armed and wouldnt have a single problem killing you and your family for all your shit.
Which of course makes you want to error on the side of caution and leave at the first hint of things going sideways.
While being wrong would suck at least you'd be ahead of the game.

I already have two dozen rat traps to tack to the nut bearing trees for squirrel and a couple dozen Yo,Yo's to hang from trees over the lakes,ponds and creeks.
This kinda stuff comes easy when you've did it during your younger years for sport and some fresh squirrel and fish with little effort.
And of course you'd run a bunch of trotlines as well.

View attachment 552259
Hey guy, er, uhm, where exactly is this camp of yours? Asking for some friends. ;)
Hey guy, er, uhm, where exactly is this camp of yours? Asking for some friends. ;)

Which of course would be the last thing you should ask me.
You're a Texan and can shoot and we're gonna need more than the Wife and I as far as standing watch and shooting intruders.
I think we could find some room for you to pitch a tent,and if the weather got really nasty you could always crawl under the camper.:)
Or you could stop by my place in Katy and pick up the pop up.
That thing has surprised the shit out of me,I've slept in it with no heat down into the 30's and was just fine.
Which of course would be the last thing you should ask me.
You're a Texan and can shoot and we're gonna need more than the Wife and I as far as standing watch and shooting intruders.
I think we could find some room for you to pitch a tent,and if the weather got really nasty you could always crawl under the camper.:)
Or you could stop by my place in Katy and pick up the pop up.
That thing has surprised the shit out of me,I've slept in it with no heat down into the 30's and was just fine.
View attachment 552266
Thanks, but I was just pulling your leg. The good one! ;) We're to old to do much except stay here and hopefully survive. maybe we will with it being a small town and all. Everybody has guns, even the f-king idiots.
Thanks, but I was just pulling your leg. The good one! ;) We're to old to do much except stay here and hopefully survive. maybe we will with it being a small town and all. Everybody has guns, even the f-king idiots.

Oh I know.
There are four camps on our peninsula that's about 10 acres and we're all friends.
It would be very easy to defend since it's surrounded by water on three sides and the entry point is only about 30 yards wide.
Cut down some of the large pines and dig some trenches and you'd be set.
Good thing turkey and deer season are coming up. Good timing with empty shelfs and 12 buck steaks

Feel there is going to be a lot of feathers and fur dander flying about

Not a road kill in sight neither. Nothing wasted, greener planet

Yep 81 mil votes....yep.....yep.....yep.....................................

@Hang on sloopy

I kinda feel bad for those hunters. We live in a very rural area and Walmart hasn't had any ammunition for the last year and a half. Hunting ammo in calibers like 30-30, 30-06, .243 and 270 are pretty much non-existent. .35 Remington is going for $4 bucks a round, if you can find it. and what the local gun shop has is pretty pricey.

I'm pretty well stocked up on ammo, because I've been buying it at garage sales for the last 8 years or so, even ammunition I don't have guns for. We have 100 acres of woods on our land, but I hardly ever go hunting. Probably would if I needed to. We usually let one of the neighbors do a deer drive through our property every year, so he brings us steaks and roasts.
@Hang on sloopy

I kinda feel bad for those hunters. We live in a very rural area and Walmart hasn't had any ammunition for the last year and a half. Hunting ammo in calibers like 30-30, 30-06, .243 and 270 are pretty much non-existent. .35 Remington is going for $4 bucks a round, if you can find it. and what the local gun shop has is pretty pricey.

I'm pretty well stocked up on ammo, because I've been buying it at garage sales for the last 8 years or so, even ammunition I don't have guns for. We have 100 acres of woods on our land, but I hardly ever go hunting. Probably would if I needed to. We usually let one of the neighbors do a deer drive through our property every year, so he brings us steaks and roasts.

I'm not big on deer hunting anymore myself.
If it was for Axis deer I'd be more inclined to shoot one a year just for the excellent meat they carry.
Like you said though,if it was a matter of survival I'd become a deer hunting fiend.
Oh I know.
There are four camps on our peninsula that's about 10 acres and we're all friends.
It would be very easy to defend since it's surrounded by water on three sides and the entry point is only about 30 yards wide.
Cut down some of the large pines and dig some trenches and you'd be set.
You are smart to consider site defense. We are hopeless on our site --- it could not be defended, and I know it. We just don't discuss it and hope for the best. We are prepped for the short term, but the bad site is a problem for the long term.
I'm not big on deer hunting anymore myself.
If it was for Axis deer I'd be more inclined to shoot one a year just for the excellent meat they carry.
Like you said though,if it was a matter of survival I'd become a deer hunting fiend.

Yeah that. I've eaten deer a few times, and wasn't impressed. Too lean and too dry, unless you wrap it in bacon. Deer sausage is pretty good, but most of the processing plants here charge $150 to process the deer, cut it into steaks, roasts, and make sausage.
@Hang on sloopy

I kinda feel bad for those hunters. We live in a very rural area and Walmart hasn't had any ammunition for the last year and a half. Hunting ammo in calibers like 30-30, 30-06, .243 and 270 are pretty much non-existent. .35 Remington is going for $4 bucks a round, if you can find it. and what the local gun shop has is pretty pricey.

I'm pretty well stocked up on ammo, because I've been buying it at garage sales for the last 8 years or so, even ammunition I don't have guns for. We have 100 acres of woods on our land, but I hardly ever go hunting. Probably would if I needed to. We usually let one of the neighbors do a deer drive through our property every year, so he brings us steaks and roasts.

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