Should Gov't have Limits?

So you are for government controlling every facet of your life.

Just like you are for people freely being able to harm kids.

I am for people not allowing government to lead them by the nose. I am looking for people to carry some of the load. If government is making every rule you are not free you are a government drone.

That's not what you've been saying. Throughout this thread you have repeatedly responded to ANY laws with an accusation that just because someone wants A law that means they want the government to have total control of their lives. Obviously, having a law to protect kids from sex offenders is not the same as having total government control of our lives, but this is what you have been espousing.

Well, until now, when suddenly you have a change of heart. Funny how that works.
Just like you are for people freely being able to harm kids.

I am for people not allowing government to lead them by the nose. I am looking for people to carry some of the load. If government is making every rule you are not free you are a government drone.

That's not what you've been saying. Throughout this thread you have repeatedly responded to ANY laws with an accusation that just because someone wants A law that means they want the government to have total control of their lives. Obviously, having a law to protect kids from sex offenders is not the same as having total government control of our lives, but this is what you have been espousing.

Well, until now, when suddenly you have a change of heart. Funny how that works.

What change of heart?
And is UnConstitutional and an abridgement to Liberty and Free Will.

According to who?

The DOI and The Constitution...the Founders.

The Declaration of Independence tells us what the Constitution means, even though it was written years before? That's funny!

According to the Constitution? Sorry but we can't ask the Constitution questions.

The Founders?
You can talk to dead people?
Wow. Impressive.

So I guess that just leaves according to you. I had no idea the Constitution appointed you the decider of such things. I mistakenly believed that all federal judicial authority was vested in a Supreme Court and inferior tribunals as Congress shall constitute.
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Just like you are for people freely being able to harm kids.

I am for people not allowing government to lead them by the nose. I am looking for people to carry some of the load. If government is making every rule you are not free you are a government drone.

That's not what you've been saying. Throughout this thread you have repeatedly responded to ANY laws with an accusation that just because someone wants A law that means they want the government to have total control of their lives. Obviously, having a law to protect kids from sex offenders is not the same as having total government control of our lives, but this is what you have been espousing.

Well, until now, when suddenly you have a change of heart. Funny how that works.

You must have misread the post I have changed nothing in what I have said at all. You may need to read for understanding. You are about begging for the government to tuck you in at night and expect them to send someone to your home and read you a bedtime story. I don't want them anywhere near the neighborhood.
According to who?

The DOI and The Constitution...the Founders.

The Declaration of Independence tells us what the Constitution means, even though it was written years before? That's funny!

According to the Constitution? Sorry but we can't ask the Constitution questions.

The Founders?
You can talk to dead people?
Wow. Impressive.

So I guess that just leaves according to you. I had no idea the Constitution appointed you the decider of such things.

Correct.The DOI was the intent as presented to the King of Great britain and the Parliment...after wrangling with the Articles Of Confederation (that weren't working)...the Constitution was fronted which gave us the Federalist/Anti-Federalist papers...

Ended up the Constitution won out, was ratified, and codified the DOI, and gave teeth to intent with the fledgeling Republic...

Anything else you wanna know about it? You make sure you call on me sport.

Thank me.
I am for people not allowing government to lead them by the nose. I am looking for people to carry some of the load. If government is making every rule you are not free you are a government drone.

That's not what you've been saying. Throughout this thread you have repeatedly responded to ANY laws with an accusation that just because someone wants A law that means they want the government to have total control of their lives. Obviously, having a law to protect kids from sex offenders is not the same as having total government control of our lives, but this is what you have been espousing.

Well, until now, when suddenly you have a change of heart. Funny how that works.

What change of heart?

Katiegrrl0 has been accusing anyone in this thread of wanting total Government control of their lives if that person mentions even one law that we as a civilized society might need. Yet, faced with the very real fact that we need laws at the very least to protect vulnerable members of our society, like children, she immediately changed her tune.

Funny how people gain understanding when they stop and think for a second.
No hospitals should be able to sue anyone who doesn't pay and use other legal means such as liens and garnishments just like the government uses if you don't pay them.

Yeah, because most people without health insurance have plenty of things to put liens on and massive salaries to garnish.

There are already laws that spell out exactly how to collect a debt from private citizens.

Is there a law that spells out how to collect money that SOMEONE DOES NOT HAVE?

I have a friend in his 40's. He got in a horrible motorcycle accident when he was in his mid 20's. He had no health insurance. He was in a coma for 6 months. The bill was $750,000. 15 years, guess how much the hospital has successfully collected from him?

You're a fucking moron.

The fucking government will garnish a paycheck as small as a couple hundred bucks a week.

That's why my friend only works for cash, genius. And all the rental property he owns is actually in his mother's name.

Its not that hard to beat the system. Deadbeat dad's do it all the fucking time.

And just because your friend is a fucking deadbeat doesn't mean the hospital that saved his worthless life can't garnish his pay to at least recoup spme of the money he stole frm them.

They obviously can't,. he still owes every penny.

The hospital that saved his life, BTW, never asked him if he wanted to owe them $750,000 in exchange for their services. He didn't get that choice, it wasn't a decision he made.
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Should the government be forced to pay for emergency room care for everyone who enters a hospital that takes federal funds?

Let's cut to the chase - should the gov't have the power to force you to buy something, anything, or not buy it? Do they have the power to decide for you what's good for you and what isn't, a decision you have no say in? For example, should they be able to determine the conditions for who gets what medical treatment, based on cost analysis by a bunch of bureaucrats?

And let's not change the subject by bitching about the private insurance system. Separate issue, please stick to the basic question. Should the gov't have any limits at all?

My take: the gov't has no business making personal decisions for it's citizens. Nor does it have a responsibility to assist those who make the wrong choices. Gov't should be restricted to ONLY those functions that individual cannot do by themselves, such as national defense.

Should the government be forced to pay for emergency room care for everyone who enters a hospital that takes federal funds?

Should the government force every individual to buy health coverage? Should they pick up the tab, who knows. They do because it is what is expected.
We pay taxes. I would like our taxes to pay for non profit health insurance as any society civilized society not stuck on stupid does
Is there anyone advocating for that?

Yes. Everyone that wants to allow the government to take control of personal decisions.

Well that certainly clears it up.

When you meet one of these people and/or can name one let us know.

If you read the posts you would find that Don'tBeStupid is certainly one of them. You seem to be on the list to. You want government to tell everyone to buy insurance so you support the idea of big government as well. You don't believe in personal responsibility at all.
That's not what you've been saying. Throughout this thread you have repeatedly responded to ANY laws with an accusation that just because someone wants A law that means they want the government to have total control of their lives. Obviously, having a law to protect kids from sex offenders is not the same as having total government control of our lives, but this is what you have been espousing.

Well, until now, when suddenly you have a change of heart. Funny how that works.

What change of heart?

Katiegrrl0 has been accusing anyone in this thread of wanting total Government control of their lives if that person mentions even one law that we as a civilized society might need. Yet, faced with the very real fact that we need laws at the very least to protect vulnerable members of our society, like children, she immediately changed her tune.

Funny how people gain understanding when they stop and think for a second.

Everyone? I don't think so...but has apologized to some for err...even me.

They are not doing that today true. But two years ago people could smoke in bars. Five years ago you could transport a child without a car seat. Two years ago you could drive without your seat belt. Five years ago you weren't force to buy car insurance. So today you can do this I said in the beginning government will take freedom by inches.

And then people got cancer from second hand smoke and kids died in car accidents due to idiotic parents.

Yay Freedom!

Do you want government control in every facet of your life? If you do that's fine. I don't.

Nope. Just help society stay healthy and educated and I think most social programs funded by government - for people as opposed to orgs/companies -- would disappear.
That's not what you've been saying. Throughout this thread you have repeatedly responded to ANY laws with an accusation that just because someone wants A law that means they want the government to have total control of their lives. Obviously, having a law to protect kids from sex offenders is not the same as having total government control of our lives, but this is what you have been espousing.

Well, until now, when suddenly you have a change of heart. Funny how that works.

What change of heart?

Katiegrrl0 has been accusing anyone in this thread of wanting total Government control of their lives if that person mentions even one law that we as a civilized society might need. Yet, faced with the very real fact that we need laws at the very least to protect vulnerable members of our society, like children, she immediately changed her tune.

Funny how people gain understanding when they stop and think for a second.

You want to show me the post where I said other than that. You support big government and control and government infringement on a personal level. You have said so in all of your posts.
The DOI and The Constitution...the Founders.

The Declaration of Independence tells us what the Constitution means, even though it was written years before? That's funny!

According to the Constitution? Sorry but we can't ask the Constitution questions.

The Founders?
You can talk to dead people?
Wow. Impressive.

So I guess that just leaves according to you. I had no idea the Constitution appointed you the decider of such things.

Correct.The DOI was the intent as presented to the King of Great britain and the Parliment...after wrangling with the Articles Of Confederation (that weren't working)...the Constitution was fronted which gave us the Federalist/Anti-Federalist papers...

Ended up the Constitution won out, was ratified, and codified the DOI, and gave teeth to intent with the fledgeling Republic...

Anything else you wanna know about it? You make sure you call on me sport.

Thank me.

AHH! I get it. So when the Congress and a citizen or citizens - or a state and citizen or citizens, have a dispute over the correct interpretation of the Constitution ... they DO WHAT?

Sorry, do they go before the Declaration of Independence and present their arguments there?

Or do they ask you?

I still want to know where you derive your authority to impose your interpretation of the Constitution on others.
Should the government be forced to pay for emergency room care for everyone who enters a hospital that takes federal funds?

Let's cut to the chase - should the gov't have the power to force you to buy something, anything, or not buy it? Do they have the power to decide for you what's good for you and what isn't, a decision you have no say in? For example, should they be able to determine the conditions for who gets what medical treatment, based on cost analysis by a bunch of bureaucrats?

And let's not change the subject by bitching about the private insurance system. Separate issue, please stick to the basic question. Should the gov't have any limits at all?

My take: the gov't has no business making personal decisions for it's citizens. Nor does it have a responsibility to assist those who make the wrong choices. Gov't should be restricted to ONLY those functions that individual cannot do by themselves, such as national defense.

Should the government be forced to pay for emergency room care for everyone who enters a hospital that takes federal funds?

No, hospitals should be able to sue anyone who doesn't pay and use other legal means such as liens and garnishments just like the government uses if you don't pay them.

There are already laws that spell out exactly how to collect a debt from private citizens.

Doctors, hospitals, medical schools, research labs, science r&d, most all funded by tax dollars.
Should the government be forced to pay for emergency room care for everyone who enters a hospital that takes federal funds?

Should the government be forced to pay for emergency room care for everyone who enters a hospital that takes federal funds?

Should the government force every individual to buy health coverage? Should they pick up the tab, who knows. They do because it is what is expected.
We pay taxes. I would like our taxes to pay for non profit health insurance as any society civilized society not stuck on stupid does

I think national health coverage is a good thing. I do think everyone should be covered. I also think that if some decides they don't want to they would have that right. The hospital would have the right to turn them from the door.
Yes. Everyone that wants to allow the government to take control of personal decisions.

Well that certainly clears it up.

When you meet one of these people and/or can name one let us know.

If you read the posts you would find that Don'tBeStupid is certainly one of them.
Great. Just link me to the post where Don'tBeStupid says he wants government to control every facet of his life.

Now are any of these people like, not anonymous posters on websites? Do they have real names?

You seem to be on the list to. You want government to tell everyone to buy insurance so you support the idea of big government as well. You don't believe in personal responsibility at all.

I do not support the idea of government controlling every facet of everyone's life. I have thus proven you a liar.

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