
Alan Stallion

Civil Rights Advocate
Dec 17, 2009
San Jose, California
A sleepover is a social occasion whereby a friend stays overnight at another friend's house. A pajama party or slumber party refers to the same thing, but may involve multiple people...

What are your opinions and experiences in regards to sleepovers (which can include slumber parties)? Would you allow your children in this age to participate in sleepovers [let's ignore the current pandemic for the sake of this discussion]

I was just watching a video in which the parents had decided to not allow their children to participate in sleepovers.

Some may say these parents are being overprotective and stifling their children's social skills, but others will concur that there can be negative consequences to allow your children to go unsupervised and away from the protection of the parents.

Some people have wonderful experiences and fond memories with sleepovers, but others were introduced to things that became detriments to their lives, such as introduction to smoking, drugs, drinking, pornography, and sex (including rape).

What say you? I'll add my experiences shortly...
Depends on the age. And nowadays? No. If I had young children, I would allow ONE friend to spend the night but first I have to know that friend, and his/her parents very well before allowing it and if they didn't concern themselves to know all about ME and my kid..then hell no. Just too dangerous nowadays.

Remember when we were kids and could play outside at night, doors unlocked, and nobody to steal us? I do. Those days are long gone.
I went to ONE slumber party (I was about 10). About 6 girls. It was boring. I couldn't wait for it to be time to go home. Nothing nefarious happened. Just bored. I preferred to be in my own room with my own stuff.
I never kept track of my kids and I think they may have gone to sleepovers but I can't say for a fact whether they did or didn't.

But -- they turned out OK.
Anyway, I slept over at my friend's house when I was fifteen and his sister and I --
Me and my childhood friend David were misfits at our school, so it was natural we gravitated to each other. He lived just around the block from me.

In the sleepovers we had, there were always at least one parent (or in my case grandparent) around. He had two younger brothers. I never got into any trouble. Unfortunately for him, his father was quite abusive. Spankings if he was lucky; the belt if not.

The last sleepover at his home though was certainly eventful. By that time they lived on the other side of town. His parents went to some party, and we were teenagers by that point (but not old enough to drive). A neighbor kid of his got a hold of keys to his parents' car and they went joyriding. Luckily for me I resisted any temptation to join in and stayed behind with my friend's youngest brother and the neighbor's younger sister. Sure enough, they ended up crashing into a fence in the neighborhood.

So that was the last sleepover I had. Thank goodness I did the right thing. I only saw him once after. He ended up joining the navy (*cue that Billy Joel song*).
It's been a long time, but if I recall correctly, a sleepover involves putting my cat Schrodinger in a cardboard box, exhaling wacky tobacky smoke into the box, and debating whether the cat is high or not high, or both high and not high at the same time. Or if it's impossible to know because... oh wait... the girls just called.
I remember two sleepovers with my best friends we were around 12. We camped out in the backyard in a tent, lots of fun, no sleep, running around the neighborhood at 3am just being 12 year olds. I don't think that would fly these days.
Depends on the age. And nowadays? No. If I had young children, I would allow ONE friend to spend the night but first I have to know that friend, and his/her parents very well before allowing it and if they didn't concern themselves to know all about ME and my kid..then hell no. Just too dangerous nowadays.

Remember when we were kids and could play outside at night, doors unlocked, and nobody to steal us? I do. Those days are long gone.
People used to be more trusting because we were not bombarded with the news of child abductions, rapes, murders, etc. that we are today. Before the internet and cable news, news of these thing stayed much more local and hush-hush.
I had sleep overs and my son did as well. One time the four boys were in the downstairs having a great time ( we could hear them laughing upstairs until I stopped talking to my friend who was the mother of one of the boys and said, "Listen...somethings wrong."

Sure enough, we quietly went down the stairs and there was a tape recorder with the boys laughing and telling jokes. An open window had the screen taken out for their easy access to the cold night air.

The night that finally brought an end to the overnight fun came when one of the boys brought his father's stash of Playboy magazines. The boy hid them in his sleeping bag and we collided in the hallway when he was rushing to get them downstairs. All of the magazines came crashing to the floor. And I came crashing on them.
I had sleep overs and my son did as well. One time the four boys were in the downstairs having a great time ( we could hear them laughing upstairs until I stopped talking to my friend who was the mother of one of the boys and said, "Listen...somethings wrong."

Sure enough, we quietly went down the stairs and there was a tape recorder with the boys laughing and telling jokes. An open window had the screen taken out for their easy access to the cold night air.

The night that finally brought an end to the overnight fun came when one of the boys brought his father's stash of Playboy magazines. The boy hid them in his sleeping bag and we collided in the hallway when he was rushing to get them downstairs. All of the magazines came crashing to the floor. And I came crashing on them.

Lol. That's awesome! THEN what happened, eh? :)
I had sleep overs and my son did as well. One time the four boys were in the downstairs having a great time ( we could hear them laughing upstairs until I stopped talking to my friend who was the mother of one of the boys and said, "Listen...somethings wrong."

Sure enough, we quietly went down the stairs and there was a tape recorder with the boys laughing and telling jokes. An open window had the screen taken out for their easy access to the cold night air.

The night that finally brought an end to the overnight fun came when one of the boys brought his father's stash of Playboy magazines. The boy hid them in his sleeping bag and we collided in the hallway when he was rushing to get them downstairs. All of the magazines came crashing to the floor. And I came crashing on them.

Lol. That's awesome! THEN what happened, eh? :)
I took the magazines and had a "Come to Jesus" moment with them in the morning. They were very quiet and were able to keep quiet while my monologue of "Sex is a beautiful thing and your mind cannot erase the nastiness you gave it last night. I told my husband what they did and he said, "Good for them." What an ass.
I had sleep overs and my son did as well. One time the four boys were in the downstairs having a great time ( we could hear them laughing upstairs until I stopped talking to my friend who was the mother of one of the boys and said, "Listen...somethings wrong."

Sure enough, we quietly went down the stairs and there was a tape recorder with the boys laughing and telling jokes. An open window had the screen taken out for their easy access to the cold night air.

The night that finally brought an end to the overnight fun came when one of the boys brought his father's stash of Playboy magazines. The boy hid them in his sleeping bag and we collided in the hallway when he was rushing to get them downstairs. All of the magazines came crashing to the floor. And I came crashing on them.

Lol. That's awesome! THEN what happened, eh? :)
I took the magazines and had a "Com
e it last night. I told my husband what they did and he said, "Good for them." What an ass.

Lol! Awesome!
Sleepovers were fun when I was a child.

My friends did it....everybody did it!

I don't know what else to say. :dunno:

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