Simple question for the right wing ,how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.

Easy peasy.

Restore the Trump policies canceled by President Biden.
Trump policies did not end asylum treaties and laws silly one, by keeping the asylum seekers in Mexico...

It only postponed them.

Only new laws and breaking treaties signed legal wise, can change what is going on.
Make living as an illegal impossible. Any contact whatsoever with any government agency on any level should result in deportation. Make housing, sheltering, employing, or otherwise aiding an illegal alien in any way except emergency medical care a felony punished with long prison sentences and 6 figure fines.

Give the Border Patrol shoot-on-sight ROE at the border, which should also be patrolled with armed drones and liberally sown with land mines.
build the wall, build it high and wide.....stop spending billion to protect UKraines border and throw some change at our own border.....also pedo Joe is got to go.....his racist attitude blows
not one thing that resolves any issue involved with immigrants at our southern border.
Stop the onslaught at the southern and now northern borders first.
Try giving us more than lip service, and nonsense. Read the dam thread . Those are the issues that have to be resolved to stop refugees coming across and staying till their claims are investigated. You have two international treaties that become law automatically when they are signed and they have been signed decades ago. we have international law that protects these people and a bucket full of domestic laws that say we have to let them in. If they are asking for asylum. Your wall is nonsense. And if I get another threat to kill them at the border, you , whoever does that, are out of here.
1) Negate the asylum treaties.

2) Defund and terminate by law the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a minimum of ten years.

3) Put a bounty on any illegal aliens suspected of being in country.

4) The U.S. federal government must, by it's constituencies demand make it known globally that America opposes any & all attempts for a global government.

Elementary my dear Watson, simply elementary!
OK killer ,your ass is out of here. By the way, you have no clue what you are talking about.
Anyone else here that their solution is just to kill them are wasting our time with the Nazi ways , so I'll dump their asses so they don't bug the people who want to really respond here.
Stop them getting any kind of welfare support AND make it painful for companies that hire them. The problem would solve itself.
The only way this can be achieved is going after the companies that hire them, and those companies are protected by the right wing. So any suggestions on how to achieve this goal, I say you won't get the votes. and the laws that exist are nothing.
Remain in Mexico and we will hear your claim 7 years from now.
Hear, hear!

Current "asylum seekers" are getting court dates more than a decade away.

Build a wall to secure the border and force supposed refugees to report to ports of entry, instead of sneaking in and then asking for asylum when caught. Give them a court date and tell them to come back the day before so they can be held in custody and delivered to the court.

I don't know why the OP would think it is such a brain teaser.
Trump policies did not end asylum treaties and laws silly one, by keeping the asylum seekers in Mexico...

It only postponed them.

Only new laws and breaking treaties signed legal wise, can change what is going on.
That is correct, those treaties are treaties that this country with both parties supported to come about . There is no way to get the votes needed to override the treaty. That we instigated
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
The migrants are just using the asylum angle to get past our standard border laws. We need to define what they are seeking asylum from lack of a job or lack of food is not an acceptable cause for asylum. The US needs to define the acceptable reasons for asylum and hold firm on them
Treaties are not suicide pacts. I doubt that any treaty we signed has phrases like "unlimited," "with no conditions," or "even if it displaces our own homeless veterans."

If it did, those treaties should be renounced immediately.
Hear, hear!

Current "asylum seekers" are getting court dates more than a decade away.

Build a wall to secure the border and force supposed refugees to report to ports of entry, instead of sneaking in and then asking for asylum when caught. Give them a court date and tell them to come back the day before so they can be held in custody and delivered to the court.

I don't know why the OP would think it is such a brain teaser.
can't do it the laws and treaties prohibit that, Title 42 was a joke, it is for stopping the spread of diseases and that isn't needed nor can it be used now.. Come on experts, you have all these imaginary ideas that won't ever happen. You have to find your way around these treaties and domestic and international laws.
Treaties are not suicide pacts. I doubt that any treaty we signed has phrases like "unlimited," "with no conditions," or "even if it displaces our own homeless veterans."

If it did, those treaties should be renounced immediately.
What a hoot , These treaties are instigated by this country and the whole world , or at least the civilized world has signed them, TRY again ace. What this gibberish about being a suicide pac. One question, how are you going to get us out of these treaties that are signed by every civilized country in the world, and where will you get the votes to overturn or rewrite our domestic laws that protect these people.
can't do it the laws and treaties prohibit that, Title 42 was a joke, it is for stopping the spread of diseases and that isn't needed nor can it be used now.. Come on experts, you have all these imaginary ideas that won't ever happen. You have to find your way around these treaties and domestic and international laws.
The laws and treaties do not require us to allow the asylum seekers free reign in the U.S. for more than a decade while they supposedly wait for their court date. We've always held asylum seekers for processing, it's nothing new.

They don't like waiting in a dentention center, let them go ask someone else for asylum, like all those other countries to which Democrats love to unfavorably compare the U.S. of A.

Treaties can be broken, just ask the Souix. Laws can be changes. Neither laws, nor treaties are suicide pacts. Governments led by both parties broke the constitution due to the pandemic of COVID. Now we have a pandemic of illegals, that will break our country if we don't stop them.

You should just say, "I want as many illegals as possible to flow into the country as soon as possible, because ____________________," and fill the blank with your honest answer. That would be interesting . . .

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