So Moochelle wants paid- Laura Bush sets Her Straight

figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America

Just when I thought Faux News was the only media source that lied....along come several other right-wing sources..... Obama was talking about equal pay for equal work for American women in the workforce, something that Republicans in Congress don't believe in and the dumbass women that vote for them are in total agreement. Granted....people like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Joni Ernst are probably not entitled to equal pay....but many women are and conservative women continue to vote against their own interests...tsk, tsk.
You do realize that women in the Obama administration are paid less than men. Maybe he should change that before he opens his mouth.
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America

Just when I thought Faux News was the only media source that lied....along come several other right-wing sources..... Obama was talking about equal pay for equal work for American women in the workforce, something that Republicans in Congress don't believe in and the dumbass women that vote for them are in total agreement. Granted....people like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Joni Ernst are probably not entitled to equal pay....but many women are and conservative women continue to vote against their own interests...tsk, tsk.
You do realize that women in the Obama administration are paid less than men. Maybe he should change that before he opens his mouth.

At least he is not giving the interns 'extra credit' by playing with cigars and messing up dresses. All while the government was shut down

figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America

Just when I thought Faux News was the only media source that lied....along come several other right-wing sources..... Obama was talking about equal pay for equal work for American women in the workforce, something that Republicans in Congress don't believe in and the dumbass women that vote for them are in total agreement. Granted....people like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Joni Ernst are probably not entitled to equal pay....but many women are and conservative women continue to vote against their own interests...tsk, tsk.
You do realize that women in the Obama administration are paid less than men. Maybe he should change that before he opens his mouth.
It`s highly unlikely that Obama needs advice from any racist chickenshit women hating goons.
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books

My Dad was one of the ones who passed

What's your point?
My point is that you have no idea who the Nazis were. Michelle is a food Nazi? Fucking moron! Even Stephanie called to say you were an embarrassment.

wrong, I worked in a school cafeteria. and she is called a Food NAZI by more than one worker. And I find nothing impressive about the woman. so leave me out of your spew
Considering Hussein's IRS considers benefits INCOME, I'd say Mooch is in arrears for dozens of vacations....with penalties and interest going back 6 years, I'd say it's time she was arrested and tried for income tax evasion....who's with me?
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figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books
One does not need to be a veteran who actually fought in World War I I.

I was six years old when I saw the Nazis rounding up Jews some of them my kindergarten play mates.

I was ten years old when I saw the Communists rounding up the kulaks and some of them were my friends and I never saw them again.

NaZis were horrible. Hitler was a monster. But Democrat god Franklin Delano Roosevelt sucked up to uncle Joe Stalin Who was far far worse. I hope you liberals are proud of your physical and mental cripple.
Amazing all the RW posters here afraid of the First Lady.

They're frightened enough to make up this outrageous story about her.
I don't know about 'frightened', especially in light of the fact that her husband is now a Lame Duck, and that he lost both chambers of Congress.

But I find myself doubting the veracity of the story, as well as its source - or, at the very least, the conclusions that a reasonable person would draw from such data.

Even Ms. "For the first time I'm proud of my country" Obumble, and her hubby, would not be 'dense' enough to try to pull anything along those lines, for real.
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books

My Dad was one of the ones who passed

What's your point?
My point is that you have no idea who the Nazis were. Michelle is a food Nazi? Fucking moron! Even Stephanie called to say you were an embarrassment.

Michelle is a food Nazi.

She needs to mind her own fucking business
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
My God, the Right is so used to throwing lies out and having their dumb fellow Righties believe them. Who ever heard of this source?

Stand-by for your daily news from the controlled left networks here and of course, all is well in our shining culture of inclusion

The Obama's don't do anything for Free unless forced to. Last I checked we didn't elect Michele to run anything or campaign for school lunches. and don't think she didn't make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off of it

Really? What did the Bush's pay for personally?

Obama's Paying for White House Renovations Personally -- New York Magazine

At a time when people are having trouble holding on to their houses, Barack and Michelle Obama have sensibly decided not to use taxpayers’ money to renovate theirs. New presidents are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office, and the Obamas hired Hollywood decorator Michael S. Smith (known, per his site, for mixing “Old World classicism with very contemporary settings”). But the First Couple isn’t spending that money. They “are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters,” says Camille Johnston, director of communications for the First Lady. Nor is the couple, who reported $4.2 million in household income in 2007 tax returns, using money from the White House Historical Association, a privately funded foundation that paid for a $74,000 set of china shortly before Laura Bush left town.

But does this mean they’re going to spend more than $100,000 or less? Though Michelle Obama has talked up Pottery Barn, Smith’s client list includes cost-is-no-object types like Rupert Murdoch, Steven Spielberg, and former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain—for whom he procured that $87,783 rug. “There’s no question that he’ll get it done in the way that it’s supposed to be done,” says Smith client and Democratic donor Katherine Chez. “But how, I don’t know.” The White House declined to disclose the budget, saying that all expenses would remain private as a result of the Obamas’ decision to absorb the cost.
The Obama's don't do anything for Free unless forced to. Last I checked we didn't elect Michele to run anything or campaign for school lunches. and don't think she didn't make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off of it

Really? What did the Bush's pay for personally?

Obama's Paying for White House Renovations Personally -- New York Magazine

At a time when people are having trouble holding on to their houses, Barack and Michelle Obama have sensibly decided not to use taxpayers’ money to renovate theirs. New presidents are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office, and the Obamas hired Hollywood decorator Michael S. Smith (known, per his site, for mixing “Old World classicism with very contemporary settings”). But the First Couple isn’t spending that money. They “are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters,” says Camille Johnston, director of communications for the First Lady. Nor is the couple, who reported $4.2 million in household income in 2007 tax returns, using money from the White House Historical Association, a privately funded foundation that paid for a $74,000 set of china shortly before Laura Bush left town.

But does this mean they’re going to spend more than $100,000 or less? Though Michelle Obama has talked up Pottery Barn, Smith’s client list includes cost-is-no-object types like Rupert Murdoch, Steven Spielberg, and former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain—for whom he procured that $87,783 rug. “There’s no question that he’ll get it done in the way that it’s supposed to be done,” says Smith client and Democratic donor Katherine Chez. “But how, I don’t know.” The White House declined to disclose the budget, saying that all expenses would remain private as a result of the Obamas’ decision to absorb the cost.

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