Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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As will be shown, this author has important COVID-19 information. In the authopr's report 1), the name of the drug is not mentioned. The author's report 2) is the important information:

1) 29 Jul 2020 UMBC Chemist Hopes 10-Year-Old-Drug Can Help Those Infected with Coronavirus

2) Jul 2020 Nature Why Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Does Not Block Coronavirus Infection of Human Lung Cells
'....need an enzyme called cathepsin L for the virus to successfully infect them....In human lung cells, which have very low levels of cathepsin L enzyme, the virus uses TMPRSS2 to enter the cell. But because this enzyme is not controlled by acidity, neither hydroxychloroquine nor chloroquine can block SARS-CoV-2 from infecting the lungs or stop the virus from replicating.

The author of 1) & 2) is Seley-Radtke, President Elect of the International Society for Antiviral Research.
It is not yet December, 2020, although the following report is dated December, 2020:
Dec 2020 / TMPRSS2 / Multiple Animal Species/ Bat Sars-Like Virus WIV1 (Beijing, Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, Hepatitis B Foundation, Pennsylvania and Western University, London, Canada)

We mentioned Blumberg on 19 Feb 2020 in post #470: 'transformation of human breast epithelial cells by estrogens and chemical carcinogens.' Also in post #771 on 19 Jul 2020 for the Blumberg Foundation in conjunction with Western University in Canada: 'GILT' In the same post is the GILT connection to Wuhan, and this time it's for the other suspected turtle intermediate host: 'Pelodiscus....GILT.'

Thus GILT is the linking enzyme to TMPRSS2 in multiple animal species for the WIV1 bat virus, as well as the alternate route COVID-19 takes in human lung cells.
This is how a COVID-19 reservoir could get established in nature, because both suspected intermediate COVID-19 hosts occur in Alltoona Lake: Cheremys and Pelodiscus. Camp High Harbor is on Alltoona Lake. Did the swimmers give the virus to any turtles?

The soft-shelled turtle at Alltoona Lake is Apalone ferox, not Pelodiscus.

Apalone ferox / Cheremys picta
'....obtained more oxygen through non-pulmonary routes.'
Gold's White Paper we link to Cinchona:

Gold's White Paper

We've mentioned procyanidins in this thread for stabilizing cardiac rhythm, etc.

Madagascan Cinchona / Anthocyans

Cinchona Alkaloids / Quinidine

Hydroquinine / Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)

HCV / Porphyria Cutanea Tarda / Liver Iron

Jul 2018 Porphyria Cutanea Tarda / Lupus

Autoimmunity and HCV Infection in Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Neither Snake Nor Turtle

We must close out the investigations implicating snake and turtle as intermediate host of Covid-19, because the trajectory leads elsewhere:

Ap 2020
'On the basis of the structure of hACE2 with SARS-CoV-2 S RBD, the structure of SARS-CoV-2 S and ACE2 from Bos taurus, Cricetulus griseus, Pelodiscus sinensis and Ophiophagus hannah were simulated by Swiss Model online server 13 and analyzed by Chimera software....T82 and E30 in Bos taurus ACE2 kept the contact to F486 and K417 in SARS-CoV-2 S. N82 and Q34 in Cricetulus griseus ACE2 maintained contact to F486 and Y453 in SARS-CoV-2 S. We concluded that Bovidae and Cricetidae ACE2 could associate with SARS-CoV-2....We simulated the potential structure of turtle/snake ACE2 with SARS-CoV-2 RBD. The amino acids correlated with hACE2 Q42 is changed to A (A41) in a snake. When the contact amino acid was mutated to smaller amino acid (A), the contact force for protein-protein interaction will be decreased. Moreover, the corresponding amino acid of K31 was changed to E (E30) in turtle and Q (Q57) in snake ACE2. K31 in hACE2 was critical for SARS-CoV RBD binding and ACE2-K31 D mutant abolished its association with SARS-CoV RBD. Taken together, turtle and snake ACE2 are unlikely to bind to S protein of SARS-CoV-2....'
Neither Snake nor Turtle, continued

'Considering that all known hosts for coronaviruses are thermostatic animals, it is unlikely that reptiles will be infected with SARS-CoV-2. There are 20 key amino acids in ACE2 from a list of mammal, bird, turtle and snake. On the basis of these 20 amino acids, we analyzed the corresponding AAs from a list of mammal, bird, turtle and snake. We found that the ACE2 of turtles and snake lost the capability to associate with S protein. These reptiles should be ruled out from the potential list for SARS-CoV-2. Aves ACE2 was unlikely to associate with SARS-CoV RBD because they lost the critical K corresponding to K31 in human ACE2.

Pangolin ACE2 was predicted to recognize SARS-CoV-2 RBD less efficiently because it only preserved 14 of 20 critical amino acids. Interestingly, we found that ACE2 proteins from Primates, Bovidae, Cricetidae, and Cetacea were capable of recognizing RBD of SARS-CoV-2 by maintaining the majority of key residues in ACE2 for associating with SARS-CoV-2 RBD. Swine ACE2 (CpACE2) with 15 of 20m matched critical amino acids was shown to support SARS-CoV-2 entry. Bovidae/Cricetidae ACE2 matched more amino acids than swine ACE2, thus they should recognize SARS-CoV RBD.'
Neither Snake nor Turtle, continued

'On the basis of hACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 spike complex, we and others recently predicted that hamster ACE2 could associate with SARS-CoV-2 and hamster might be a candidate small animal model to study the pathogenesis and transmission of COVID-19. Of one Cetacea, Neophocaena asiaorientalis asiaorientalis (Yangtze finless porpoise), lives in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its lakes, where Wuhan is located nearby. It will be interesting to investigate whether Yangtze finless porpoise could be infected with SARS-CoV-2 or related coronaviruses....More attention should be paid to Bovidae and Cricetidae in hunting the potential intermediate host for SARS-CoV-2.'

As will be shown, Neophocaena enzymes will link back to the Baruch S. Blumberg Foundation mentioned in previous posts.
From Jul 2020, SARS-CoV-2 links GILT at the Blumberg Foundation, post #771:

From Dec 2013, Neophocaena links GILT, and note the 3 N-glycosylation sites:
Neophcaena GILT
The Neophocaena 2013 article for GILT is from Volume 41 issue 4, and is for sale at $35. In the same volume and also for sale, is a Ctenopharyngodon (grass carp) article on interferon: 'Gig1 and Gig2 Homologs from Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Display Good Antiviral Activities in an IFN-Independent Pathway.'

We mentioned the Ctenopharyngodon article from Wuhan in post #757 of 17 Jul 2020, which is also a t-bet/zinc-finger link. A t-bet link for COVID-19 is here:
On the cutaneous trajectory, we note a study from Wuhan State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology:

Neophocaena Herpes-Like Skin Lesions / Ulceration / Dongting Lake

Next we link gammaherpesvirus mucocutaneous lesions to Phocaena:

Linking the mucocutaneous symptom to COVID-19 and Kawasaki Syndrome, Jul 2020:

From Jul 2020 study, we link COVID-19/Kawasaki to delayed reaction in Italian children, which links the porphyria cutanea tarda of post #845:

Aug 2020 A Novel COVID Phenotype in Children
'....conjunctivitis....myocardial dysfunction....delayed reaction....'

Post #845
Lungworms can vector viruses.

Neophycaena Lungworm
'....high prevalence (mostly lungworms) is found in finless porpoises (genus Neophocaena)....'

Transmission of Lungworms by Harbor Porpoises

Swine Lungworm / Influenza Virus Intermediate Host
The first OP for Kawasaki's disease was Dalia on 30 Ap 2020:

The second OP for Kawasaki's was Marianne on 11 May 2020:

We mentioned Kawasaki's in relation to cutaneous symptoms in a suspected COVID-19 intermediate host, Neophocaena in post #851.

We follow the dialogue between two medical personnel:

COVID-19 Abnormal Clotting with Severe Disease
'A: "Autopsy showed massive clotting in the lungs but pulmonary membranes basically normal. This would suggest perfusion problem as opposed to ventilation in the lung. Teenagers with COVID have redness and blisters on their toes consistent with trash toe we see in peripheral vascular disease patients. The problem we are fighting is the clotting."

B: "Could the redness and blisters on toes be due to the newest symptoms in teens and younger similar to Kawasaki's? Rather than just peripheral vascular disease. Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome Potentially Associated with COVID-19."

The Boston Children's Hospital article, above, states:

'The US cases to date have been mainly in East Coast cities with some in Midwest and South. Of note, an uptick has not been observed on the West Coast, or in Japan or Korea, where different strains of SARS-CoV-2 is believed to predominate....children rarely become critically ill from COVID-19 or from MIS-C.'

In posts #773/774 of this thread, enhanced transmission strains were recorded, geographically stating that....'the A23403G-C14408T-G25563T mutant became the dominant strain in New York and parts of California....We postulated that in areas with these high co-circulating subclades, a person may be serially infected. The second infection may trigger a hyperinflammatory response similar to the antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) response, which could explain the ARDS-like manifestations.'
Only one of Putin's daughters is a Japanese philologist. She may be waiting in the wings as a diplomat.

Russian Vaccine
'....Putin said Tuesday that one of his daughters, whose identity he has neither confirmed nor denied to date, has already taken the vaccine. He said the only side effect she experienced was a high temperature of 38C for one day.'

Today at Izvestia

Stalo izvestno nazvanie rossiiskoi vaktsiny ot koronavirusa
The Name of the Russian Vaccine Against Coronavirus
'....11 Augusta vaktsinu na osnove ade novirusnogo vektora zaregistrirovali v Ministerstve edravookhraneniia Rossii, ona stala nervoi zaregistrirovannoi vaktsinoi ot novoi koronavirusnoi infektsii SARS-CoV-2 na rynke.
On August 11, the vaccine based on the adenovirus vector was registered with the Russian Ministry of Health. It was the first registered vaccine for the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection on the market.

Prezident Rossii Vladimir Putin vyrazil nadezhdu, chto massovyi vypusk preparata nachnetsia v blizhaishee vremia, a takzhe podcherknul, chto vaktsinatsiia polzhna provodit'sia na pobrovol'noi osnove.
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed hope that mass production of the vaccine will begin soon, and stressed that vaccination should be carried out on a voluntary basis.

25 iiulia federalnyi nauchnyi tsentr issledovanii i razrabotki immunobiologicheskikh preparatov imeni Chumakov RAN podal zaiavku na uchastie v mezhdunarodnom tendere VOZ na postavku vaktsiny ot koronavirusa.
On 25 Jul the Federal Research Center for the Research and Development of Immunological Drugs named Chumakov RAS applied for participation in an international tender for WHO to supply a vaccine against coronavirus.'
From the Gamaleya Institute that has produced the first COVID-19 vaccine:

Chloroquine / Molecular Targets in the Chemotherapy of Coronavirus Infection
'....Betacoronaviruses Genes, Related proteins and Their Inhibitors....virion assembly: chloroquine; virus entry into target cells: chloroquine.


1. Recycling of Chloroquine and Its Hydroxyl Analog to Face Bacterial, Fungal and Viral Infections in the 21st Century

2. Breakthrough: Chloroquine Phosphate Has Shown Apparent Efficacy in Treatment of COVID-19-Associated Pneumonia in Clinical Studies

3. Chloroquine for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Russian vaccine may be a plus for Trump, though a minus for Fauci and the Dems. Thank You, Russia.
In post #856, the Gamaleya Institute study, "Molecular Targets in the Chemotherapy of Coronavirus Infection" stated: 'virion assembly: chloroquine, virus entry into cells: chloroquine.'

Fauci would likely know about hydroxychloroquine's use SARS coronavirus in 2005. The pertinent article that links him is from Virology Journal 2, article #69 (2005): "Chloroquine is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread (22 Aug 2005). In that article, reference #25 is for anti-HIV chloroquine: 'Savarino A et al, Anti-HIV Effects of Chloroquine: Inhibition of Viral Particle Glycosylation and Synergism with Protease Inhibitors. Savarino et al, states elsewhere, 'The mechanism of the anti-HIV effects of Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine is a reduction in the infectivity of newly produced virions.'

This, then, links to the Gameleya Institute's similar finding for coronaviruses: 'virion assembly: chloroquine.'
More information on the Russian vaccine, a mass campaign starts in October:
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