Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Not a reasonable policy.

It is quite reasonable and a policy you will follow, as outlined by our laws. If there is a question in your mind as to a woman's or girl's age, then don't get involved. If you do and she IS under age, you WILL be held responsible for your irresponsible actions. I don't feel bad for you one bit. In fact, I am completely in support of the laws regarding sex with teens, and I would like to see it be 18 across the board.

Now, tell me what your reason is for fighting about this again?

1. It's unreasonable to expect men to know a females age by looking, or to ask her for id.

2. older teenage girls are capable of giving consent, despite what the law says and are unlikely to be traumatize by consensual sex.

Consent is a matter of law, so your defense of rape is without merit. What YOU deem "reasonable" is irrelevant, scumbag.

Legal Consent is a matter of law.

Actual consent is .......

Legal consent is actual consent, brainless.

In some cases, such as Jerry Springer's girlfriend, no it is not.
Some 20 year old guy who unknowingly has sex with a 16 year old is not a rapist.

Yes, he is.

You ever have sex with a young women [sic] without knowing her age?

Without knowing she was of age? Of course not.

Not what I asked......

The answer is the one I gave you, stupid: NO.

There was a reason you refused to answer the question I asked, and we both know what it was.

Because you did NOT know that. YOu assumed it based on her (their) looks, where you met, their friends, the way she carried herself, ect.

By Chris's standards and the law of the land today, if one of those girls had been misleading you, you would be guilty of "rape" and could have been facing serious jail time and a record that would have ruined your life.
Yes, he is.

You ever have sex with a young women [sic] without knowing her age?

Without knowing she was of age? Of course not.

Not what I asked......

The answer is the one I gave you, stupid: NO.

There was a reason you refused to answer the question I asked.....

The answer I have given you twice now is still NO.
Obviously you've never had any teenage kids. You can tell.

I was at a bar, one where I had been carded until they knew me.

I struck up a conversation with a young and attractive woman.

We talked and drank for several hours.

Both of us, quite drunk by the end of the night, after I had bought her all she could drink, it just HAPPENED to come up in conversation that she was 16.

She even showed my her drivers license.

That "girl" used me like a wallet with feet.

I did not manipulate her, she manipulated ME.

I was not the "Predator" that night, she was.

Was it sad of me that I could not tell after talking to her for so long?


Was that mistake worthy of going to prison?


That bar was full of men and women who noted nothing unusual about her presence in a bar.

I do not believe she tricked the doorman, she was related to one of the staff.

So, she had, if I had been the type of ass to think that buying a girl drinks bought me the right to sex OR if I was not dissuaded by her age reveal, she would have had total back up to take care of me.

Yes, it's pretty sad what a loser you are.

My behavior, ie buying a pretty young woman a drink is completely normal behavior for ALL NORMAL MEN.

Indeed, it is a core part of the reason we have bars.

Sorry, you are a responsible adult, ignorance is no excuse to break the law.

She showed you her ID because she didn't want to have sex with you.

She got drinks out of you because you were willing to buy, why would you buy a pretty girl drinks at a bar? She manipulated nothing, you were a willing participant.

I was not complaining about her behavior. Hell, it was still an enjoyable night for me.

I was presenting it as evidence of how NOT the victim she was.

Of how I was NOT manipulating her.

Of how she was able to move about in a place where "children" were not allowed and NO ONE noticed anything amiss.

And yes, I know that's why she showed her ID.

It was very clever of her. It was the end of my "seduction" attempt.

It's reasonable to assume that someone in a bar is of legal age. You certainly don't expect a woman to be 16. The legal age where I grew up was 19. 18 year-olds could fake their way in. But a 16 year-old? Never. So it's reasonable to assume that the girl you're speaking to isn't 16.

Pretty much all guys have been played by women in a bar. It goes with the territory.
I was at a bar, one where I had been carded until they knew me.

I struck up a conversation with a young and attractive woman.

We talked and drank for several hours.

Both of us, quite drunk by the end of the night, after I had bought her all she could drink, it just HAPPENED to come up in conversation that she was 16.

She even showed my her drivers license.

That "girl" used me like a wallet with feet.

I did not manipulate her, she manipulated ME.

I was not the "Predator" that night, she was.

Was it sad of me that I could not tell after talking to her for so long?


Was that mistake worthy of going to prison?


That bar was full of men and women who noted nothing unusual about her presence in a bar.

I do not believe she tricked the doorman, she was related to one of the staff.

So, she had, if I had been the type of ass to think that buying a girl drinks bought me the right to sex OR if I was not dissuaded by her age reveal, she would have had total back up to take care of me.

Yes, it's pretty sad what a loser you are.

My behavior, ie buying a pretty young woman a drink is completely normal behavior for ALL NORMAL MEN.

Indeed, it is a core part of the reason we have bars.

Sorry, you are a responsible adult, ignorance is no excuse to break the law.

She showed you her ID because she didn't want to have sex with you.

She got drinks out of you because you were willing to buy, why would you buy a pretty girl drinks at a bar? She manipulated nothing, you were a willing participant.

I was not complaining about her behavior. Hell, it was still an enjoyable night for me.

I was presenting it as evidence of how NOT the victim she was.

Of how I was NOT manipulating her.

Of how she was able to move about in a place where "children" were not allowed and NO ONE noticed anything amiss.

And yes, I know that's why she showed her ID.

It was very clever of her. It was the end of my "seduction" attempt.

It's reasonable to assume that someone in a bar is of legal age. You certainly don't expect a woman to be 16. The legal age where I grew up was 19. 18 year-olds could fake their way in. But a 16 year-old? Never. So it's reasonable to assume that the girl you're speaking to isn't 16.

Pretty much all guys have been played by women in a bar. It goes with the territory.

He's probably just making things up to justify his sickness.
new children


That one on the top has to be at LEAST 35 years old! Lol.

maybe you cant believe it .but 15 or 16 years old girl touch my ass tonight in beach !!!!!!!:biggrin::banghead:
and im living in fuc.... moslem country .children are crasy now :bang3:.when i was teen/ it was different
That's disgusting. What in the world would a 19-year-old want with a little girl?

She was 13, she was not a little girl. She was a little girl 7 years prior.

That's not disgusting. Back then it was normal. You say it's sick for an adult to have sex with a child but then keep changing the definition of "child". Did you know in 1800's the legal age of consent in America was 10?

So you start out saying that adults having sex with kids is sick then change the definition of a child from 10, to 12, then 15, then 17, now 18. Well with each age change you simply create more criminals. Just like dropping speed limits arbitrarily. It's simply to catch more speeders for revenue. Not necessarily because the lower speed limits mean safer roads.

In medieval times, it was normal for children to marry between the ages of 5 and 10.

In Scotland in the 1800's the AOC was 7. Until the mid 1960's, the legal AOC in Delaware was 7.

So either Scotland had some damn mature ass 7 year olds running around or we've pushed the AOC higher and higher for no reason other than we "feel" that's what it should be. I guess kids are dumb now, because if they could consent at 7 100 years ago but can't consent until 18 now, we got some dumb ass fucking people walking around.

For centuries, children were thought to graduate into adulthood with the onset of puberty.
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That's disgusting. What in the world would a 19-year-old want with a little girl?

She was 13, she was not a little girl. She was a little girl 7 years prior.

That's not disgusting. Back then it was normal. You say it's sick for an adult to have sex with a child but then keep changing the definition of "child". Did you know in 1800's the legal age of consent in America was 10?

So you start out saying that adults having sex with kids is sick then change the definition of a child from 10, to 12, then 15, then 17, now 18. Well with each age change you simply create more criminals. Just like dropping speed limits arbitrarily. It's simply to catch more speeders for revenue. Not necessarily because the lower speed limits mean safer roads.

In medieval times, it was normal for children to marry between the ages of 5 and 10.

In Scotland in the 1800's the AOC was 7. Until the mid 1960's, the legal AOC in Delaware was 7.

So either Scotland had some damn mature ass 7 year olds running around or we've pushed the AOC higher and higher for no reason other than we "feel" that's what it should be. I guess kids are dumb now, because if they could consent at 7 100 years ago but can't consent until 18 now, we got some dumb ass fucking people walking around.

For centuries, children were thought to graduate into adulthood with the onset of puberty.

In the 1800s, humans could legally own other humans as slaves.

So comparing societal norms from centuries ago to today doesn't hold water.
That's disgusting. What in the world would a 19-year-old want with a little girl?

She was 13, she was not a little girl. She was a little girl 7 years prior.

That's not disgusting. Back then it was normal. You say it's sick for an adult to have sex with a child but then keep changing the definition of "child". Did you know in 1800's the legal age of consent in America was 10?

So you start out saying that adults having sex with kids is sick then change the definition of a child from 10, to 12, then 15, then 17, now 18. Well with each age change you simply create more criminals. Just like dropping speed limits arbitrarily. It's simply to catch more speeders for revenue. Not necessarily because the lower speed limits mean safer roads.

In medieval times, it was normal for children to marry between the ages of 5 and 10.

In Scotland in the 1800's the AOC was 7. Until the mid 1960's, the legal AOC in Delaware was 7.

So either Scotland had some damn mature ass 7 year olds running around or we've pushed the AOC higher and higher for no reason other than we "feel" that's what it should be. I guess kids are dumb now, because if they could consent at 7 100 years ago but can't consent until 18 now, we got some dumb ass fucking people walking around.

For centuries, children were thought to graduate into adulthood with the onset of puberty.

13 IS a little girl. I should now. I was a 13-year-old LITTLE girl at one time.

Kids didn't "consent" at 7, you tard.

You are just another weirdo.
I'm no weirdo. I'm merely pointing out the facts as they were.

And 1960 is "centuries ago?"

If it's not fair to judge people today by yesterdays standards, then it's not fair to judge people of yesterday by today's standards.
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Not a reasonable policy.

It is quite reasonable and a policy you will follow, as outlined by our laws. If there is a question in your mind as to a woman's or girl's age, then don't get involved. If you do and she IS under age, you WILL be held responsible for your irresponsible actions. I don't feel bad for you one bit. In fact, I am completely in support of the laws regarding sex with teens, and I would like to see it be 18 across the board.

Now, tell me what your reason is for fighting about this again?

1. It's unreasonable to expect men to know a females age by looking, or to ask her for id.

2. older teenage girls are capable of giving consent, despite what the law says and are unlikely to be traumatize by consensual sex.

Consent is a matter of law, so your defense of rape is without merit. What YOU deem "reasonable" is irrelevant, scumbag.

Legal Consent is a matter of law.

Actual consent is .......

Legal consent is actual consent, brainless.

Ink on paper does not change reality.
You ever have sex with a young women [sic] without knowing her age?

Without knowing she was of age? Of course not.

Not what I asked......

The answer is the one I gave you, stupid: NO.

There was a reason you refused to answer the question I asked.....

The answer I have given you twice now is still NO.

You answered a question I did not ask, because you are not intellectually honest enough to answer the one I did ask.

One of those girls could have ruined your life.

She would have had the excitement and experience of having sex with an older man, and moved on with her life.

You could have went to jail, been changed for the worse by your experience and have a terrible record that would haunt you.

The girl? Hopefully she would feel bad about what happened to you.

But more likely in today's society, she would have run into men bashers who would help her edit her memories until she was the victim, and thus empowered.
I was at a bar, one where I had been carded until they knew me.

I struck up a conversation with a young and attractive woman.

We talked and drank for several hours.

Both of us, quite drunk by the end of the night, after I had bought her all she could drink, it just HAPPENED to come up in conversation that she was 16.

She even showed my her drivers license.

That "girl" used me like a wallet with feet.

I did not manipulate her, she manipulated ME.

I was not the "Predator" that night, she was.

Was it sad of me that I could not tell after talking to her for so long?


Was that mistake worthy of going to prison?


That bar was full of men and women who noted nothing unusual about her presence in a bar.

I do not believe she tricked the doorman, she was related to one of the staff.

So, she had, if I had been the type of ass to think that buying a girl drinks bought me the right to sex OR if I was not dissuaded by her age reveal, she would have had total back up to take care of me.

Yes, it's pretty sad what a loser you are.

My behavior, ie buying a pretty young woman a drink is completely normal behavior for ALL NORMAL MEN.

Indeed, it is a core part of the reason we have bars.

Sorry, you are a responsible adult, ignorance is no excuse to break the law.

She showed you her ID because she didn't want to have sex with you.

She got drinks out of you because you were willing to buy, why would you buy a pretty girl drinks at a bar? She manipulated nothing, you were a willing participant.

I was not complaining about her behavior. Hell, it was still an enjoyable night for me.

I was presenting it as evidence of how NOT the victim she was.

Of how I was NOT manipulating her.

Of how she was able to move about in a place where "children" were not allowed and NO ONE noticed anything amiss.

And yes, I know that's why she showed her ID.

It was very clever of her. It was the end of my "seduction" attempt.

It's reasonable to assume that someone in a bar is of legal age. You certainly don't expect a woman to be 16. The legal age where I grew up was 19. 18 year-olds could fake their way in. But a 16 year-old? Never. So it's reasonable to assume that the girl you're speaking to isn't 16.

Pretty much all guys have been played by women in a bar. It goes with the territory.

Thanks for not supporting the idea that I am a bad person.

I'm lucky that she just wanted to use me as a wallet with feet.

If I had been cute enough or interesting enough for her to continue the lie, I could have ended up doing hard time.

And IMO, that would have been a terrible injustice.

Men have been convicted and imprisoned in similar situations.
Yes, it's pretty sad what a loser you are.

My behavior, ie buying a pretty young woman a drink is completely normal behavior for ALL NORMAL MEN.

Indeed, it is a core part of the reason we have bars.

Sorry, you are a responsible adult, ignorance is no excuse to break the law.

She showed you her ID because she didn't want to have sex with you.

She got drinks out of you because you were willing to buy, why would you buy a pretty girl drinks at a bar? She manipulated nothing, you were a willing participant.

I was not complaining about her behavior. Hell, it was still an enjoyable night for me.

I was presenting it as evidence of how NOT the victim she was.

Of how I was NOT manipulating her.

Of how she was able to move about in a place where "children" were not allowed and NO ONE noticed anything amiss.

And yes, I know that's why she showed her ID.

It was very clever of her. It was the end of my "seduction" attempt.

It's reasonable to assume that someone in a bar is of legal age. You certainly don't expect a woman to be 16. The legal age where I grew up was 19. 18 year-olds could fake their way in. But a 16 year-old? Never. So it's reasonable to assume that the girl you're speaking to isn't 16.

Pretty much all guys have been played by women in a bar. It goes with the territory.

He's probably just making things up to justify his sickness.

You are a poor judge of character. I never lie.

Beyond telling my daughter that Santa Claus is real and such.
I used to daydream about slut teachers

Although I got kicked out of catholic school my entire basketball team are intact. So we play NJB basketball tournament on week ends........ My entire team and other friends from other team.......... All teasing me and day dreaming......... I keep telling them YUK......... I have so much friends and dads coming to my house after games.

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