So Sad. Poor Michael Flynn. The Trump Team figuring out how to throw him under the bus.

Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

Michael Flynn’s brother has a totally surprising request for Trump: pardon Michael Flynn

Trump's lawyers reportedly want to cast Michael Flynn as a liar

Poor little Mikie Flynn, has to sell his house to pay legal fees and he still pleads guilty.

Here's the House Michael Flynn Will Reportedly Sell to Pay His Legal Bills

He is going to have to give up someone ...........................higher ..................on the food chain.

Hmmmm, who could it be?
like you care about the guy.....he is white,he is your enemy....

You mean,

You didn't know?

Wow, I guess I'm not surprised.

But let me clue you in.

I know you won't believe this,

But unlike you, not all whites are Nazi's and Klansmen.
you called me a nazi before, when i asked you to prove that you started doing your little dance....are you going to prove that now or will you start dancing again?.....but then you are a little pussy so i would not expect you to back up what you say....
Poor thing.

Is that a tear?

Or a pearl?
I'm still trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election; let's see...


Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?


Was it Wikileaks?


Was it Podesta?


Was it Comey??


Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?


Was it Huma Abedin's sexual predator husband? Anthony Weiner?


Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?


Was it subpoena violations? Was it the congressional testimony lies??

Was it the Benghazi fiasco?


Was it Pay For Play?


Was it the recording of Hillary laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?


Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper Gate scandal?


Was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apartment bought with Foundation money?
(see the resemblance to Webster Hubbell?)


OR her husband's interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?


OR happily accepting the stolen debate questions?


OR her own secret server in her house and disdain for classified information?


OR deleting 30,000 emails?


OR having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?


Was it the Vince Foster murder?


Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the U.S. deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?


Was it Bill's impeachment?


Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10M she got for the pardon of Marc Rich?

OR the $6 BILLION she "lost" when in charge of the State Department?


Or is it because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

Gee I just can't seem to put my finger on it....
Rumour has it that Flynn's son was on the hook for trying to kidap a cleric. The tax complaints against Manifort appear to be taxes. Now we know Flynn was a hold over from bama days. He's not being charged with anything done UNDER Trump. He's being charged with shit he did UNDER bama.

I further think Manifort and Flynn BOTH being hold overs from bama might be deep state so if they lose I could care less. And that little fucker McCain is a fucking traitor. Ain't no way around that Johnny. You were the fucking bagman that helped start this shit. I only wish that rat bastard lived long enough to be water boarded!

Will we get Hillary out of all this? No, pipe dream. That woman is totally galvanized and living in her own world.
She's the biggest political loser since Ted Kennedy who lost to the second worst president EVER. Bama was nothing but a cheap knock off of Carter.

So a Manifort/Flynn. Conviction means nothing. When your dealing with deep state it's not a matter of who you catch, it's who gets away!
"Deep State"?


Oh these Republicans and their conspiracies.

Yeah, the only "conspiracies" are the ones that are perpetrated to prevent the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies from their rightful place in power........(snicker)
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

Michael Flynn’s brother has a totally surprising request for Trump: pardon Michael Flynn

Trump's lawyers reportedly want to cast Michael Flynn as a liar

Poor little Mikie Flynn, has to sell his house to pay legal fees and he still pleads guilty.

Here's the House Michael Flynn Will Reportedly Sell to Pay His Legal Bills

He is going to have to give up someone ...........................higher ..................on the food chain.

Hmmmm, who could it be?
like you care about the guy.....he is white,he is your enemy....

You mean,

You didn't know?

Wow, I guess I'm not surprised.

But let me clue you in.

I know you won't believe this,

But unlike you, not all whites are Nazi's and Klansmen.
you called me a nazi before, when i asked you to prove that you started doing your little dance....are you going to prove that now or will you start dancing again?.....but then you are a little pussy so i would not expect you to back up what you say....
Poor thing.

Is that a tear?

Or a pearl?
like i have said before.....little pussies,like you, use names to fight back,because thats all you know, but when you were always the last person picked for a team in gym class it kinda gives you a complex....i bet your HS years were hell for you....
I'm still trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election; let's see...


Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?


Was it Wikileaks?


Was it Podesta?


Was it Comey??


Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?


Was it Huma Abedin's sexual predator husband? Anthony Weiner?


Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?


Was it subpoena violations? Was it the congressional testimony lies??

Was it the Benghazi fiasco?


Was it Pay For Play?


Was it the recording of Hillary laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?


Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper Gate scandal?


Was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apartment bought with Foundation money?
(see the resemblance to Webster Hubbell?)


OR her husband's interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?


OR happily accepting the stolen debate questions?


OR her own secret server in her house and disdain for classified information?


OR deleting 30,000 emails?


OR having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?


Was it the Vince Foster murder?


Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the U.S. deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?


Was it Bill's impeachment?


Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10M she got for the pardon of Marc Rich?

OR the $6 BILLION she "lost" when in charge of the State Department?


Or is it because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

Gee I just can't seem to put my finger on it....
Put your finger on the one she was convicted of.

The one where she was found guilty.

The one that wasn't just a GOP conspiracy.



Thought so.

The Hildebeast is bloodline protected but that is going to come to an end very, very soon. I hope you will still be around when it happens.

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