So tired of hearing Republicans complain they are attacked and treated unfairly


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?
Don't listen. Shouldn't be difficult

So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?

Wow, so many fallacies in one post.

"Bush tax cuts"? do know Obama decided to keep those tax rates, but now you're outraged by the same tax rates.

"The GOP let Bin Laden go"....Uhh Bush era waterboarding and interrogations are what gave us the intel to find him. Obungles sat on the intel for months before doing anything. He only decided to act knowing if it ever leaked out that he had him and did nothing, his political career would be over, not because he cared about killing him.

The GOP did not "give us Trump". The people forced Trump onto the GOP, much to their disliking. He's an independent, he put the GOP cucks in their place. Why do you think John Mc-shit-Stain hates him so much?

What does automation have to do with manufacturing jobs in foreign countries? Even if they are automated, there is no reason they can't be in the US.
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?

I don't mind, "Fake News" aficionados fighting back, I just wish they were knowledgeable on the facts and a lot less emotional and loony... :popcorn:


... including irrational and enraged.. :wink_2:
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If deanturd LISTENED to people with a different point of view he might not be such a sniveling oxygen thief.

Hate and envy is far too comfortable for him. Rather than assess his own failures to be a decent productive human being he can just hate people who are, and demand government steal their shit in order to pacify that envy.

So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?

Are you saying this from one of your "safe spaces" where no one is allowed to disagree with you?
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?
I am tired of listening to you whiney ass liberals complaining that nothing is being done for this country. We did fight back against you libfucks, because if you didn't notice, your vagina candidate didn't win the election. Also if you don't like what is going on, leave for your Socialist Utopian Paradise, Cuba, just leave your passport at the border, as We the People don't want you here anymore.

These are your fellow traveler Trump supporters any questions about which side of History you are on ?
Why is it that Democrap Socialist Workers Party(NAZI) is a supporter of a guy who wants to stop the spread of Socialism in America, while you, a traitor to this county, is a follower of Joseph Stalin(United Soviet Socialist Republic) commie, who killed millions of his own countrymen. The two sides of Socialism(far right socialist and far left socialist) are repeating the very history that happened in the early 1930's Without the Libertarian/Conservatives, who openly and concealed carry, the Socialist would be all over the place. Tyrone is a liberal bitch, who has no clue that both shield wielding DOPES are rooted in Socialism.
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?

Wow, what a thoroughly stupid thing to say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?

Wow, so many fallacies in one post.

"Bush tax cuts"? do know Obama decided to keep those tax rates, but now you're outraged by the same tax rates.

"The GOP let Bin Laden go"....Uhh Bush era waterboarding and interrogations are what gave us the intel to find him. Obungles sat on the intel for months before doing anything. He only decided to act knowing if it ever leaked out that he had him and did nothing, his political career would be over, not because he cared about killing him.

The GOP did not "give us Trump". The people forced Trump onto the GOP, much to their disliking. He's an independent, he put the GOP cucks in their place. Why do you think John Mc-shit-Stain hates him so much?

What does automation have to do with manufacturing jobs in foreign countries? Even if they are automated, there is no reason they can't be in the US.
You said: "Bush tax cuts"? do know Obama decided to keep those tax rates, but now you're outraged by the same tax rates.

Did you ever bother to ask "why"?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?

Wow, so many fallacies in one post.

"Bush tax cuts"? do know Obama decided to keep those tax rates, but now you're outraged by the same tax rates.

"The GOP let Bin Laden go"....Uhh Bush era waterboarding and interrogations are what gave us the intel to find him. Obungles sat on the intel for months before doing anything. He only decided to act knowing if it ever leaked out that he had him and did nothing, his political career would be over, not because he cared about killing him.

The GOP did not "give us Trump". The people forced Trump onto the GOP, much to their disliking. He's an independent, he put the GOP cucks in their place. Why do you think John Mc-shit-Stain hates him so much?

What does automation have to do with manufacturing jobs in foreign countries? Even if they are automated, there is no reason they can't be in the US.

You said: "The GOP let Bin Laden go"....Uhh Bush era waterboarding and interrogations are what gave us the intel to find him. Obungles sat on the intel for months before doing anything. He only decided to act knowing if it ever leaked out that he had him and did nothing, his political career would be over, not because he cared about killing him.

That's not true and was completely debunked. Bush said he didn't think about Bin Laden and "truly doesn't care". It's on video. He disbanded the CIA unit charged with finding Bin Laden. And when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was, McCain mocked him for being inexperienced.

You guys can't just make sh!t up. We have video and reports. Come on. Get it together. If your entire argument is a lie, which it is, then you have no argument.
So many problems can be laid right at the feet of the GOP. I don't understand why they complain when facts are pointed out. If they are on the wrong side of history, it's their own fault. Just pointing out facts is not an attack. Not when it's "facts".

The Bush Tax cuts were the beginning of the great deficit and did nothing but give a very, very slight bump to the economy.

The country was tricked into Iraq.

The GOP disbanding the Iraqi military created Isis.

Republicans let Bin Laden go scot free for years after 9/11 until Obama had him tracked down and put down.

The response after Katrina was pitiful.

The GOP made the Katrina aftermath worse by giving out carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything.

The GOP has no health care plan beyond ending health care for tens of millions of Americans.

The GOP gave us Donald Trump.

After the failed Bush Tax cuts, the GOP wants to cut another trillion in taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. The GOP is lying about bringing them back.

The GOP has worked tirelessly to reduce food stamps for poor children and veterans.

The GOP wants to cut school lunches and daycare for working parents with children.

Remember, Trump's and the GOP's new budget would have cut billions out of FEMA, the agency Houston is depending on.

6 million jobs are unfilled and a majority of Republicans think college is bad for the country.

The GOP complains they are mistreated and treated unfairly. But look at their policies and what they have done to this country. Why aren't we supposed to fight back?
Only one person even tried to deny what I posted and it turns out they told easily disproven lies. Perhaps Republicans should just accept who they are and quit trying to blame others.

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