So...what's the deal with toilet paper?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???
Nobody here understands it either..............We have been making fun of it all day ......LOL
Well..I am not going to stress about it, myself. I have paper towels, still have TP and if worse comes to worse....I'll ue a leaf. LOL
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???
Nobody here understands it either..............We have been making fun of it all day ......LOL
It's bottled water too....It has to do with the size of the packages.

If 20-30 people decide to toss an extra mega-pack of TP and/or flat of water on their cart "just to be safe", that creates bigger empty spaces on the shelves than doing the same for cans of tuna or boxes of mac-n-cheez....Others see the large expanses of emptying shelves and buy based off of fear of loss....Then the whole thing snowballs.
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???

People are worried they are going to be locked down and not be able to come out of their home for some time, so they are stocking up on essentials.

They are also worried that if everyone is doing it, they better get some in case they run out and can't get some more in a timely manner. That will go away when the shelves are restocked a few times and people realize they can get what they need.

Hoarding toilet paper will be one of the cultural references we will have looking back on this time.
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???
Nobody here understands it either..............We have been making fun of it all day ......LOL
It's bottled water too....It has to do with the size of the packages.

If 20-30 people decide to toss an extra mega-pack of TP and/or flat of water on their cart "just to be safe", that creates bigger empty spaces on the shelves than doing the same for cans of tuna or boxes of mac-n-cheez....Others see the large expanses of emptying shelves and buy based off of fear of loss....Then the whole thing snowballs.

What's funny is that stocking up on water assumes you can't get any water. That happens here in Florida when we have hurricanes. I don't think you have to worry about hurricanes in LA. The water is going to keep working, even if nobody leaves their homes for two weeks.
Well..I am not going to stress about it, myself. I have paper towels, still have TP and if worse comes to worse....I'll ue a leaf. LOL
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???
Nobody here understands it either..............We have been making fun of it all day ......LOL
It's bottled water too....It has to do with the size of the packages.

If 20-30 people decide to toss an extra mega-pack of TP and/or flat of water on their cart "just to be safe", that creates bigger empty spaces on the shelves than doing the same for cans of tuna or boxes of mac-n-cheez....Others see the large expanses of emptying shelves and buy based off of fear of loss....Then the whole thing snowballs.

What's funny is that stocking up on water assumes you can't get any water. That happens here in Florida when we have hurricanes. I don't think you have to worry about hurricanes in LA. The water is going to keep working, even if nobody leaves their homes for two weeks.
I suppose I could make a crack about TP being panic currency and relate it to the Fed, but that's some seriously low hanging fruit.:auiqs.jpg:
I'm in a small town so central KY, most don't give a shit about the scare but today went and shelves cleaned out, No TP, no paper towels, not even napkins. Food shelves wiped almost in half, well things like canned goods, wanted a couple cans spam. Nothing, few cans vienna sausage some crap tuna.

Remember Obamas relection 2012, ammo went sky high, 22lr was no where to be found. Wallys used to sell the 500-550 round cartons $20-22. But hoarder bought them up and you could get them for $200 on the gun auctions. $10 boxes 9mm went to $30 dealer price!

Fear, hoarding, gougers.
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???

People have been selling it on the streets from as much as a $100 a roll.

The problem is that there are people seeking to corner the market on the product, just like Tulipmania back in the 17th Century I believe.

And that just aggravates the shortages.
In 10 years of The Walking Dead, I never saw them do a run for tp. Or in other movies/books, did they do specific runs for tp. Weirdos.
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???

People have been selling it on the streets from as much as a $100 a roll.

The problem is that there are people seeking to corner the market on the product, just like Tulipmania back in the 17th Century I believe.

And that just aggravates the shortages.
But there are no shortages....I was in a grocery store Thursday and they were rolling numerous pallets of TP onto the floor and just dropping them as end caps....The only thing that could hold up any supplies would be logistics.
Well..I am not going to stress about it, myself. I have paper towels, still have TP and if worse comes to worse....I'll ue a leaf. LOL
You must live in a warm climate. Where I live there are no leaves until the end of May
Water? That reminds me. The other store has no coke or pepsi product anymore, that isle is all big jugs water!

Worried about water? Water Distillers - Nutriteam Inc. I don't do tap water been using one of these 15 years, distill any water.

Or a Berkley if no power. I have an unused big berkley in the box still, if necessary I can do rain water, even the water from my pond. British troops used these all over the world. Berkey Water Filter Systems - For the Love of Clean Water
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???

People have been selling it on the streets from as much as a $100 a roll.

The problem is that there are people seeking to corner the market on the product, just like Tulipmania back in the 17th Century I believe.

And that just aggravates the shortages.

Then I blame the stores. They should not allow anyone to buy more than one package of TP at a time.
No cases here in this town of the virus. None. Yet, when I went to the store just now to get a few things, I was shocked that the toilet paper isle was completely empty of toilet paper. Not one roll in sight. I stood there and shook my head. A few people were grabbing paper towels. I said "this virus is not a gastro one. So...whats the deal?" and they laughed and said they didn't understand it either. When I got up to the cashier (long lines this time, no carts so I had to filch one from the parking lot), I said loudly "So..I really thought this town had its shit together..literally and figuratively but I guess I was wrong" which garnered some laughs along with my own.

Any clue why people are freaking out about not having toilet paper???

Some people don't need to use it apparently. Others need 100 rolls and they will have 97 left after the virus passes through.


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