So California is on fire again...

At least you are thinking about ideas. But, what kind of "water curtain" wouldn't be blown away by 100 MPH winds?

Well, it would have to be forceful and directional, a row of nozzles, aimed into the wind, and while of course it would be blown away, the point is that what would be blowing it is the spark and cinder-laden air, which it would be putting out in the process as sparks hit it while also wetting down that behind it were the sparks were going making it difficult for the fire to propagate via sparks or past that point.

It is something that would be difficult and expensive to develop and would require experiments and study to develop effectively, but I can't think of a better way of stopping or at least suppressing a fire in these conditions.

There might be a network of these systems laid out every mile or so, turned on where needed, and you could also turn one on upstream from the fire so that the wind would blow the water into the fire so that it would also help suppress the fire and generation of sparks.

It would use a lot of water, maybe taken directly from the sea, but the thing is that it wouldn't have to be on very long as once it suppressed an area, the fire would be controlled.

This is the real cause of the fire.

On one fire, I was lighting a backfire next to a highway, but the main fire was approaching so quickly as it approached me that I had to drop my can and then run and jump into the fire truck for safety. The wall of flame simply jumped over the highway and sped away on the other side. I came out just fine, but it was pretty scary.
Seems insane. I am thankful. Not that you put out the fires around me, but maybe.
My oldest boy wants to do the same. Seems very dangerous. Was it dangerous?
Ask the Granite Mountain Hotshots that died in Arizona because a wind shift pushed a fire over them and it stalled long enough to overcome the heat repelling qualities of their Mylar “ shake and bake” bags so they roasted to death.

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