So, I have not vaxed or boosted. I don't mask.

I have not become them.

When did I demand that some motherfucker not take the vaccine or mask up? I have been 100% live and let live. It is only when those motherfuckers try to make me do what they think is right, at the point of a fucking gun, that I have no problem shitting in their faces like I'm doing now.

I think you misunderstood this entire dynamic.
Somebody stuck a gun in your face and told you to mask up and get vaccinated?
I have not become them.

When did I demand that some motherfucker not take the vaccine or mask up? I have been 100% live and let live. It is only when those motherfuckers try to make me do what they think is right, at the point of a fucking gun, that I have no problem shitting in their faces like I'm doing now.

I think you misunderstood this entire dynamic.

Not at all, you rant about them doing things, then you do the same things to make some sort of point. That is like cheating on your spouse because they cheated on you
Somebody stuck a gun in your face and told you to mask up and get vaccinated?

What if Somebody stuck a gun in your face and told you to suck his dick? Would you?

You would say Yessir how deep?

Somebody stuck a gun in your face and told you to mask up and get vaccinated?

The Republican answer is, I'd pull my own gun out and blow a hole through his skull.

Fucking pussy democrats
Not at all, you rant about them doing things, then you do the same things to make some sort of point. That is like cheating on your spouse because they cheated on you

It's defying tyrants and flaunting said defiance in their FUCKING FACES with ridicule. There NOTHING wrong with that AT ALL!!!

Seriously, this fake sanctimonious tone is unbecoming.

It's defying tyrants and flaunting said defiance in their FUCKING FACES with ridicule. There NOTHING wrong with that AT ALL!!!

Seriously, this fake sanctimonious tone is unbecoming.

Nothing fake. If you think it is wrong for them to give you a hard time about not being Vaxxed then it is just as wrong for you to do so about them being Vaxxed.
So far (over 2 fucking years now) I have not had even a sniffle, and 20x vaxed and boosted masked idiots get it 3 times. Some even DIE.

You vax, boost, mask, and die. I'll do none of it and live.

This is a winning strategy.


What else can I do to get you motherfuckers to die?
Time will tell
Somebody stuck a gun in your face and told you to mask up and get vaccinated?
Everybody look at this.

This is the mentality that produces tyranny. This is why people lose freedom.

Tell me, Mr. Clean, what happens if government mandates the vaccine with criminal penalties for non-compliance, and I do not comply?
Nothing fake. If you think it is wrong for them to give you a hard time about not being Vaxxed then it is just as wrong for you to do so about them being Vaxxed.
I think it's wrong for them to GET THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT TO FORCE ME TO GET VAXXED!!!!!

And I have made a case for NOT vaxxing in the OP.
And I am COVID free and healthy as a horse.

Others who get all the vaccines and all the boosters and wear mask EVERYWHERE including the shower, STILL end up getting COVID.

What should I do?


Could we use this same logic for seat belts?

Someone drives for years without their seatbelt and they are still alive so they can make fun of all the sheep that put seat belts on when they drive?
Time will tell
So far time has been the enemy of establishment lovers like yourself. The multiple lies and misinformation presented by the establishment about the vaccines, have been exposed. Yet somehow vaxxers like yourself cling to the absurd belief the vaccines are helpful and all Americans should get jabbed.

It’s all rather surreal. Almost as if we’re living in Orwell’s novel.

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