So, What Is Everybody Doing For Christmas?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I just thought that I would start this topic now that it's the day after Thanksgiving. Funnily enough, I sort of forgot most of the items on my Christmas list so most of it will be a surprise. XD I don't really know everything that I'm doing yet, except I have out of town family members visiting me and we might go on a sleigh ride and go sled riding. :)
Smash & Grab like everyone else.

Smash and Grab.jpeg

Merry Christmas
I will likely spend the afternoon with the grandkids watching them open our presents. We used to go pretty wild with gift-giving and the kids would spend over an hour opening them all. Yeah, the wife buys all year long for Christmas so it adds up.

Finally, our daughter (My step-daughter actually but we don't make the distinction) said two years ago, "We are limiting everyone to giving them just three gifts per person for Christmas". We agreed because her reasoning was sound.

Jesus only received three gifts and they want to keep the Christmas season about "The Christ".
I will likely spend the afternoon with the grandkids watching them open our presents. We used to go pretty wild with gift-giving and the kids would spend over an hour opening them all. Yeah, the wife buys all year long for Christmas so it adds up.

Finally, our daughter (My step-daughter actually but we don't make the distinction) said two years ago, "We are limiting everyone to giving them just three gifts per person for Christmas". We agreed because her reasoning was sound.

Jesus only received three gifts and they want to keep the Christmas season about "The Christ".

Yeah we always spoiled our Niece and continue to do so to this day.
Of course she's the only one we have to spoil so why not? Every Birthday we've given Her $100 bucks,we started doing this when she was 8 so she's up to $1300 hundred a year for Her Birthday.
She went off to college this year so we furnished Her Dorm with everything she needs and we put money into her account for expenses.
Her being a Conservative makes it way more satisfying.
Because of how much it snowed in my area on Christmas Eve, very little was done the next day and so this year, it will all depend on what kind of weather we are given this time around. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Last year was my second white Christmas here in east TN. My first was in 2002. They are the only white Christmases that I have ever experienced and that is after ten years of being in northern KY.
I'll probably drink wine and listen to my father and grandfather argue about politics.
Oh and I know that I also want to make a Build-A-Bear for a children's charity and decorate veteran's graves for Christmas. :)
I just thought that I would start this topic now that it's the day after Thanksgiving. Funnily enough, I sort of forgot most of the items on my Christmas list so most of it will be a surprise. XD I don't really know everything that I'm doing yet, except I have out of town family members visiting me and we might go on a sleigh ride and go sled riding. :)
I bid on a large commercial project. If I get it I will be working. Having said that I know my bid isn't the lowest so it's not looking hopeful.
Btw, does anybody still send Christmas cards? I do. :)

Nah...I really dont have that much family left. And the ones I do have dont send Christmas cards and are content with a phone conversation and I like it that way.
Back when the Wife and I were first married we went all out for Christmas. Our house put The Griswold house to shame!!
After 15 years or so we just got tired of all the work. We held Christmas at our house every year,did all the cooking and whatnot and it just got old.
I won't be home for Christmas.

My wife and I will be in a community far, far from home. A broadcaster I have worked with for 50 years is short on staff. So short that there will not be enough staff on hand to carry on the tradition of broadcasting a midnight Christmas service. When we learned of that we bought the airline tickets and will be there to make sure it happens. Unfortunately the broadcaster cannot afford to stream so it be heard only within the normal listening range.

My wife, God Bless Her, was 100% behind the idea and says she feels it will be the best Christmas we've ever had together in 55 years of marriage.

Oddly, I am not a praying person. The motivation is that so many older people in that area can't get to their churches anymore - so many have closed or have no resident clergy. We can't stand the thought of their being so very alone.

The staff shortage isn't all virus related; young people seem to lack motivation to have any regard for....much less....serve others.

If you ARE a praying person please pray that American can rise again.

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