Shoot Them On Sight?

Having read posts from several USMB members suggesting that those who break curfew or are caught looting ought to be shot on sight, I think it is a discussion worth having.

Do you believe that law enforcement officers should have the authority to shoot people seen after curfew.....or seen looting?

If so......what do you think is the end game? What do you think would result?

If should looters and curfew breakers be dealt with?

curfew in this day and age is ignorant since we work 24-7.

I'd be shot coming home from work at 2am.

So that's a bad kneejerk idea.

rioters are dealt with in the normal fashion.

curfew, :lol: Be home when the street lights come on. And don't make me tell you again or I'm calling Santa!
Why is it a stupid question? It seems like a valid question to me, and obviously some people do feel that it's okay to shoot and kill looters/vandals or those who are disobeying the authorities, or "the man" if you think that makes me sound more like a lib. :lol:

so my lovely Chris-what would you do--there are 200 urban utes running wild in the streets smashing windows, taking what they want and firebombing other stores.

I would be sitting behind cover with as much ammo as I could pack stacking them up like cordwood as fast as I could and I sure would want the cops blasting a bunch of the scum as well

If I was in charge of the police department? I would do what the police do now and add some more nonlethal weapons to my arsenal. I mean, come on, we cannot give the authorities the power to shoot and kill citizens! That is . . . outrageous.

If I was a property owner, I would arm myself and my family and friends and protect my property with all the fire power I could muster. I think it is a citizen's right to protect his or her own property, but I never want to see the day when the police can shoot us for looting, and that would be okay. That is just frightening because we ALL know that the government loves to abuse it's power, cheat, lie, and steal as well.

You have no more right to shoot someone stealing from you than the police do.
so my lovely Chris-what would you do--there are 200 urban utes running wild in the streets smashing windows, taking what they want and firebombing other stores.

I would be sitting behind cover with as much ammo as I could pack stacking them up like cordwood as fast as I could and I sure would want the cops blasting a bunch of the scum as well

If I was in charge of the police department? I would do what the police do now and add some more nonlethal weapons to my arsenal. I mean, come on, we cannot give the authorities the power to shoot and kill citizens! That is . . . outrageous.

If I was a property owner, I would arm myself and my family and friends and protect my property with all the fire power I could muster. I think it is a citizen's right to protect his or her own property, but I never want to see the day when the police can shoot us for looting, and that would be okay. That is just frightening because we ALL know that the government loves to abuse it's power, cheat, lie, and steal as well.

You have no more right to shoot someone stealing from you than the police do.

Yes I do, in that case, I would be protecting my livelihood and my family from danger, and THAT is not a police state.
so my lovely Chris-what would you do--there are 200 urban utes running wild in the streets smashing windows, taking what they want and firebombing other stores.

I would be sitting behind cover with as much ammo as I could pack stacking them up like cordwood as fast as I could and I sure would want the cops blasting a bunch of the scum as well

If I was in charge of the police department? I would do what the police do now and add some more nonlethal weapons to my arsenal. I mean, come on, we cannot give the authorities the power to shoot and kill citizens! That is . . . outrageous.

If I was a property owner, I would arm myself and my family and friends and protect my property with all the fire power I could muster. I think it is a citizen's right to protect his or her own property, but I never want to see the day when the police can shoot us for looting, and that would be okay. That is just frightening because we ALL know that the government loves to abuse it's power, cheat, lie, and steal as well.

You have no more right to shoot someone stealing from you than the police do.

Did you know that you have every right to shoot someone robbing you?

and by shoot, I do mean kill.

so yea, if someone is looting, they can be killed, unlikely if they just run away. But cops are trained to make judgment calls and it's not their stuff.
It's called fighting fire with fire. BTW, Michael Brown was unarmed and murdered for jaywalking. know this how?

The same why they knew everything about the Zimmerman case before it ever went to trial they just know.

Oh, right, their racist masters disseminated the relevant talking points and they ran with it. Cop who shot has already been convicted and they're calling for his "summery" execution, even as we post.
These are the same USMB members who compare President Obama to Hitler -- they are now in favor of Summery Executions for non-capital offense crimes.

Yeah, we have some real winners around here...
These thugs are terrorizing the town. Shoot enough of them and that will put a stop to it.
I suppose that most of the "do gooders" here have never ever stolen anything, not even a candy as a child? :D

Stealing is NOT a death penalty offense.

There is some differentiation between stealing and looting. Looters should be deterred using any method that is effective.

Then you are advocating for a police state. That is like China. Why would you want the police to be able to shoot and kill citizens with no trial? Perhaps a person who isn't even looting gets shot, maybe just a bystander. This is a TERRIBLE idea and dangerous.
Oy vey! And I'm not even Jewish!!!

How does that Ben Franklin quote go? Those who are willing to give up freedom for security deserve neither, or something to that effect. :D Well, to me, allowing the police departments to shoot people for civil unrest is giving up freedom for security. What if you ever want to protest the government? Do you think they would not use this against YOU too? Think about it.
I suppose that most of the "do gooders" here have never ever stolen anything, not even a candy as a child? :D

Stealing is NOT a death penalty offense.

that's much different than people who ignore a curfew and engage in looting and anarchy in an area of civil unrest

Sure, the circumstances are different, but basically both are stealing. I don't know about you, but I don't want this to be a police state where the police use lethal force to force me to obey them. That sounds like China or something to me. Sounds very, very bad. We have other nonlethal means available. In a lot of other countries, they use water cannons which seem to be quite effective at dispersing large crowds.

You would want the police to use any force necessary, including lethal force, to protect you if you were being looted and things were being stolen from you under any circumstances, let alone during civil unrest.
I suppose that most of the "do gooders" here have never ever stolen anything, not even a candy as a child? :D

Stealing is NOT a death penalty offense.

To some RWs, a TV is worth more than a human life.

If it's my TV, that I worked for so hard to earn and you just want to take it because you think you are owed? Yeah, that TV is worth more than your life. Your life apparently can't even produce the purchase of your own TV so you need to steal it from me and claim it's no big deal I should just let it go and earn another?

You know what? I also earned and purchased the gun and hollow points to protect me and my TV. You can have one of those for free. Go earn your own fucking TV or get the bullet I purchased as well as the welcoming party to taking something that doesn't belong to you.

Anything I own due to my hard work is absolutely more valuable than the life of some asshole trying to take that away from me.

Steal from me and yes it's a death penalty offense and if I can do anything about it you and your pathetic life will come to an end before you get my TV.
I suppose that most of the "do gooders" here have never ever stolen anything, not even a candy as a child? :D

Stealing is NOT a death penalty offense.

To some RWs, a TV is worth more than a human life.

If it's my TV, that I worked for so hard to earn and you just want to take it because you think you are owed? Yeah, that TV is worth more than your life. Your life apparently can't even produce the purchase of your own TV so you need to steal it from me and claim it's no big deal I should just let it go and earn another?

You know what? I also earned and purchased the gun and hollow points to protect me and my TV. You can have one of those for free. Go earn your own fucking TV or get the bullet I purchased as well as the welcoming party to taking something that doesn't belong to you.

Anything I own due to my hard work is absolutely more valuable than the life of some asshole trying to take that away from me.

Steal from me and yes it's a death penalty offense and if I can do anything about it you and your pathetic life will come to an end before you get my TV.

That's fine. Protect your own stuff. That is completely different than allowing GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES (which is what the police technically are) to show up and to start shooting live rounds at crowds of people for looting. That is just stupid and dangerous.

I am all for self defense though.
To some RWs, a TV is worth more than a human life.

If it's my TV, that I worked for so hard to earn and you just want to take it because you think you are owed? Yeah, that TV is worth more than your life. Your life apparently can't even produce the purchase of your own TV so you need to steal it from me and claim it's no big deal I should just let it go and earn another?

You know what? I also earned and purchased the gun and hollow points to protect me and my TV. You can have one of those for free. Go earn your own fucking TV or get the bullet I purchased as well as the welcoming party to taking something that doesn't belong to you.

Anything I own due to my hard work is absolutely more valuable than the life of some asshole trying to take that away from me.

Steal from me and yes it's a death penalty offense and if I can do anything about it you and your pathetic life will come to an end before you get my TV.

That's fine. Protect your own stuff. That is completely different than allowing GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES (which is what the police technically are) to show up and to start shooting live rounds at crowds of people for looting. That is just stupid and dangerous.

I am all for self defense though.

Government are the only people you want armed. You want me to sit on my ass and wait for the government to respond and fix it for me. Yet you're all for self defense. With what?

I'm all for the government people I paid for coming and helping my defense. I paid for that and the more fire power the better. I sure as hell don't need your version of government telling me to just let my property go.

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