So sick of seeing medical commercials on TV


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?

Welcome to USMB... I don't know. You buy the wrong detergent and your clothes just smell different. Buy the wrong statin drug and you could be hurting. I think it's great that folks hear all of the drug disclaimers and "bad news".. But the good news is -- some of those drugs are really life-changers for some folks..

All that doesn't depress doctors. Oncologists have to survive all that traumatic pain and grief. And nurses see all too much reality every day..
Boomers are coming into the golden years.

Only thing I can't stand seeing is the GROSS ones.
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?

Welcome to USMB... I don't know. You buy the wrong detergent and your clothes just smell different. Buy the wrong statin drug and you could be hurting. I think it's great that folks hear all of the drug disclaimers and "bad news".. But the good news is -- some of those drugs are really life-changers for some folks..

All that doesn't depress doctors. Oncologists have to survive all that traumatic pain and grief. And nurses see all too much reality every day..

But why didn't we see this 20 years ago?
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?
You're right! I'm glad you brought that up. What really gets me and I personally find so disturbing in the medical commercials are the drugs they advertise to take for some illnesses. And then the barrage of information that follows such as that it could cause a stroke, diabetes, or even worse. Who in the world do they think would step up to the plate after hearing that and say that they would be willing guinea pigs for that stuff if it's that dangerous to take in the first place? It seems like the supposed cure might even do more harm than good in many cases according to those commercials!

Further, I also hate the commercials about kids needing a diaper changed or the toilet paper commercials, etc. right when one is seated at the dinner table eating. And then, of course, there's the non-ending commercials about ED. Those are getting so old as are the ones about painful sex. There ought to be a time when the FCC allows those to be aired and not before. Like after 10 p.m. and actually much later when the kids are in bed. But they are shown during Prime Time when many children are watching who could get very curious and ask "Mommy, what is ED?" or "Why does intercourse hurt? And what is intercourse anyway, Mommy?" You get the drift don't you? Children are curious beings and this stuff is aired just about every day as if there's no tomorrow. And then they wonder why promiscuity among the very young is occurring. Well, just look at what's being aired right when the young are watching t.v.! There's your answer! So, yes, that has got to Stop! Companies need to find other ways to go after the almighty dollar instead of during prime time tv!
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?

Welcome to USMB... I don't know. You buy the wrong detergent and your clothes just smell different. Buy the wrong statin drug and you could be hurting. I think it's great that folks hear all of the drug disclaimers and "bad news".. But the good news is -- some of those drugs are really life-changers for some folks..

All that doesn't depress doctors. Oncologists have to survive all that traumatic pain and grief. And nurses see all too much reality every day..

But why didn't we see this 20 years ago?

I THINK --- there was a rule change at the FDA or FCC.. If I'm correct, they were not allowed on TV back then.. Could be wrong.. I think it's great that folks KNOW the risks and rewards. Because your pharmacist might take time to review it with you -- but doctors generally never do..
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?

Welcome to USMB... I don't know. You buy the wrong detergent and your clothes just smell different. Buy the wrong statin drug and you could be hurting. I think it's great that folks hear all of the drug disclaimers and "bad news".. But the good news is -- some of those drugs are really life-changers for some folks..

All that doesn't depress doctors. Oncologists have to survive all that traumatic pain and grief. And nurses see all too much reality every day..

But why didn't we see this 20 years ago?
Well there can be no doubt that it is because twenty years ago we did not have the type of permissiveness that is running rampant today. They wouldn't dare mention such things and I think the F.C.C. that regulates the airwaves would not have allowed such commercials to air. Today, unfortunately they do. Using the word "bit**" on the air 20 yrs. ago would have gotten a heavy fine for the station that aired it and possibly even the threat of having their license pulled. Now it is said openly and freely not only on tv. but on the radio too. This is a very permissive age we are living in where just about anything goes. Just look at prime time tv. shows and all the sex and violence that wasn't being shown yesteryear. Today it is and plenty of it. So, yes, times have changed but I'm not so sure that it's for the better when we see this type of thing being aired so openly where anyone, and I mean anyone can see it and become disturbed by it.
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?
You're right! I'm glad you brought that up. What really gets me and I personally find so disturbing in the medical commercials are the drugs they advertise to take for some illnesses. And then the barrage of information that follows such as that it could cause a stroke, diabetes, or even worse. Who in the world do they think would step up to the plate after hearing that and say that they would be willing guinea pigs for that stuff if it's that dangerous to take in the first place? It seems like the supposed cure might even do more harm than good in many cases according to those commercials!

Further, I also hate the commercials about kids needing a diaper changed or the toilet paper commercials, etc. right when one is seated at the dinner table eating. And then, of course, there's the non-ending commercials about ED. Those are getting so old as are the ones about painful sex. There ought to be a time when the FCC allows those to be aired and not before. Like after 10 p.m. and actually much later when the kids are in bed. But they are shown during Prime Time when many children are watching who could get very curious and ask "Mommy, what is ED?" or "Why does intercourse hurt? And what is intercourse anyway, Mommy?" You get the drift don't you? Children are curious beings and this stuff is aired just about every day as if there's no tomorrow. And then they wonder why promiscuity among the very young is occurring. Well, just look at what's being aired right when the young are watching t.v.! There's your answer! So, yes, that has got to Stop! Companies need to find other ways to go after the almighty dollar instead of during prime time tv!

Yabut, us old folks are in bed by that time ...

.... having had our sex earlier in the evening ...

They have to name all the possible side effects so they don't get sued later but yes, it often sounds like the treatment would be much worse than the ailment.

The ones that have me scratching my head are for catheters. If we believe the sheer number of these commercials, people just aren't peeing on their own any more.
Welcome to USMB... I don't know. You buy the wrong detergent and your clothes just smell different. Buy the wrong statin drug and you could be hurting. I think it's great that folks hear all of the drug disclaimers and "bad news".. But the good news is -- some of those drugs are really life-changers for some folks..

All that doesn't depress doctors. Oncologists have to survive all that traumatic pain and grief. And nurses see all too much reality every day..

But why didn't we see this 20 years ago?
Well there can be no doubt that it is because twenty years ago we did not have the type of permissiveness that is running rampant today. They wouldn't dare mention such things and I think the F.C.C. that regulates the airwaves would not have allowed such commercials to air. Today, unfortunately they do. Using the word "bit**" on the air 20 yrs. ago would have gotten a heavy fine for the station that aired it and possibly even the threat of having their license pulled. Now it is said openly and freely not only on tv. but on the radio too. This is a very permissive age we are living in where just about anything goes. Just look at prime time tv. shows and all the sex and violence that wasn't being shown yesteryear. Today it is and plenty of it. So, yes, times have changed but I'm not so sure that it's for the better when we see this type of thing being aired so openly where anyone, and I mean anyone can see it and become disturbed by it.

This is discussed at some length in the documentary, Orwell Rolls In His Grave.

When Michael Powell (Colin Powell's ultra-RW son who is owned by Rupert Murdoch) was prez of the FCC, he ramrodded through an end of many regs that protected the US media from foreign takeover. Until then, no US media could be owned by foreign corporations and no corporation could own more than one media of any kind - eg - tv, radio, print, etc.

All that was changed and we lost true journalism and news reporting forever. And, of course, now all media is owned and controlled by a very few mega-corps and an Arab Muslim oil sheik controls fox programming content.

The documentary is available on You Tube.
Hahaaha your right boomers aged and now thats where the money is, medicine and health care.
I like at the end of some of the commercials they have a list of disclaimers.

Results may vary from patient to patent. Not all procedures may be used on some individuals depending on age health sex, sexual preference or deviance and number of sexual partners. In rare instances test subjects were caught by their spouses. In which case we are not responsible for any illicit or unwanted side effects that may arise from the use of this product.

please use under the direction of your doctor and do not operate heavy equipment such as a caterpillar model 17 bull dozer or a 40 inch chain saw. Also this medicine should not be used with alcohol or other pain medications or for recreation purposes or as a date enhancing additive slipped into a drink.
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I always had a Doctor that recommended the drugs that I should use . Course I was lucky , I was never on drugs except for a specific problem.
Most doctors are a joke. Like mine who recommended Tylenol for my arthriitis
Now that I've got a 51] screen - it's amazing all those tiny little letters they put at the bottom of those commercials.

But, what's the option?

More of the stupid little lizard with his weird accent?
The lame-brained dude they have showing an ass of himself for Cox Cable?
The lawyers and their phony, badly rehearsed claims?
Endless car commercials?

The only thing good about commercials is being able to get up to do things you've been putting off because the show has got you hooked.
I liked my Doctors , had a few for broken bones throughout my life and i'm walking and doing the things that I want to do . Never any disease so far but I am getting older . Tylenol or Ibupropen , I'd use Ibupropen or aspirin but that's just me .
I liked my Doctors , had a few for broken bones throughout my life and i'm walking and doing the things that I want to do . Never any disease so far but I am getting older . Tylenol or Ibupropen , I'd use Ibupropen or aspirin but that's just me .

Tylenol does nothing for Joint Pain
I don't like Tylenol because I have heard that it can cause liver damage .
on Doctors , I have no use for the tv Doctors on many tv [socalled] news shows . Can't think of names but I see them on FOX on Sunday as I switch channels . TV is terrible and that's ALL tv , imo .
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can't even relaxed anymore and watched your favorite show without seeing a depressing medical commercial. What happen to commercials about cookies, detergent, dishwasher, soap?

And why would there be cancer commercial when everyone is not saved?
I'm tired of seeing all of them commercials too, but I also believe that every life that can be saved should be saved. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me if the commercials have to be shown, they should be from a more positive approach.

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