CDZ Should these be a right for every American citizen?

Modern Russia and China are much more humane then USA.
If you are talking about life in the inner cities where progressives rule, then yes Russia and China are more humane, but as a country, tell me where the poor are taken much better care of than any other place on the planet.

In other words, more than half of Americans who are poor by U.S. government standards would be middle income when compared with the rest of the world. A fair share, however, would be either low income or poor, globally speaking.

How Americans compare with the global middle class | Pew ...…
I am neither a Liberal nor Conservative.

USA has one of the worst human rights records in the World.

-- Genocide of Native Americans
-- Slavery
-- Murder of over 2.5 million civilians (combined) in Korea 1950-53 and Southeast Asia 1965-73
Corporate welfare is far different than welfare for the poor. One is used to benefit the wealthy and cons love it. The other is used to help the poor and cons hate it.

I know…I know it makes no sense how cons can believe this, but they do.
I am neither a Liberal nor Conservative.

USA has one of the worst human rights records in the World.

-- Genocide of Native Americans
-- Slavery
-- Murder of over 2.5 million civilians (combined) in Korea 1950-53 and Southeast Asia 1965-73
Agreed but we must include the one million Iraqis to the list, and who knows how many Afghanis, Libyans, Yemenis, and Syrians. Than what about the thousands of Iranians, Cubans, and Venezuelians killed by our government’s heinous sanctions?

You’ll find many Americans dumb cons particularly, won’t accept this truth about our murderous government. They’re still stuck on believing the bs told them in government grade schools and refuse to accept the truth.
Corporate welfare is far different than welfare for the poor. One is used to benefit the wealthy and cons love it.

Agree with this part. It's why they can barely win elections against insane lunatics and we get Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and criminals like Biden in office.
Corporate welfare is far different than welfare for the poor. One is used to benefit the wealthy and cons love it. The other is used to help the poor and cons hate it.

I know…I know it makes no sense how cons can believe this, but they do.
In your viewpoint, what is corporate welfare and is it available only to giant corporations?

Why do you believe that it is a good thing to reward bad behavior?
This list of rights is more sensible .....

= Social Security Insurance

= Medicare for ALL Insurance

= Advanced Education for ALL = job growth and/or entrepreneurship

= Maternity Leave

= Sustainable Living Wage if we want to reduce food assistance

= Safe Working Conditions

= Public Education backed with plenty of tutors for online


= Clean Water

= Clean Air

= Cleaner Energy

= To Demand and Prosecute Inside Traders no matter what

= To Protect the US Postal Service

= To Prevent Take Over Of The Media by the Few

= Have A Right To Be Free of Politicians Forcing Their Private Agendas On All In America

= How about the right in keeping politics out of health care issues such as Pandemics ?

= The right to be free of voter suppression and expect voter suppression to be prosecuted.
This list of rights is more sensible .....

= Social Security Insurance

= Medicare for ALL Insurance

= Advanced Education for ALL = job growth and/or entrepreneurship

= Maternity Leave

= Sustainable Living Wage if we want to reduce food assistance

= Safe Working Conditions

= Public Education backed with plenty of tutors for online


= Clean Water

= Clean Air

= Cleaner Energy

= To Demand and Prosecute Inside Traders no matter what

= To Protect the US Postal Service

= To Prevent Take Over Of The Media by the Few

= Have A Right To Be Free of Politicians Forcing Their Private Agendas On All In America

= How about the right in keeping politics out of health care issues such as Pandemics ?

= The right to be free of voter suppression and expect voter suppression to be prosecuted.
How about just these rights which is the "Classical Liberal" rights.

Life - inside or outside a womb.

Liberty - Freedom to choose your own decisions without an overbearing government trying to lie, steal and cheat you.

Pursuit of Happiness - Goes with the Freedom, where each person as long as law abiding can go out and achieve their own happiness.

Corporate welfare is far different than welfare for the poor. One is used to benefit the wealthy and cons love it. The other is used to help the poor and cons hate it.

I know…I know it makes no sense how cons can believe this, but they do.

“Corporate welfare” entails allowing those who generated wealth to keep what they have rightfully earned.

“Welfare for the poor” consists of taking from one, what he has rightfully earned, and giving it to someone who did nothing to earn it.
“Corporate welfare” entails allowing those who generated wealth to keep what they have rightfully earned.

“Welfare for the poor” consists of taking from one, what he has rightfully earned, and giving it to someone who did nothing to earn it.
God almighty please help these poor fools.
Agreed but we must include the one million Iraqis to the list, and who knows how many Afghanis, Libyans, Yemenis, and Syrians. Than what about the thousands of Iranians, Cubans, and Venezuelians killed by our government’s heinous sanctions?

You’ll find many Americans dumb cons particularly, won’t accept this truth about our murderous government. They’re still stuck on believing the bs told them in government grade schools and refuse to accept the truth.

The U.S. didn't kill "one million Iraqis" (not even close). More Iraqis were killed by UN sanctions than the U.S. invasion.
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?

A right? I don't think you know what a "right" is. A right is individual. When it comes to healthcare, you're talking about something that affects at least two people.
The left have been trying to make healthcare a "right" for a few years now. Healthcare is a privilege. Like driving a vehicle on a publicly funded road.

People also have the right to eat right and exercise. They have a right to not drink or do drugs. They have a right to not take a job that is surrounded by dangerous chemicals that could get you sick.

Forcing tax payers to pay for doctors who they'll never seen, adversely affects those tax payers.

Rights aren't something that can be giving to one, by taking from another.

If the left would stop trying to make out like healthcare was a right, but moreso just a better way of doing something, they'd get a lot more support.
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions


The benefits above are what the Swedish people enjoy.

And their economy is doing fine.
The U.S. didn't kill "one million Iraqis" (not even close). More Iraqis were killed by UN sanctions than the U.S. invasion.
Okay maybe the number is inflated, but we’ll never know the real number. However it can’t be disputed the war criminal W caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis with his criminal invasion.

And those UN sanctions that killed untold numbers of Iraqis, was promoted by your beloved government. Remember Madeline Halfbright’s comment on it being worth it, the mass murdering of Iraqi children using sanctions???

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