Smiley Faces for Technology


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
We all often decry the lack of positive stories especially about our environment so let me relate two recent cases that cause me to have a lot of faith in technology solving many of our problems.

Had to buy a new wash machine recently. Admittedly it has been a long time since we bought one but here are the new specs. No agitators. The new wash machines use 13 gallons as opposed to 40 gallons in an old machine. The yellow sticker said normal use would cost eleven dollars a year in electricity, less than a dollar a month. The biggest test was my wife, and she was satisfied with its performance.if it makes it through that gauntlet it has to be good. But think about that, one third the water use for a new machine. New toilets, new shower heads, new dishwashers all putting a dent in water consumption. Even the massive agriculture irrigation technology is using small nozzles on hoses as opposed to massive sprinklers.

While replacing deck lights on the shrimp boat, the latest trend is to go to led lights. They have so many advantages even if a little more expensive. It doesn't matter if you have to hook them up to 110 or 220 it is still the same connection? When your generator bogs down the lights don't even blink. Best of all an led light uses 25 per cent of the electricity former lights. Think about that. 25%. Think of the jobs created by the manufacture and installations. This is technological conservation. Think about if all the street lights are replaced by led bulbs. Think about increasing electrical use without increasing electrical consumption.

The sky is not falling, not by a long shot, and technology will continue to help us solve our problems.
And then there is home solar, and Powerwall batteries from Tesla. The Tesla roof is still a bit expensive up front, so for most the of us, the regular solar is what will be used.

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