This mom found an insane list on her woke son's laptop where he listed the "sins" his classmates had committed

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

This mom found an insane list on her woke son's laptop where he listed the "sins" his classmates had committed​

We are turning our children into religious zealots who see their non-woke classmates as less-than-human.
Prove me wrong:

Dear Care and Feeding: I Found a Creepy List on My Son’s Laptop

Parenting advice on social justice, domestic abuse, and Covid.
My son, "Jack," 14, has been maintaining a spreadsheet that tracks all of his classmate's problematic actions.
Totally normal behavior, right? Every kid makes a list of their classmates' perceived indiscretions. That's totally part of healthy human development!

We do not allow our children to have their own computers to prevent the risk of them being radicalized by alt-right websites, so our kids share a laptop that we monitor and control access to

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And now they're conrnced and can't possibly just understand how this could of happen

I have an idea on how this happened

The generation coming up will be your murderers
My favorite part is when they murder all the teachers


This mom found an insane list on her woke son's laptop where he listed the "sins" his classmates had committed​

We are turning our children into religious zealots who see their non-woke classmates as less-than-human.
Prove me wrong:

Dear Care and Feeding: I Found a Creepy List on My Son’s Laptop

Parenting advice on social justice, domestic abuse, and Covid.

Totally normal behavior, right? Every kid makes a list of their classmates' perceived indiscretions. That's totally part of healthy human development!

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And now they're conrnced and can't possibly just understand how this could of happen

I have an idea on how this happened

The generation coming up will be your murderers
My favorite part is when they murder all the teachers

View attachment 551985

The amazing thing about the young lady is that she is unaware of how racist she is.
The Progressives have exploited and legitimized her racism.
The schools are creating racist monsters.
There will be a lot more left wing conflict and violence when these people become adults.
The dumb Democrat bigots believe that their lives will somehow be better through racial hatred and racial submission.
It's just not true.
I am sure that bitch is certifiably crazy.

Oh, by the way, she's out. What's ironic is that she probably sees herself as the victim.

She's yet another reason I am so incredibly happy to have escaped the blue shithole of Western Washington to the warm red embrace of South Dakota.

They will push and push and push and push and push until the shit hits the fan, and then it is going to be funny to watch them in the shit over their heads and reaping what they have sown.
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This mom found an insane list on her woke son's laptop where he listed the "sins" his classmates had committed​

We are turning our children into religious zealots who see their non-woke classmates as less-than-human.
Prove me wrong:

Dear Care and Feeding: I Found a Creepy List on My Son’s Laptop

Parenting advice on social justice, domestic abuse, and Covid.

Totally normal behavior, right? Every kid makes a list of their classmates' perceived indiscretions. That's totally part of healthy human development!

Keep reading

And now they're conrnced and can't possibly just understand how this could of happen

I have an idea on how this happened

The generation coming up will be your murderers
My favorite part is when they murder all the teachers

View attachment 551985

She so stupid she UGLY!!!!!!!

Wait I know the BEE is satire, but is the Ticktock satire as well, I'm honestly not sure?
Wait I know the BEE is satire, but is the Ticktock satire as well, I'm honestly not sure?
Not as far as I know, and my experience of living in Western Weshington until very recently tells me that this insane bitch is the perfect example of the foul, skanky lib dem asshole which the blue core of Western Washington is packed with. No satire anywhere near that evil ****. She's dead serious. "Equity leader"? That just makes me laugh.

I'm so glad I'm out of there!

This mom found an insane list on her woke son's laptop where he listed the "sins" his classmates had committed​

We are turning our children into religious zealots who see their non-woke classmates as less-than-human.
Prove me wrong:

Dear Care and Feeding: I Found a Creepy List on My Son’s Laptop

Parenting advice on social justice, domestic abuse, and Covid.

Totally normal behavior, right? Every kid makes a list of their classmates' perceived indiscretions. That's totally part of healthy human development!

Keep reading

And now they're conrnced and can't possibly just understand how this could of happen

I have an idea on how this happened

The generation coming up will be your murderers
My favorite part is when they murder all the teachers

View attachment 551985

She’s a nut

And btw what is a bipoc?

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.. Black can refer to dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Australia or their descendants without regard for the lightness or darkness of skin tone, and who were enslaved by white people.
Not the bee is not satire
The bee is satire

Not the bee is the FUSA most trusted news source :):p

OMG!!! I just saw BEE and thought the story had to be satire. With liberals in control the lines of satire and conspiracy have bee blurred.

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