Shenandoah County (Virginia) School Board votes to restore the Confederate memorial names of schools ...

You do realize naming schools, highways,monuments, military bases after Confederate heroes was done as an insult to blacks to keep them in their place?
Not really. Stonewall Jackson had a history in the Shenandoah Valley.
Another sign that We the People, the Posterity, have had enough.

Slowly, inch by inch, reclaiming our birthrights. But the battle will take years and we must not grow weary.

This is one of greatest developments recently. Hopefully it will start a trend. I've never known any group with the courage to buck the PC left. I know Shenandoah County very well. I always thought if leftwingers could force their agenda there, no place was safe. Very glad they had the guts to make this move. Now, let's see if the left will try to get them boycotted or sanctioned.

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