CDZ Speaker Nancy Pelosi should be replaced and here is why


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Yesterday, the House called to the floor a rushed, $1 billion supplemental military funding bill for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system. I want to be clear with our community that I am opposed to this bill, but ultimately cast a PRESENT vote.

My job as your representative is to first and foremost serve with transparency and remain accountable to you, the people of New York’s 14th Congressional District.

First, let me begin with why I believe this bill should have been opposed: contrary to popular narrative, this bill was not for all U.S. funding of the Iron Dome, and opposing it would not defund U.S. financing of the system in any way, shape, or form. Since 2011, the U.S. has provided $1.7 billion for the Iron Dome and is already financially committed to continuing these funds through 2028.

This bill adds an additional $1 billion in funding in one year to this system alone - for context, that is an amount in one year that approaches all the funding to this system we have provided over the last decade - and this is in addition to $3 billion authorized earlier this year in other forms of military funding to the Israeli government.

I believe strongly that Congress should take greater scrutiny with all military funding across the world. I also believe that, for far too long, the U.S. has handed unconditional aid to the Israeli government while doing nothing to address or raise the persistent human rights abuses against the Palestinian people, and that this imbalance of power must be centered in any honest conversation about Israel and Palestine - in addition to the many other governments we militarily fund with a pattern of human rights abuses, such as the Saudi and Colombia related amendments I introduced last week as well.

In addition to opposing the substance of the Iron Dome supplemental bill, the process of bringing it to the House floor was deeply unjust. The legislative language itself was initially introduced, earlier this week, by way of an attempt to quietly slip this funding into routine legislation, without any of the usually-necessary committee debate, markup, or regular order.

A funding leap this significant in a policy area that is already so charged and fraught for many communities, particularly our own, deserves the respect of a proper legislative process.

Unfortunately, that process did not happen. And, the reckless decision by House leadership to rush this controversial vote within a matter of hours and without true consideration created a tinderbox of vitriol, disingenuous framing, deeply racist accusations and depictions, and lack of substantive discussion on this matter.

I want to be clear that the decision to rush this vote - virtually preventing any member from meaningfully consulting with their community - was both intentional and unnecessary.

Even the night before, as it became clear that the discourse around this issue was quickly devolving from substance to hateful targeting, I personally had a call with the House Majority Leader to request a 24 hour stay of the vote, so that we could do the work necessary to bring down the temperature and volatility, explain our positions, and engage our communities. That request was summarily dismissed.

Not only was the request dismissed, but despite the House having almost 8 straight hours of votes yesterday, this vote was chosen to be the first despite being one of the most controversial.

The damage of this careless process created very real spillover effects into our community. It created a real sense of panic and horror among those in our community who otherwise engage thoughtfully in these discussions, and fueled the discussion to devolve to a point where it became clear that this vote would risk a severe devolution of the good faith community fabric that allows us to responsibly join in a struggle for human rights and dignity everywhere - from Palestine to The Bronx and Queens.

In short, the rush of this vote into a matter of hours was threatening to tear our community apart, and permanently close the doors that we desperately need open in order to progress.

Yes, I wept. I wept at the complete lack of care for the human beings that are impacted by these decisions, I wept at an institution choosing a path of maximum volatility and minimum consideration for its own political convenience.

And I wept at the complete lack of regard I often feel our party has to its most vulnerable and endangered members and communities - because the death threats and dangerous vitriol we’d inevitably receive by rushing such a sensitive, charged, and under-considered vote weren’t worth delaying it for even a few hours to help us do the work necessary to open a conversation of understanding.

It certainly wasn’t the first time people’s wellbeing was tossed aside for political convenience, and sadly I do not believe it will be the last. To those I have disappointed - I am deeply sorry. To those who believe this reasoning is insufficient or cowardice - I understand.

To those who asked me to quell the volatility of this moment in our community, which constituted the majority of constituent feedback our office received - I hope we can take this moment and opportunity to more deeply engage in and grow a true, substantive movement of community support for human rights around the world - which includes cherishing and respecting the human rights of Palestinian people.



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Of course that money that was included at the last minute should never leave our shores. Simple as that.

if we have money for this kind of BS we have money for Medicare for All Insurance, college money for our children and hiring more people BACK into the IRS to enforce tax regulations.

Quote Reply merrill
Why is AOC such an idiot???? why????? is it a palestinian human right to shoot rockets into Israel? Doesnt she understand that as long as Israel can intercept rockets and missiles being fired in on a daily basis, that that illiminates Israel's need to then invade and take out Palestinian positions through hand to hand combat or by using tanks and other destructive measures, like heavy air strikes?
The iron dome is saving Palestinian lives. Can someone please create a technology that can breach that IRON DOME that constitutes AOC's skull??
Of course that money that was included at the last minute should never leave our shores. Simple as that.

if we have money for this kind of BS we have money for Medicare for All Insurance, college money for our children and hiring more people BACK into the IRS to enforce tax regulations.

Quote Reply merrill
If you think that 1 billion will cover your wish list, you are a fool. That is like believing that if we hire more IRS enforcement Old Slow Joe will pay his 500,000 he owes in back taxes.
AOC doesn't seem to care 2 shits over the human rights of the Israelis who are inured or killed by Hamas rockets indiscriminately fired from the West Bank or Gaza. I've noticed that democrats are real good at crying to gen up sympathy for their pov. And I'm trying to figure out if she really is that ignorant. Cuz otherwise she's an anti-semite ideologue. OK, maybe both.

BTW, I thought this thread was about Pelosi getting replaced.
Yes Pelosi should have been forwarding & helping some one to take her place starting about 5 years ago (Just my opinion) She is a great money raiser for the party. & I feel the same way about others in both party's, some who are just dead weight. As for AOC she is right about half the time, another one who talks too much.
Of course the so called one billion will not cover the feet on the ground wish list........

The middle east is all about oil ---yes a huge handout to the oil industry

There is no hard evidence Biden owes $500,000 in back taxes that is a wing nut point of view meanwhile
Trump owes millions.

Pelosi should have detained this bill for a awhile, she also should have gone after all of the charges Mueller put forth she went after two.

She is an insider trader among the many.......

She has been there too long .....time to go forward
Why is AOC such an idiot???? why????? is it a palestinian human right to shoot rockets into Israel? Doesnt she understand that as long as Israel can intercept rockets and missiles being fired in on a daily basis, that that illiminates Israel's need to then invade and take out Palestinian positions through hand to hand combat or by using tanks and other destructive measures, like heavy air strikes?
The iron dome is saving Palestinian lives. Can someone please create a technology that can breach that IRON DOME that constitutes AOC's skull??
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University College of Arts and Sciences with a BA in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.

    Just gotta love that AOC ....... among the all American women.

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  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University College of Arts and Sciences with a BA in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.


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