Shoot Them On Sight?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
Having read posts from several USMB members suggesting that those who break curfew or are caught looting ought to be shot on sight, I think it is a discussion worth having.

Do you believe that law enforcement officers should have the authority to shoot people seen after curfew.....or seen looting?

If so......what do you think is the end game? What do you think would result?

If should looters and curfew breakers be dealt with?
These are the same USMB members who compare President Obama to Hitler -- they are now in favor of Summery Executions for non-capital offense crimes.

Yeah, we have some real winners around here...
I think if it will help restore order in a crime ridden area...then yes. Should give the cop that shot Brown a marksmanship medal. Scored a head shot while under attack. Of course it would be hard to miss the giant gourd on the perps shoulders.
These are the same USMB members who compare President Obama to Hitler -- they are now in favor of Summery Executions for non-capital offense crimes.

Yeah, we have some real winners around here...

Hitler LOL He's not that competent

maybe Foster Brooks or Moe Howard.
Shoot Them On Sight?

Very simply, it depends on what the law is for a given situation.

If police life is threatened, then it should be ok to shoot on sight, but only as a last resort when other methods have failed.
Having read posts from several USMB members suggesting that those who break curfew or are caught looting ought to be shot on sight, I think it is a discussion worth having.

Do you believe that law enforcement officers should have the authority to shoot people seen after curfew.....or seen looting?

If so......what do you think is the end game? What do you think would result?

If should looters and curfew breakers be dealt with?

looters are scumbags LL.....there is a disaster or an incident like this....they use that as an excuse to grab a few things like TV's....they have nothing to do with what is happening....they are just a bunch of lowlifes who are exploiting a disaster or whatever to like i said ...grab a few things for the house....10 years minimum prison sentence....and you serve every fucking minute.....just being out after curfew is something different....
These are the same USMB members who compare President Obama to Hitler -- they are now in favor of Summery Executions for non-capital offense crimes.

Yeah, we have some real winners around here...

yeah i know what you mean....they are the same kind of assholes who compared Bush to Hitler....only they were Far Left instead of right....yeah you are right....lots of winners around here...
I think if it will help restore order in a crime ridden area...then yes. Should give the cop that shot Brown a marksmanship medal. Scored a head shot while under attack. Of course it would be hard to miss the giant gourd on the perps shoulders.

But Rick perry is allowed to run around free?!?! If that isn't a travesty of justice, I don't know what is!!!
You bust your ass and finally save up enough to own your own business. It took much effort, with many losses and suffering less food just to save up enough to do it. Then, some schmucks decide they are pissed off at someone else..or even you if you dared try to stop a thief, and burn your business down. It's gone. Destroyed. Because some asshole decided you should pay the price of whatever peeved him or her off.

So you bet your ass they should be shot. To kill? Depends. But yes, shoot them. Whatever it takes for the assholes to get the message that looting and then destroying is not going to be accepted by a community, or the owners of those businesses. If it takes a few be it.
Having read posts from several USMB members suggesting that those who break curfew or are caught looting ought to be shot on sight, I think it is a discussion worth having.

Do you believe that law enforcement officers should have the authority to shoot people seen after curfew.....or seen looting?

If so......what do you think is the end game? What do you think would result?

If should looters and curfew breakers be dealt with?

looters are scumbags LL.....there is a disaster or an incident like this....they use that as an excuse to grab a few things like TV's....they have nothing to do with what is happening....they are just a bunch of lowlifes who are exploiting a disaster or whatever to like i said ...grab a few things for the house....10 years minimum prison sentence....and you serve every fucking minute.....just being out after curfew is something different....

No, then? You say no to shooting curfew breakers and looters?

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