So RWers....Is It OK To Call Him General Betray Us Now?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.

We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


I was thinking about that earlier today. Watch it turn out that he was screwing that Jill Kelley woman as well.

On one hand, he was a lifelong govt employee (taker), living off the govt dime, and having an adultrous affair, violating military law, etc, etc, etc.

On the other, he was a war hero and a military general.

Will be fun to see which stance the right wing takes on this.
Remember how they feigned outrage over the "General Betrayus Ad?"

Well....let's see how they deal with this now.

He's actually betrayed us...again. And they don't seem to like it.

What a pickle.

We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


Obama is the one that put him in charge of the CIA.
It wasn't Obama that went dipping his penis all around town though.

Seems that there's at least 2 mistresses involved, Broadwell got caught b/c she used certain emails to contact another female she felt threatened by, concerning BetrayUs that is.

Common sense tells you that was the other "other woman."

Man oh man, oh man.

What happened to personal responsibility?

Obama was just doing the right thing by America in keeping the most qualified man, or so All of America thought, in that position.

Boy did Obama get a shock!

Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.
Personally, I haven't forgotten, nor forgiven him for his original sin that earned him the moniker General Betray-us from the Bush Administration.

That's what I'm basing my statements on. I couldn't care less about his penis dipping today. I didn't care about Clinton's either. However, in this case, the penis dipping seems to actually bring harm to the country.

I believe there's a big Turd-Storm coming over this...and it's headed straight for General Betray-us.

To me it's yet, another case of the chickens coming home to roost. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Obama was just doing the right thing by America in keeping the most qualified man, or so All of America thought, in that position.

Boy did Obama get a shock!


Why would an Army General be the most qualified man to run the CIA? I was scratching my head about this when it was done.

Now I understand why. They had dirt on him the whole time. The adulterous affair was the prerequisite for the job and he finally completed that requirement last year before going to the CIA.
Obama was just doing the right thing by America in keeping the most qualified man, or so All of America thought, in that position.

Boy did Obama get a shock!


Why would an Army General be the most qualified man to run the CIA? I was scratching my head about this when it was done.

Now I understand why. They had dirt on him the whole time. The adulterous affair was the prerequisite for the job and he finally completed that requirement last year before going to the CIA.
Well, who the heck knows.

All I know is that the RW palooka General Betray-us is in deep soup!

And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Is there more I am missing? I generally stay away from news on sex.

The man who is in charge of the CIA which is the dirty hand of our government which kills people, had an affair or two?

The security lapse is if he can be blackmailed I suppose, then again, this man is in charge of the CIA which I assume is up to no good at this exact moment.

Funny how much it matters where his private parts come out.
Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.
Personally, I haven't forgotten, nor forgiven him for his original sin that earned him the moniker General Betray-us from the Bush Administration.

That's what I'm basing my statements on. I couldn't care less about his penis dipping today. I didn't care about Clinton's either. However, in this case, the penis dipping seems to actually bring harm to the country.

I believe there's a big Turd-Storm coming over this...and it's headed straight for General Betray-us.

To me it's yet, another case of the chickens coming home to roost. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Tell me, what was, how did you put it, his original sin? Please be specific if you can.
Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.
Personally, I haven't forgotten, nor forgiven him for his original sin that earned him the moniker General Betray-us from the Bush Administration.

That's what I'm basing my statements on. I couldn't care less about his penis dipping today. I didn't care about Clinton's either. However, in this case, the penis dipping seems to actually bring harm to the country.

I believe there's a big Turd-Storm coming over this...and it's headed straight for General Betray-us.

To me it's yet, another case of the chickens coming home to roost. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Tell me, what was, how did you put it, his original sin? Please be specific if you can.
Good question. He gave Bush cover for his war lies. As the MoveOn organization reported...Patreaus cooked the books. ad controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Personally, I haven't forgotten, nor forgiven him for his original sin that earned him the moniker General Betray-us from the Bush Administration.

That's what I'm basing my statements on. I couldn't care less about his penis dipping today. I didn't care about Clinton's either. However, in this case, the penis dipping seems to actually bring harm to the country.

I believe there's a big Turd-Storm coming over this...and it's headed straight for General Betray-us.

To me it's yet, another case of the chickens coming home to roost. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Tell me, what was, how did you put it, his original sin? Please be specific if you can.
Good question. He gave Bush cover for his war lies. As the MoveOn organization reported...Patreaus cooked the books. ad controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny thing about your link, it seems to be very long on accustations, but provided no evidence of their validity. But you heard it from a treacherous group that you identify with, so it has to be true, right? Yet when your dear leader embraced him, all the accustaions majically disappeared, how fucking funny is that?
Personally, I haven't forgotten, nor forgiven him for his original sin that earned him the moniker General Betray-us from the Bush Administration.

That's what I'm basing my statements on. I couldn't care less about his penis dipping today. I didn't care about Clinton's either. However, in this case, the penis dipping seems to actually bring harm to the country.

I believe there's a big Turd-Storm coming over this...and it's headed straight for General Betray-us.

To me it's yet, another case of the chickens coming home to roost. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Tell me, what was, how did you put it, his original sin? Please be specific if you can.
Good question. He gave Bush cover for his war lies. As the MoveOn organization reported...Patreaus cooked the books. ad controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be that as it may..General Petraeus did an outstanding job in Iraq. And did so by employing a strategy that was far different then Rumsfeld and Bremer's. He saved Iraq from total collapse and enabled the United States to leave.

He deserves a great deal of credit for his role in that.
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


No its not ok. As of right now his career and personal life are two different things.ill be blunt with you marc. You are not making yourself look good with this trashy style of posting you did.

The guy cheated and people are using it as a politcal football on other issues that are not relevant.
No, Plama, the women he cheated with weren't just sneaked in and out the side door, they had access to his friggin' computer and office files. They are security issues. Do I personally think they were spies? No, but for all any of us know they could have taken top-secret info home with them. They could blackmail him or sell it to "interested parties" sometime down the road.

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