Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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We first mentioned South China Agricultural University in post #419 for pangolin 99% similarity.

Jul 2016 South China Agricultural University / Infectious Bronchitis Virus D41 Spike Glycoprotein
Avian infectious bronchitis virus strain D41 spike glycoprotein S1 sub - Nucleotide - NCBI

Thus, the SCAU has done work on both pangolin and infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).

In post #385 was the question of whether Gates owned the IBV patent. Beaudette was mentioned in posts # 571 and 136, the latter for temperature-sensitive mutants, which is quite comparable for.

Beaudette (1937) links to IBV infection in Macaca (previous posts).

Sept 2018 Pirbright Institute / Beaudette
The S2 Subunit of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Beaudette Is a Determinant of Cellular Tropism. - PubMed - NCBI
What has been revealed is that the Cornell University report was published 14 Jul 2016, whilst the South China Agricultural University report was published on the 26th of that month (post #582):

14 Jul 2016 Cornell
Infectious bronchitis virus strain Massachusetts 41 spike glycoprotein - Nucleotide - NCBI

But Cornell also published in Jun of 2007:
Infectious bronchitis virus isolate Massachusetts 41 spike glycoprotei - Nucleotide - NCBI

Another reinforcing macaque/IBV link:

Beaudette Avian-to-Primate Cells
Avian infectious bronchitis virus strain Beaudette spike protein mRNA, - Nucleotide - NCBI
The Beaudette Avian to Primate Cell (post #583), from the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore, was submitted on 7 Ap 2005 and published in NCBI's Nuccore on 5 May 2005. It states: 'Journal: Unpublished.'

These sequences from Beaudette are comparable with the current Israeli vaccine protocols, as is the tropism (consolidation) in the right lung of the IBV-infected macaque (previous post).
Viruses are easy to spread in homeless shelters and South Korean churches, too. COVID-19 has swiftly become political.
At timepoint 3:05 Pence says 'either in California for Washington state....' Post #575 meshes with SIV at the primate centers, California and Washington state, and Hooper's stump-tailed macaques (post #572) in his book on HIV/AIDS.
At timepoint 7:00, we're not surprised that Pence introduces Burkes. HIV/AIDS is at timepoint 7:32.
This is a rare opportunity to speculate on why the Israeli vaccine trajectory will be successful in less than traditional time.

Israeli Vaccine
In the video of post #592, NIH consider's Moderna's vaccine as most promising (timepoint 2:15), which shows a chart. We will search for a better version of this chart, because then one can better compare (and critique) both approaches to COVID-19 vaccine.
Paradoxical is that with 31 new cases in Washington state, the one in Grant County links the (potential COVID-19 reservoir and intermediate host) painted turtle in post #555 of this thread.
One might want to compare age stats for COVID-19 with the ability of a potential intermediate COVID-19 host, the painted turtle relating to hatchlings vs adults. How may the virus adopt to this turtle host? Considering that humans are placed on ventilators, while in the painted turtle, there are different genetic reactions to anoxia. Would these phenomenon be applicable to vaccine design?

Feb 2020 South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri: Chrysemys and Anoxia
What's fascinating is that you haven't the stones to reply objectively to any of the material we have given the readers.
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