Should DC become a state and get 2 Senators and voting rights for residents?

Clearly your agenda is political power.
I am not a member of any political party. Try another Straw Man.

I also think Puerto Rico should be a state and they tend to be very conservative
I would if they brought something to the table, but they don't. Puerto Rico is a giant welfare state that would only be a drain on our overall nation's finances. It would be foolish to admit them to the union. What we should do is cut them loose altogether.
I would if they brought something to the table, but they don't. Puerto Rico is a giant welfare state that would only be a drain on our overall nation's finances.
Ya mean like Mississippi, Alabama, or any number of other red states?
If D.C. voted 80% Republican you would oppose statehood. The push for statehood by the Democratic Party has nothing to do with fair representation. It has to do with making a political power grab.
No, I wouldn't.

You'd have to be a real piece of shit to want to deny others equal representation in Congress. Don't ya' Stinky?
You didn't address what I said, racist fuck
What was your point? Oh, yes. You oppose Americans having the same level of representation as you do only because of who they would vote for. Very patriotic, dickface.
The Founding Fathers destroyed a ship's cargo of tea and started an armed conflict to protest being taxed but not represented. Where is the massive groundswell of DC residents demanding statehood so they can vote? All I ever see is a bunch of people NOT living in DC insisting that we have to make a new state no matter what, and they're all democrats.

They've petitioned Congress for statehood to the point where the House passed a bill granting them statehood and now it's up to the senate. I guess you could say they are going about it legally rather than you know, storming the castle so to speak over a conspiracy.
What was your point? Oh, yes. You oppose Americans having the same level of representation as you do only because of who they would vote for. Very patriotic, dickface.

Sense everything you say has nothing to do with anything I said, at this point, just go fuck yourself, racist bitch
Sense everything you say has nothing to do with anything I said, at this point, just go fuck yourself, racist bitch

I did address your point weirdo. It shouldn't matter who the citizens of a new state vote for in considering that they have just as much of a right to representation in Congress as you or I.

I have no idea why you are referring to anything I've posted as racist. But that's just you and every time I respond to one of your posts I have to consider what a soul draining waste of time it usually ends up being.
I did address your point weirdo. It shouldn't matter who the citizens of a new state vote for in considering that they have just as much of a right to representation in Congress as you or I.

I have no idea why you are referring to anything I've posted as racist. But that's just you and every time I respond to one of your posts I have to consider what a soul draining waste of time it usually ends up being.

Poor guy, you never could follow a discussion.

There there. Fucking moron
D.C can never become a State. It's absolutely against the Constitution.

Most of D.C. could be ceded back to Maryland, but that's it.

Why doesn't anyone want to discuss Puerto Rican Statehood?
I did address your point weirdo. It shouldn't matter who the citizens of a new state vote for in considering that they have just as much of a right to representation in Congress as you or I.

I have no idea why you are referring to anything I've posted as racist. But that's just you and every time I respond to one of your posts I have to consider what a soul draining waste of time it usually ends up being.
People that live in a Federal District don't have a right to representation in Congress...that's the point of the Federal District.
For those of you who think DC's residential areas could be ceded back to Maryland, I have a question. Have you ever looked at a map of DC to see where all the government buildings are located? Ever been there and gotten familiar with the area?

If you have, you would know this is simply not possible.
People that live in a Federal District don't have a right to representation in Congress...that's the point of the Federal District.
The point of DC existing is to remove the rights of it's citizens from representation in Congress? That's a new one.
For those of you who think DC's residential areas could be ceded back to Maryland, I have a question. Have you ever looked at a map of DC to see where all the government buildings are located? Ever been there and gotten familiar with the area?
If you have, you would know this is simply not possible.
Sure it is - it just takes a little bit of ink and a straightedge.

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