Skin Color


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
If people self-define by skin color, are they not for segregation? Americans are of all skin colors, races, religions, etc. Why do some want to segregate themselves by the color of their skin or where they came from?
If people self-define by skin color, are they not for segregation? Americans are of all skin colors, races, religions, etc. Why do some want to segregate themselves by the color of their skin or where they came from?

Black folks want to go back to Jim Crow. Separate but equal. We'll have our own Black National Anthem, our our dorms at Colleges, our own neighborhoods without whitey.

Jim Crow makes a comeback. Who knew?
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Because they're racists.

If you don't believe me, there is legislation working its way through the California Congress to repeal the civil rights section of their Constitution literally making it legal to discriminate. I think it's prop 16 to remove prop 209. Which made California the first state to ban ALL discrimination.

Go check it out.
If people self-define by skin color, are they not for segregation? Americans are of all skin colors, races, religions, etc. Why do some want to segregate themselves by the color of their skin or where they came from?

some call it NATIONALISM ----it is an extension of
Tribalism-----and, actually, hardwired in the Primate Brain. In the HUMAN brain the FOREBRAIN is very highly developed----a major function of the forebrain is the INHIBITION of reflexes and
REFLEXIVE social behaviors. An example: Monkeys which are also primates with fairly developed brains have a reflexive response to being annoyed by another being---they throw their own feces at it.
We are primates but have an even more inhibiting
forebrain than do monkeys----so no matter how much we feel a desire to throw shit in our neighbors' faces-----we generally don't. Some people with monkey level brains do SHOOT or THROW ROCKS
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Collectivism is the mindset which views humans as members of groups rather than as Individuals. As collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups.

That's the short version anyway. I've went through the longer explanation many times over already. Modern liberalism is a byproduct of the same collectivist thinking which defines racism.
Remember those dating services that existed before the [fucking] internet?

They put people together based on common features, attitudes, tastes, and DEMOGRAPHICS (although that word wasn't in common usage). If you were looking for someone to MARRY, they would hook you up with people of the same race, ethnicity, religion, politics, intelligence, hobbies, etc.

Because it is AXIOMATIC among thinking humans that the best friends and relationships are GENERALLY between people who share these things. and while it's interesting to meet people who do not share all of these things, the most likely source of friends is groups of people who share these things. This is why so many high school friendships last a lifetime.

This is why people hang out with similar people, generally.
Just give me a second, k?

looks down at arms.........


thanks-----I am a short, left handed PINK---by virtue of thin white skin-----the blood shows thru. ----
sometimes I get RED---especially in the face. I consider the red face phenomenon to be an
EXTREME affliction-------perhaps I should be compensated for my suffering ----"look how red
she is"
If people self-define by skin color, are they not for segregation? Americans are of all skin colors, races, religions, etc. Why do some want to segregate themselves by the color of their skin or where they came from?

Black folks want to go back to Jim Crow. Separate but equal. We'll have our own Black National Anthem, our our dorms at Colleges, our own neighborhoods without whitey.

Jim Crow makes a comeback. Who knew?
I don’t think all blacks feel that way maybe the stupid ones that are Democrats and kept in the dark and fed shit like mushrooms by the DNC
Just give me a second, k?

looks down at arms.........


thanks-----I am a short, left handed PINK---by virtue of thin white skin-----the blood shows thru. ----
sometimes I get RED---especially in the face. I consider the red face phenomenon to be an
EXTREME affliction-------perhaps I should be compensated for my suffering ----"look how red
she is"
I am quite tall I can’t walk into a store and buy clothes that fit and discriminated against when it comes to furniture is doesn’t fit me either, much less a car...... where are my “reparations?”
Just give me a second, k?

looks down at arms.........


thanks-----I am a short, left handed PINK---by virtue of thin white skin-----the blood shows thru. ----
sometimes I get RED---especially in the face. I consider the red face phenomenon to be an
EXTREME affliction-------perhaps I should be compensated for my suffering ----"look how red
she is"
I am quite tall I can’t walk into a store and buy clothes that fit and discriminated against when it comes to furniture is doesn’t fit me either, much less a car...... where are my “reparations?”

I have no sympathy----YOU can reach the stuff on the high shelves in the grocery store
I have no sympathy----YOU can reach the stuff on the high shelves in the grocery store
Well, you can reach the low stuff without bending down and getting an aneurysm. :funnyface: Tell you what? Let's start a "height" movement and get reparations for the short and tall 'victims." :auiqs.jpg:
If people self-define by skin color, are they not for segregation? Americans are of all skin colors, races, religions, etc. Why do some want to segregate themselves by the color of their skin or where they came from?
We had a baby shower today at my restaurant,, it was in Armenian baby shower, and there were some Irish people there and the tables were all separated by... culture!
We had a baby shower today at my restaurant,, it was in Armenian baby shower, and there were some Irish people there and the tables were all separated by... culture!
What culture? Were they not Americans?

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