So Biden wants us to believe he's Trump Lite?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?

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Hilarious that Biden is advocating Trump's policies. Somewhere Bernie Sanders supporters are flipping out and China is looking through Joe's emails for an October surprise.

Yep, old joe says he wants to spend 700 billion of taxpayer money to only buy American made products and said we have to onshore American manufacturing. Fox has been running comparisons to Trumps 2016 speeches, it's hilarious.

It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Whomever is running Biden's personal agenda this week could be catching on to the "Trump effect" and running an experiment where Joe imitates our President. The thing is, although lying about their true intent and pretending to love America would likely get the democrats into the White House, the ideology behind modern leftism cannot tolerate even pretend violation of its key tenets, so the democrats must show their true faces eventually. Biden's senility cannot be negated by any message, in my opinion.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Sounds like you just created the Biden thread for the 'commiecrats'. They have you so shook you're doing their homework for them. :auiqs.jpg: Quite brilliant, actually. He doesn't need to say or do much for Cult45 to lose their minds every minute of every day. Next you'll be campaigning for him.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Sounds like you just created the Biden thread for the 'commiecrats'. They have you so shook you're doing their homework for them. :auiqs.jpg: Quite brilliant, actually. He doesn't need to say or do much for Cult45 to lose their minds every minute of every day. Next you'll be campaigning for him.

You must be smoking the same shit quid pro joe is. It's obviously didn't see the speech. You commies claimed Trump was a racist for saying the same things Biden said today. Hypocrite much?

It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Sounds like you just created the Biden thread for the 'commiecrats'. They have you so shook you're doing their homework for them. :auiqs.jpg: Quite brilliant, actually. He doesn't need to say or do much for Cult45 to lose their minds every minute of every day. Next you'll be campaigning for him.

You must be smoking the same shit quid pro joe is. It's obviously didn't see the speech. You commies claimed Trump was a racist for saying the same things Biden said today. Hypocrite much?


Why would I need to watch the speech? If you think he's a racist, then you think he's a racist. You are making wild claims for me. How does that make me a hypocrite? Do I even need to participate? I think you're smoking something, though.
Somewhere Bernie Sanders supporters are flipping out
Somewhere? More like everywhere. If case you haven't noticed, they've been rioting and burning buildings all over the country for several weeks now, just like they said they would do if Bernie wasn't the next president. Once Bernie dropped out of the race they just waited for something to use as a pretext to riot.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Creepy Joe has been a plagiarist his entire political career. He's actually renown for it. The best part is when he said he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back. How is he going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?

He's trying to burn the candle on both ends. When he BS's people in the middle, he pisses off his base. Mind you, not many will come over to the bright side and vote for Trump, but the election is hinged on how many people you can inspire TO come out and vote for you. If his supporters decide it's not worth it, and just stay home, Biden stands no chance at winning anything.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Your pals portraying Biden as a socialist won't benefit from this thread.
Is it Mini Trump or Bernie Lite?
This is campaign rhetoric. Biden has to wheedle both the progressive and moderate votes. This speech is him reaching out to the latter.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Your pals portraying Biden as a socialist won't benefit from this thread.
Is it Mini Trump or Bernie Lite?

Try to pay attention for once in your life.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Sounds like you just created the Biden thread for the 'commiecrats'. They have you so shook you're doing their homework for them. :auiqs.jpg: Quite brilliant, actually. He doesn't need to say or do much for Cult45 to lose their minds every minute of every day. Next you'll be campaigning for him.

You must be smoking the same shit quid pro joe is. It's obviously didn't see the speech. You commies claimed Trump was a racist for saying the same things Biden said today. Hypocrite much?


Why would I need to watch the speech? If you think he's a racist, then you think he's a racist. You are making wild claims for me. How does that make me a hypocrite? Do I even need to participate? I think you're smoking something, though.

You're either trolling or can't read, here's a thought, don't participate.

It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


The tweeting birds can't be seen on the video, but they are actually circling Joe's head as he speaks.
It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Your pals portraying Biden as a socialist won't benefit from this thread.
Is it Mini Trump or Bernie Lite?

Oh he got his little tax increases and green new deal thrown in there, but they weren't the center point of the speech. Quid pro joe is trying to play both ends of the party. Did you bother to watch the speech?

It's been hours since Biden gave his best imitation of Trump, with his message of Populism and America First. He pledged to do all the same things Trump did in his campaign, with a few minor twists of course. Yet not one commiecrat on this board has started a thread extolling the virtues of his speech in PA. If you listened to the speech you'd have thought, lacking any real ideas, Biden just copied the text of some of Trumps speeches from 2016, of course we all know plagiarism is not above Biden, it's been known to kill his presidential aspirations in the past.

Your thoughts?


Sounds like you just created the Biden thread for the 'commiecrats'. They have you so shook you're doing their homework for them. :auiqs.jpg: Quite brilliant, actually. He doesn't need to say or do much for Cult45 to lose their minds every minute of every day. Next you'll be campaigning for him.

You must be smoking the same shit quid pro joe is. It's obviously didn't see the speech. You commies claimed Trump was a racist for saying the same things Biden said today. Hypocrite much?


Why would I need to watch the speech? If you think he's a racist, then you think he's a racist. You are making wild claims for me. How does that make me a hypocrite? Do I even need to participate? I think you're smoking something, though.

You're either trolling or can't read, here's a thought, don't participate.


I read just fine, Jethro, and I'm much, much smarter than your lame partisan tactics and your desperate need to create political bait threads. :04:
This is campaign rhetoric. Biden has to wheedle both the progressive and moderate votes. This speech is him reaching out to the latter.

He threw in a little hamburger for the radicals too, just not with the emphasis they probably would have liked.


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