Shameless and inhuman activity of some of the Georgian officials.


Jan 24, 2011
Look, this letter I received on e-mail yesterday from a good friend of mine who lives in Georgia:

"Hey, buddy! Sorry for my silence. How’re you there? How is Leila? What about your little Daniel? I guess you thing I’ve totally forgotten about you. But it’s not so. I’m sure you know it. Do you remember I told you they’re going to move us to another place? Well, they did. They moved us to a godforsaken place in the city’s suburbs... In our new house there is no electricity and no hot water as well – in other words our new house is absolutely uninhabitable. And as you can understand, there I have no Internet... Currently we stay at my mother’s house. Our old house is already broken. There is a huge banner in its place now – an advertisement of a luxurious housing they’re going to build there. They already sell blocks there for fantastic money. Interestingly the firm which has practically bilked us out turned to belong to a brother of our Georgian minister of finance... Well as you can see I’m in serious troubles, dude. It’s too late to go to the law. But surely it was my own mistake. My main problem now is that no one even intends to deal with hot water, electricity and communications in our new house - in my turn now I simply have no money for it. The last thing I want to know is: will you attend the upcoming exhibition in Berlin in February? I ask cause Mr. Lewitson wants me to go there, so I think it would be nice if I catch you there. By the way, our company doing here also seems to be bad – there is every likelihood that our owners will close their business in Georgia. Well, enough for today. Hope to hear from you soon. May you give my kisses to your beautiful wife and your awesome son? You’ll do man, I know. Cheers!"

Actually, some things must be clarified here: in fact, my friend is from Tbilisi. He is a former surgeon, currently works for a well-known medical company. Last year Georgian authorities offered him to change his old flat in his old house, situated in the very centre of Tbilisi, for a new one. He agreed. But on practice the ‘exchange’ turned to be a simple financial fraud, behind which stand high-ranking officials who evidently act under private auspices of the Georgian president. Unfortunately, now we can only guess how much were those swindlers’ dividends... What a shameless and inhuman activity on behave of those dirty officials, I say! Real estate in Georgia as it is...

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