So, I have not vaxed or boosted. I don't mask.


You are duped by panic porn.

I have children and regularly appear in VERY public places across several counties.

I hope I am a carrier so I can kill more of ypu fucking idiots who do not deserve life.
And the concern for someone other than yourself is dripping off of every statement you make...
And you reproduced?

The world is screwed!
And I am COVID free and healthy as a horse.

Others who get all the vaccines and all the boosters and wear mask EVERYWHERE including the shower, STILL end up getting COVID.

What should I do?


You should do what you think is best for you.

I would add that those that choose to make fun of those that make different healthcare decisions for themselves are really no better than those that attack you for not being vaxxed.

You do you and let others do them. That is the best way to live
You should do what you think is best for you.

I would add that those that choose to make fun of those that make different healthcare decisions for themselves are really no better than those that attack you for not being vaxxed.

You do you and let others do them. That is the best way to live
This would never have even been a topic had it not been for OTHER PEOPLE demanding I not make my own healthcare decisions, and even demanding that THEIR decisions for me be enforced at government gunpoint.

So, forgive me if I am less likely to give a single rat fuck if any of these twats takes a dirt nap.
This would never have even been a topic had it not been for OTHER PEOPLE demanding I not make my own healthcare decisions, and even demanding that THEIR decisions for me be enforced at government gunpoint.

So, forgive me if I am less likely to give a single rat fuck if any of these twats takes a dirt nap.

So the old, if you cannot beat them, join them philosophy! Hey, if that works for you, then I am happy for you.
So, I have not vaxed or boosted. I don't mask.

And I am COVID free and healthy as a horse.

Others who get all the vaccines and all the boosters and wear mask EVERYWHERE including the shower, STILL end up getting COVID.


What should I do?

Live life as a free man, piss on Democrats and Leftists, mock the mask Nazis, ridicule the Covidiots, and VOTE RED

Like I do
No. I am kicking the fucking shit out of them. There's no need to join them. They need to join me.

How can you do that when you have become them? You are doing what they do and think you are somehow now better than them at the same time.
How can you do that when you have become them? You are doing what they do and think you are somehow now better than them at the same time.
I have not become them.

When did I demand that some motherfucker not take the vaccine or mask up? I have been 100% live and let live. It is only when those motherfuckers try to make me do what they think is right, at the point of a fucking gun, that I have no problem shitting in their faces like I'm doing now.

I think you misunderstood this entire dynamic. gonna probably upset some of those who are on the same side I am......but here it goes!!!

Im vaxxed. My wife is vaxxed. we are pro choice and dont think everyone should be masked or vaxxed. we love FREEDOM. Our daughter is 24 and not vaxxed.

2 weeks ago the wife and I got covid. We are just about over it now. we ran a low grade fever for a day and the rest of the symptoms were just like having a bad sinus infection or head cold. I have had the flu and it was MUCH WORSE.

Our daughter.......ran 104 temp and was sick as a dog. Probably should have gone to the ER but she toughed it out.

Now....I have no idea if the vax is why my wife and I had milder symptoms. I dont care. I am just relaying information. We only got the vax to protect my mother in law who is 89. We didn't want to chance giving it to her. Of course now we know we can STILL GET covid and give it to her. So take that for what it's worth.

If you want the vax get it. if you dont, then dont.

FREEDOM. that's what its all about.
And I am COVID free and healthy as a horse.

Others who get all the vaccines and all the boosters and wear mask EVERYWHERE including the shower, STILL end up getting COVID.

What should I do?

You may eventually get infected with some variant. When that time comes, you do what we always do when we get the flu or a cold. You may be like one of the 50k people who die from the flu, or you may get the sniffles and move on.

Your health is everything here. Make sure to exhale the waste bacteria that your body creates, and get it at least six feet away from yourself so you don't breathe it back in. Do not interrupt the system that mother nature created for you by blocking it with a mask.

Do not inject experimental drugs into your body. Mother nature gave us an excellent immune system, so do not interfere with it.

Eat foods that mother nature has been providing for thousands of years. Avoid foods that were not available a thousand years ago.

Stay happy, grab as much pussy as you can.

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