Should Pete be fired for taking time off to play house like children do during a major crisis?

Should Pete be fired?

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  • No

  • Every father needs time off to learn how to breast feed.

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Older generations manned it up. They worked through their wives child birth even, if they had to. This is not a Republican thing. This is a national thing. The advent of feminism with many women in the workplace to extreme feminism that at times seems has gone of the rails has affected a lot of ways of living. We are fracturing as a nation.
Older generations didn't buy all their crap from WalMart who GOT all their crap from China.
Older generations didn't buy all their crap from WalMart who GOT all their crap from China.
Back then there were people who spoke up. But the massive expanding of taxation for the PC, Diversity, Quotas, Extreme Feminism that helped to curtail our competitive ways as the world retooled after WW 2 set the train in motion. The men who worked in most of our production ways after WW 2 took control of the companies and by the late 1960's caused struggling for the products made with the quality compared to overseas. There were many of those employees who got paid off with payouts and pensions as the corporations left the United States. But many did not. The rust belt grew and expanded. The 1970's showed our true weaknesses in making products with quality. But there were still products made with quality. Now we exist with a more globalist way. And we see it now. Held to the foreign producers as the ships are outside out shores. Produced here, it would be easier. Now we listen to the Prog broads. Psaki will suck dik to survive. As many people would. But she is impotent.
Any man who takes months of maternity leave because he and his gay husband adopt a child isn't fit to be in charge of anything to be honest. I don't see how a person that would do that is me tally competent to even manage a McDonald's.

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