"Smokey Mountains become Smokey Islands in 2512..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Fifth grade students at Fremont Elementary School in Colorado were assigned a reading passage that describes global warming as a dangerous, man-made phenomenon that will destroy civilization in a few hundred years.

The reading assignment was found inside a workbook aligned with the controversial national Common Core curriculum guidelines, and was titled
“Homework from the Future.” It tells the fictional story of a visitor to the year 2512 who discovers that the eastern United States is under water and the country’s population greatly reduced, all thanks to man-made global warming:

By the early 21st century, people knew that the massive use of fossil fuels was heating up the planet. But people didn’t stop their destructive lifestyles. They just kept using up Earth’s resources. The ice sheets melted, and Earth’s crust shifted. ..

In 2130. the oceans began to rise over farmland and cities.
In 300 years, most of the eastern United States was covered with water. All that remains are the Smokey Islands -- formerly the Smokey Mountains."

Global Warming Common Core Assignment-The Smokey Mountains Become The Smokey Islands » The Free Patriot

So Common core thinks that the Eastern USA up to about the tips of Smokey mountains, i.e. Smokey Mountains are 6,644 feet will be under water.
These "experts" are trying to make kids believe that the Eastern USA will be covered by at least a mile deep of water.
Sorry but the PHYSICS of how much water there is ENTIRELY in the WORLD totally makes that an impossibility!
There are 343 quintillion gallons of water in all the oceans.
How many gallons of water does the ocean have
Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow water volume cubic miles: 5,773,000 or 5.7 quintillion gallons or 1.74% of all the WATER in the world!
How much water do ice caps and glaciers hold? | Textile Waste Diversion

So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of
From Providence RI to Nashville TN is about 900 long , 900 miles wide and 1 mile deep or 810,000 cubic miles of water.

Greenland ice cap contains 10 percent of the total global ice mass.
Ice and Glaciers, The Water Cycle-USGS Water-Science School

So my question is has any one from Common core figured out that if ALL of Greenland ice cap melts or 573,000 cubic miles of water would cover with
one mile deep of water or 810,000 cubic feet at risk.. i.e. from Smokey Mtns (5,000 feet tall) to Rhode Island..900 miles away)
See this kind of flaky math just bothers me that Common Core will be teach our kids???
What really pisses me off is they call this "Science"???
A) they can't even do basic research as I have to show the totally unreality of even if all the glaciers melted there isn't enough to put a mile of water on the Smokey Mountains!
B) And these idiots are teaching our kids!
How many gallons of water does the ocean have
Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow water volume cubic miles: 5,773,000 or 5.7 quintillion gallons or 1.74% of all the WATER in the world!
How much water do ice caps and glaciers hold? | Textile Waste Diversion

So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of
From Providence RI to Nashville TN is about 900 long , 900 miles wide and 1 mile deep or 810,000 cubic miles of water.

You said all the ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow are 5,773,000 cubic miles and you want to know how that could cover 810,000 cubic miles?

Did you ever graduate grammar school?

Not that I believe the Eastern Seaboard is going to be under water 500 years from now, but come on, even a fourth grader should be able to do that math.

You're actually proving the point of the Common Core proponents all by yourself!
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Great! I'll be able to enjoy my (very) old age on beachfront property.
How many gallons of water does the ocean have
Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow water volume cubic miles: 5,773,000 or 5.7 quintillion gallons or 1.74% of all the WATER in the world!
How much water do ice caps and glaciers hold? | Textile Waste Diversion

So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of
From Providence RI to Nashville TN is about 900 long , 900 miles wide and 1 mile deep or 810,000 cubic miles of water.

You said all the ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow are 5,773,000 cubic miles and you want to know how that could cover 810,000 cubic miles?

Did you ever graduate grammar school?

Not that I believe the Eastern Seaboard is going to be under water 400 years from now, but come on, even a fourth grader should be able to do that math.

You're actually proving the point of the Common Core proponents all by yourself!

HEY dumb fuck! NOT all the ICE in glaciers will be affecting Smokey Mtns area!

If you remember I pointed out that greenland amounted to 10% of worlds glacier ice melt and THAT is the closed to affect the smokey mtns!

DO you understand that ALL the ICE melt will ad 1.74% to the total water of the the world... GEEZ READ closer dumb f...K!@!@
How many gallons of water does the ocean have
Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow water volume cubic miles: 5,773,000 or 5.7 quintillion gallons or 1.74% of all the WATER in the world!
How much water do ice caps and glaciers hold? | Textile Waste Diversion

So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of
From Providence RI to Nashville TN is about 900 long , 900 miles wide and 1 mile deep or 810,000 cubic miles of water.

You said all the ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow are 5,773,000 cubic miles and you want to know how that could cover 810,000 cubic miles?

Did you ever graduate grammar school?

Not that I believe the Eastern Seaboard is going to be under water 400 years from now, but come on, even a fourth grader should be able to do that math.

You're actually proving the point of the Common Core proponents all by yourself!

HEY dumb fuck! NOT all the ICE in glaciers will be affecting Smokey Mtns area!

If you remember I pointed out that greenland amounted to 10% of worlds glacier ice melt and THAT is the closed to affect the smokey mtns!

DO you understand that ALL the ICE melt will ad 1.74% to the total water of the the world... GEEZ READ closer dumb f...K!@!@

I understand you asked how 5,773,000 cubic miles of water could submerge 810,000 cubic miles.

Your exact words, "So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of
TEACHER: Train A leaves Chicago traveling east at 60 mph...

How many gallons of water does the ocean have
Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow water volume cubic miles: 5,773,000 or 5.7 quintillion gallons or 1.74% of all the WATER in the world!
How much water do ice caps and glaciers hold? | Textile Waste Diversion

So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of
From Providence RI to Nashville TN is about 900 long , 900 miles wide and 1 mile deep or 810,000 cubic miles of water.

You said all the ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow are 5,773,000 cubic miles and you want to know how that could cover 810,000 cubic miles?

Did you ever graduate grammar school?

Not that I believe the Eastern Seaboard is going to be under water 500 years from now, but come on, even a fourth grader should be able to do that math.

You're actually proving the point of the Common Core proponents all by yourself!

except one needs much more than 810,000 cubic miles of water to cover that area - that amount would be enough only if one has the water in a container to cover - not an open space east, west, south and north behind the coastal line as well.

It is not going to cover the US ONLY - so you need much more than that amount
You said all the ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow are 5,773,000 cubic miles and you want to know how that could cover 810,000 cubic miles?

Did you ever graduate grammar school?

Not that I believe the Eastern Seaboard is going to be under water 400 years from now, but come on, even a fourth grader should be able to do that math.

You're actually proving the point of the Common Core proponents all by yourself!

HEY dumb fuck! NOT all the ICE in glaciers will be affecting Smokey Mtns area!

If you remember I pointed out that greenland amounted to 10% of worlds glacier ice melt and THAT is the closed to affect the smokey mtns!

DO you understand that ALL the ICE melt will ad 1.74% to the total water of the the world... GEEZ READ closer dumb f...K!@!@

I understand you asked how 5,773,000 cubic miles of water could submerge 810,000 cubic miles.

Your exact words, "So explain how by melting ALL the ice in glaciers and permanent snow would cover the land mass from East Coast to Smokey Mountains with a mile deep of

YOU are right! I was going to include ALL water in ALL glaciers but I realized that Greenland was the closest major glacier source and that only constituted 10%.
So I should have said more clearly .. How would all the water in Greenland glaciers..."
I am sorry I was wrong in my statement... something most liberals etc. will never admit, i.e. they were wrong!
OK. What do the scientists say the melting of all the continental ice would do? About 250 ft higher sea level. Definately not covering any mountains. But creating some real problems for people in the future.

But what about the immediate future? Say, the next 30 years or so. Probably another 6 inchs of sea level rise, outside possibility of a foot. No big deal? Ask New York City what 8 inchs meant on a storm surge. Ask the people in Bangledesh where every inch represents less land to produce food for their huge populaton.

However, nothing at all is going to be done about GHG emissions until the situation is dire, and then it will be far too late. Best for those wise enough to see the evidence to prepare for the consequences.

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