Should Presidental election day be a holiday?

What? Of course they are. How do you get down to ONE Democrat and ONE Republican to run against each other?
still not a vote for POTUS and doesnt change the fact the date of election is known for far more than 4 yrs prior and leaves plenty of time to prepare for voting day,,
NO. HELL NO. We need to make it more difficult for people to vote, not easier. There are already far too many people making wrong choices in the voting booth, and now you want to aid even more misguided fools in voting as well. I think not.
NO. HELL NO. We need to make it more difficult for people to vote, not easier. There are already far too many people making wrong choices in the voting booth, and now you want to aid even more misguided fools in voting as well. I think not.
Wrong choices? Says who, you? Who the fuck are you?
No, it's not necessary what with all the early voting throughout the country. There are only a few states that don't have it in some duration.
Not with the 440 voter suppression bills that are trying to eliminate them or cut them back drastically for no good reason at all.
In order to give all eligible citizens time to vote, I believe every Presidential election day should be a holiday.
How many agree?
I don't ... necessarily

bc if a person does not care enough about voting to get to a polling place, most of which close at 8 pm

he or she does not care enough about our country and probably should not vote

just saying

The dems in Virginia put a 45-day early voting period into place thinking they would never lose another election but once we got our feet under us we turned the tables on them and used it to our great advantage.

Hell I toted eight like-minded non-family members to the polls myself during that period.....In contrast I was lucky to tote two or three oldsters to the poles on election day from the local senior center and I had no idea how they voted.

No holiday is needed but I would prefer all POTUS primaries to be held within a two week period. Way too much money is wasted that could be used in the general battle and far too many really good people are beat down by big money.....Rand Paul was a good example of that.

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