Should African-Americans be encouraged to colonize

Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.

To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.
African Americans were held as slaves. Their complexion made it easy to identify them as slaves.

Slavery ended. But that pesky complexion problem made it easy to repress them politically, economically and socially. The shame of slavery lasted 250 years. The shame of the repression has lasted for another 150. 400 years of repression, and some backward thinking White bogots are incredulous as to why the African American community has not risen to the height some backward thinking bigots believe that the European American community has exclusive command of.

If such backward thinking bigots took a long, deliberative look at the state of their own community and see the flaws some of the economically, socially, politically and educationally repressed White folks live their lives in daily, the idiocy of repatriating African Americans to Africa would be seen, even by the bigots, as patently ridiculous at best, divisive, patronizing and offensive at least and vile, bigoted and destructive at worst.
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.
African Americans were held as slaves. Their complexion made it easy to identify them as slaves.

Slavery ended. But that pesky complexion problem made it easy to repress them politically, economically and socially. The shame of slavery lasted 250 years. The shame of the repression has lasted for another 150. 400 years of repression, and some backward thinking White bogots are incredulous as to why the African American community has not risen to the height some backward thinking bigots believe that the European American community has exclusive command of.

If such backward thinking bigots took a long, deliberative look at the state of their own community and see the flaws some of the economically, socially, politically and educationally repressed White folks live their lives in daily, the idiocy of repatriating African Americans to Africa would be seen, even by the bigots, as patently ridiculous at best, divisive, patronizing and offensive at least and vile, bigoted and destructive at worst.
A couple of points.

Slavery ended in name only for non-incarcerated Black citizens. Not only did physical slavery continue under other names such as convict leasing and share cropping, crippling mental slavery was continued. For generations the idea of the African savage eating missionaries was fed to Black people to keep them here in the US, cover up the true history of Africans, and support the ridiculous notion of white superiority. Having found out for myself what Africa is really about was like having someone take the lid off a box i was trapped in.

The other point is that if the US were to pay out reparations in exchange for me to go to Africa i would do so in a heartbeat after divesting my interests here.
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.

As I said before- I strongly urge you to seek out African Americans and personally encourage to go back to Africa.

Let us know how it turns out.
Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.


Exactly how will Americans be able to colonize Africa?

Do you think it is empty of people there?
Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.


Exactly how will Americans be able to colonize Africa?

Do you think it is empty of people there?

There are a lot mis-conceptions regarding what I envision and what I am referring to in my original question...the topic of this thread....aka....should American-Africans be encouraged to set up colonies in Africa?

What I propose is that funds be set aside by Congress to help finance ....first of all--a model colony--perhaps in Liberia--perhaps somewhere else.

Good negotiators (ideally they should be American-Africans) should be sent on missions to all of the African Countries to find a host country that would have the most to offer to American-African emigrees.

Once a country is found that meets the needed requirements...then land should be bought and treaties entered into granting ideally the freedom of said colony to conduct business, social and economic activities without interference from host country....these colonies would of course have to co-operate with host country...but they must be guraranteed freedom to run their 'colony' the way they see fit.

I would propose some sort of arrangement whereby after some amount of time say...7 yrs.--if the host country was not happy with the American-African colony then they would voluntarily leave but the host country would have to recompense them for the monies the land cost the colony and for any improvements to said land aka buildings etc.

Now this is just a brief, very brief account of how I envision the initial setting up of a colony in Africa....I could go into much greater detail regarding this and I will later if the disruptions are not too numerous.

Hopefully ...just this brief explanation of the initial process may clear up some of the misuncerstandings I have seen posted on here.
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.

As I said before- I strongly urge you to seek out African Americans and personally encourage to go back to Africa.

Let us know how it turns out.

I see you are totally in the dark.....but under the program I envision there would be numerous speakers going out into the black community explaining the churches, to colleges, to the NAACP etc.

Once they could be persuaded of the opportunity that would exist....the word would spread like wildfire....under the auspices of the program I envision the quality of life in Africa for American-Africans would greatly exceed anything possible for them here....they would have their own government(practiclly speaking anyhow..but co-operation with host country would be needed) their own stores, schools, police, teachers, firemen and so on and so forth.

Just a brief synopsis.
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.
African Americans were held as slaves. Their complexion made it easy to identify them as slaves.

Slavery ended. But that pesky complexion problem made it easy to repress them politically, economically and socially. The shame of slavery lasted 250 years. The shame of the repression has lasted for another 150. 400 years of repression, and some backward thinking White bogots are incredulous as to why the African American community has not risen to the height some backward thinking bigots believe that the European American community has exclusive command of.

If such backward thinking bigots took a long, deliberative look at the state of their own community and see the flaws some of the economically, socially, politically and educationally repressed White folks live their lives in daily, the idiocy of repatriating African Americans to Africa would be seen, even by the bigots, as patently ridiculous at best, divisive, patronizing and offensive at least and vile, bigoted and destructive at worst.
A couple of points.

Slavery ended in name only for non-incarcerated Black citizens. Not only did physical slavery continue under other names such as convict leasing and share cropping, crippling mental slavery was continued. For generations the idea of the African savage eating missionaries was fed to Black people to keep them here in the US, cover up the true history of Africans, and support the ridiculous notion of white superiority. Having found out for myself what Africa is really about was like having someone take the lid off a box i was trapped in.

The other point is that if the US were to pay out reparations in exchange for me to go to Africa i would do so in a heartbeat after divesting my interests here.

Great Post...and I see you are one of the few that has any understanding of what I am proposing....yes reparations in the form of financing the colony until it could become self supporting. To include such things as good medical care, housing, food and other amenities that Americans are used to.

The only way to make the program sucessful would be to keep the emigrees happy and content as they learn to govern themselves and become a viable island of economic and social oppurtunity in the host country which would also benefit tremendously from having an American Colony in their midst. Yes...i think we are pretty much on the same page. Thanks for your post.
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.
African Americans were held as slaves. Their complexion made it easy to identify them as slaves.

Slavery ended. But that pesky complexion problem made it easy to repress them politically, economically and socially. The shame of slavery lasted 250 years. The shame of the repression has lasted for another 150. 400 years of repression, and some backward thinking White bogots are incredulous as to why the African American community has not risen to the height some backward thinking bigots believe that the European American community has exclusive command of.

If such backward thinking bigots took a long, deliberative look at the state of their own community and see the flaws some of the economically, socially, politically and educationally repressed White folks live their lives in daily, the idiocy of repatriating African Americans to Africa would be seen, even by the bigots, as patently ridiculous at best, divisive, patronizing and offensive at least and vile, bigoted and destructive at worst.

You simply do not understand what I am proposing. I suggest you read the posts by the American-Africans who have lived there and enjoy it.

That might help you to better understand what I am talking about....and the first thing you need to understand is that those returning would only be those who volunteer to do one would be forcing anyone to go anywhere.
Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.


Exactly how will Americans be able to colonize Africa?

Do you think it is empty of people there?

There are a lot mis-conceptions regarding what I envision and what I am referring to in my original question...the topic of this thread....aka....should American-Africans be encouraged to set up colonies in Africa?

What I propose is that funds be set aside by Congress to help finance ....first of all--a model colony--perhaps in Liberia--perhaps somewhere else.

Good negotiators (ideally they should be American-Africans) should be sent on missions to all of the African Countries to find a host country that would have the most to offer to American-African emigrees.

Once a country is found that meets the needed requirements...then land should be bought and treaties entered into granting ideally the freedom of said colony to conduct business, social and economic activities without interference from host country....these colonies would of course have to co-operate with host country...but they must be guraranteed freedom to run their 'colony' the way they see fit.

I would propose some sort of arrangement whereby after some amount of time say...7 yrs.--if the host country was not happy with the American-African colony then they would voluntarily leave but the host country would have to recompense them for the monies the land cost the colony and for any improvements to said land aka buildings etc.

Now this is just a brief, very brief account of how I envision the initial setting up of a colony in Africa....I could go into much greater detail regarding this and I will later if the disruptions are not too numerous.

Hopefully ...just this brief explanation of the initial process may clear up some of the misuncerstandings I have seen posted on here.

There should be zero involvement of the USA. other than back pay for reparations. There are already African countries that are actively seeking African Americans and selling land. The first thing would be to set up our own monetary system and Bank of Africa based on a resource (gold) instead of the fiat money here in the US. The African Americans would have to integrate with the Africans there and respect their customs. The only treaties that would be signed would be one that makes sure that the US cannot directly or indirectly attempt to influence anything anywhere on the Continent of Africa or any other place where the African diaspora is significant in numbers.
Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.


Exactly how will Americans be able to colonize Africa?

Do you think it is empty of people there?

There are a lot mis-conceptions regarding what I envision and what I am referring to in my original question...the topic of this thread....aka....should American-Africans be encouraged to set up colonies in Africa?

What I propose is that funds be set aside by Congress to help finance ....first of all--a model colony--perhaps in Liberia--perhaps somewhere else.

Good negotiators (ideally they should be American-Africans) should be sent on missions to all of the African Countries to find a host country that would have the most to offer to American-African emigrees.

Once a country is found that meets the needed requirements...then land should be bought and treaties entered into granting ideally the freedom of said colony to conduct business, social and economic activities without interference from host country....these colonies would of course have to co-operate with host country...but they must be guraranteed freedom to run their 'colony' the way they see fit.

I would propose some sort of arrangement whereby after some amount of time say...7 yrs.--if the host country was not happy with the American-African colony then they would voluntarily leave but the host country would have to recompense them for the monies the land cost the colony and for any improvements to said land aka buildings etc.

Now this is just a brief, very brief account of how I envision the initial setting up of a colony in Africa....I could go into much greater detail regarding this and I will later if the disruptions are not too numerous.

Hopefully ...just this brief explanation of the initial process may clear up some of the misuncerstandings I have seen posted on here.

There should be zero involvement of the USA. other than back pay for reparations. There are already African countries that are actively seeking African Americans and selling land. The first thing would be to set up our own monetary system and Bank of Africa based on a resource (gold) instead of the fiat money here in the US. The African Americans would have to integrate with the Africans there and respect their customs. The only treaties that would be signed would be one that makes sure that the US cannot directly or indirectly attempt to influence anything anywhere on the Continent of Africa or any other place where the African diaspora is significant in numbers.

Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.


Exactly how will Americans be able to colonize Africa?

Do you think it is empty of people there?

There are a lot mis-conceptions regarding what I envision and what I am referring to in my original question...the topic of this thread....aka....should American-Africans be encouraged to set up colonies in Africa?

What I propose is that funds be set aside by Congress to help finance ....first of all--a model colony--perhaps in Liberia--perhaps somewhere else.

Good negotiators (ideally they should be American-Africans) should be sent on missions to all of the African Countries to find a host country that would have the most to offer to American-African emigrees.

Once a country is found that meets the needed requirements...then land should be bought and treaties entered into granting ideally the freedom of said colony to conduct business, social and economic activities without interference from host country....these colonies would of course have to co-operate with host country...but they must be guraranteed freedom to run their 'colony' the way they see fit.

I would propose some sort of arrangement whereby after some amount of time say...7 yrs.--if the host country was not happy with the American-African colony then they would voluntarily leave but the host country would have to recompense them for the monies the land cost the colony and for any improvements to said land aka buildings etc.

Now this is just a brief, very brief account of how I envision the initial setting up of a colony in Africa....I could go into much greater detail regarding this and I will later if the disruptions are not too numerous.

Hopefully ...just this brief explanation of the initial process may clear up some of the misuncerstandings I have seen posted on here.

There should be zero involvement of the USA. other than back pay for reparations. There are already African countries that are actively seeking African Americans and selling land. The first thing would be to set up our own monetary system and Bank of Africa based on a resource (gold) instead of the fiat money here in the US. The African Americans would have to integrate with the Africans there and respect their customs. The only treaties that would be signed would be one that makes sure that the US cannot directly or indirectly attempt to influence anything anywhere on the Continent of Africa or any other place where the African diaspora is significant in numbers.

Its always humorous to me that white people think going back to Africa is a bad thing. The ignorance is amazing.

Exactly....and the ignorant ones are disrupting this thread...yet the moderators so far have refused to stop it. Anyhow, I will see how it goes. I want to present my ideas on how a successful colonization of Africa could be accomplished if not interrupted too much.

I will wait a bit before going into more detail to see if the ignorant ones go away or quit disrupting the threads.

Anyhow...thanks for your post and perhaps it will open the eyes of some of the ignorant ones attempting to disrupt and derail this thread.


Exactly how will Americans be able to colonize Africa?

Do you think it is empty of people there?

There are a lot mis-conceptions regarding what I envision and what I am referring to in my original question...the topic of this thread....aka....should American-Africans be encouraged to set up colonies in Africa?

What I propose is that funds be set aside by Congress to help finance ....first of all--a model colony--perhaps in Liberia--perhaps somewhere else.

Good negotiators (ideally they should be American-Africans) should be sent on missions to all of the African Countries to find a host country that would have the most to offer to American-African emigrees.

Once a country is found that meets the needed requirements...then land should be bought and treaties entered into granting ideally the freedom of said colony to conduct business, social and economic activities without interference from host country....these colonies would of course have to co-operate with host country...but they must be guraranteed freedom to run their 'colony' the way they see fit.

I would propose some sort of arrangement whereby after some amount of time say...7 yrs.--if the host country was not happy with the American-African colony then they would voluntarily leave but the host country would have to recompense them for the monies the land cost the colony and for any improvements to said land aka buildings etc.

Now this is just a brief, very brief account of how I envision the initial setting up of a colony in Africa....I could go into much greater detail regarding this and I will later if the disruptions are not too numerous.

Hopefully ...just this brief explanation of the initial process may clear up some of the misuncerstandings I have seen posted on here.

There should be zero involvement of the USA. other than back pay for reparations. There are already African countries that are actively seeking African Americans and selling land. The first thing would be to set up our own monetary system and Bank of Africa based on a resource (gold) instead of the fiat money here in the US. The African Americans would have to integrate with the Africans there and respect their customs. The only treaties that would be signed would be one that makes sure that the US cannot directly or indirectly attempt to influence anything anywhere on the Continent of Africa or any other place where the African diaspora is significant in numbers.

First of all thanks for the post....the sort we need here to thoroughly discuss this topic. I can see where your ideas would work for some...and perhaps there could be a wing of the movement that would prefer what you suggest.

Now, I am not claiming to be some sort of expert on the needed movement to enable American-Africans who want to return to the Great Continent of their Homeland...I am for whatever would work best....I am just putting forth some ideas on the sort of program I envision and what I think would work and that came to me quite awhile ago when I was a volunteer on a Kibbutz in Israel...I remember thinking what a great thing it would be if some sort of similar program existed for American-Africans who would like to return to their homeland like Jews who have chosen to return to their homeland.


The USA would be much better off if white nationalists colonized the Rio Grande area in Texas.

You are attempting to disrupt the thread...I think that is against the rules. Try and stick to the topic of this thread. thank you.
Why is it 'disrupting the thread' to turn the tables and show how it would seem to suggest sending another group of Americans 'away?' Seems very on topic to me.

You have jumped to conclusions. First of all under the program I one would be sent away. It would be strictly voluntary. See my later posts for a better understnding and particuarly the posts of American Africans who have spent some time in Africa....they see the tremendous potential there. Why do you think China is investing so heavily in Africa...America best wake up.
where should the christer crackas be sent since they are becoming a minority, the middle of siberia?
I don't give a fuck where you're "from" or what you "identify" as.

If you have a problem with America get the fuck out.

We'll keep our guns, God, capitalism and freedom you keep the fuckin "change". They have it in North Korea and Cuba.

I don't give a fuck where you're "from" or what you "identify" as.

If you have a problem with America get the fuck out.

We'll keep our guns, God, capitalism and freedom you keep the fuckin "change". They have it in North Korea and Cuba.

I you had some guts you would make me get out. Since you are a spineless pussy I'm sure you'll just continue to talk online as if you were a real tough guy in person. :laugh:
I don't give a fuck where you're "from" or what you "identify" as.

If you have a problem with America get the fuck out.

We'll keep our guns, God, capitalism and freedom you keep the fuckin "change". They have it in North Korea and Cuba.

I you had some guts you would make me get out. Since you are a spineless pussy I'm sure you'll just continue to talk online as if you were a real tough guy in person. :laugh:
Petey is merely a far right reactionary gobbler, nothing more.

Americans have the right to emigrate if the so wish.
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To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.
African Americans were held as slaves. Their complexion made it easy to identify them as slaves.

Slavery ended. But that pesky complexion problem made it easy to repress them politically, economically and socially. The shame of slavery lasted 250 years. The shame of the repression has lasted for another 150. 400 years of repression, and some backward thinking White bogots are incredulous as to why the African American community has not risen to the height some backward thinking bigots believe that the European American community has exclusive command of.

If such backward thinking bigots took a long, deliberative look at the state of their own community and see the flaws some of the economically, socially, politically and educationally repressed White folks live their lives in daily, the idiocy of repatriating African Americans to Africa would be seen, even by the bigots, as patently ridiculous at best, divisive, patronizing and offensive at least and vile, bigoted and destructive at worst.

You simply do not understand what I am proposing. I suggest you read the posts by the American-Africans who have lived there and enjoy it.

That might help you to better understand what I am talking about....and the first thing you need to understand is that those returning would only be those who volunteer to do one would be forcing anyone to go anywhere.
Would the presentation sound something like this?

"Welcome. I'm here to propose that you Black folks move back to Africa. Now, hear me out. I know that you have no connection to the cultures on that continent. I know that that continent is plagued with viral, deadly diseases, political corruption, lack of infrastructure, lack of adequate housing and health care facilities. But, hear me out.

It would be a win-win if you left. You could build that continent to your own liking, once you have solved the myriad of problems I just laid out. And we would be willing to have you enjoy say 3/5 of the wealth and political power you gain after a few generations of hard work and struggle. Doesn't 3/5 have a nice ring to it? Do you think you could go there and solve the problems the colonial powers and a couple generations of NGOs have failed to solve?

And, without you here, we White folks could finally have the nation we always wanted, or at least a nation we imagined. Without you here, the Black voting block would be erased, and since you folks vote Democrat, we White folks could actually gain Conservative political power.

So, you see, we win and you win! What do you say? Ready to uproot yourselves from the United States where you grew up, fought in wars to defend us and created your own vibrant culture in spite of our repression of you? Thanks, by the way for Louis Armstrong, August Wilson, Billie Holiday and Colin Powell, by the way. We're not crazy about Barack Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King, but mistakes were made on both sides."
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"Should African-Americans be encouraged to colonize"
Only an ignorant, hateful racist would suggest such a thing.

Speaking of ignorance hehheh You should talk to some American-Africans who have lived in Africa or at least visited the Motherland....BTW there is one on here who has lived there 3 yrs. and left a video on here. Check it out and get back with us.
You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
I find more ignorant White trash in my corner of America. White trash incapable of holding steady jobs, white trash unable to adapt to a culture high than Hee-Haw reruns and professional wrestling. White trash dependent on government entitlements. White trash who drop out of high school only to sleep until the crack of noon then lounge on a urine stained mattress while watching the Jerry Springer Show. White trash who waddle rather than walk because their massive girth prevents a normal human gait. White trash who decorate their morbidly obese bodies with homemade tattoos.

Perhaps they should pack up their tank tops, flip flops and Scooby Doo sheets they use as draperies and immigrate back to whatever Euopean region their families came here from, often of their own will, unlike the immigration of Africans as slave labor for the predecceors of the White trash hillbillies

Unlike American-Africans white folks were not forced to come here in chains....thus I think we owe the descendants of those African-Americans who were brought here as slaves the right and ability to return if they so choose....not even to mention all the benefits that a colonization of Africa by African-Americans would have: great potential there for African Americans with the right kind of support.....which I might go into later.

At this time this thread is being disrupted too much....people are going in all kinds of directions and I am not going to take the time to try and explain the program of colonization as I envision it...just gets too time consuming with all the disruptions.
African Americans were held as slaves. Their complexion made it easy to identify them as slaves.

Slavery ended. But that pesky complexion problem made it easy to repress them politically, economically and socially. The shame of slavery lasted 250 years. The shame of the repression has lasted for another 150. 400 years of repression, and some backward thinking White bogots are incredulous as to why the African American community has not risen to the height some backward thinking bigots believe that the European American community has exclusive command of.

If such backward thinking bigots took a long, deliberative look at the state of their own community and see the flaws some of the economically, socially, politically and educationally repressed White folks live their lives in daily, the idiocy of repatriating African Americans to Africa would be seen, even by the bigots, as patently ridiculous at best, divisive, patronizing and offensive at least and vile, bigoted and destructive at worst.

You simply do not understand what I am proposing. I suggest you read the posts by the American-Africans who have lived there and enjoy it.

That might help you to better understand what I am talking about....and the first thing you need to understand is that those returning would only be those who volunteer to do one would be forcing anyone to go anywhere.
Would the presentation sound something like this?

"Welcome. I'm here to propose that you Black folks move back to Africa. Now, hear me out. I know that you have no connection to the cultures on that continent. I know that that continent is plagued with viral, deadly diseases, political corruption, lack of infrastructure, lack of adequate housing and health care facilities. But, hear me out.

It would be a win-win if you left. You could build that continent to your own liking, once you have solved the myriad of problems I just laid out. And we would be willing to have you enjoy say 3/5 of the wealth and political power you gain after a few generations of hard work and struggle. Doesn't 3/5 have a nice ring to it? Do you think you could go there and solve the problems the colonial powers and a couple generations of NGOs have failed to solve?

And, without you here, we White folks could finally have the nation we always wanted, or at least a nation we imagined. Without you here, the Black voting block would be erased, and since you folks vote Democrat, we White folks could actually gain Conservative political power.

So, you see, we win and you win! What do you say? Ready to uproot yourselves from the United States where you grew up, fought in wars to defend us and created your own vibrant culture in spite of our repression of you? Thanks, by the way for Louis Armstrong, August Wilson, Billie Holiday and Colin Powell, by the way. We're not crazy about Barack Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King, but mistakes were made on both sides."

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