Shame on you...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
...The lame-duck session of Congress has, yet again, failed to pass the intelligence service reforms reccomended by the 9/11 commision. The turf battles over who gets what slice of the pie are apparently more important than helping to ensure the security of our country and provide sound, timely and actionable intelligence. Members of Congress waging these pitched turf battles should be ashamed of themselves and are unworthy of the offices they hold.
Bullypulpit said:
...The lame-duck session of Congress has, yet again, failed to pass the intelligence service reforms reccomended by the 9/11 commision. The turf battles over who gets what slice of the pie are apparently more important than helping to ensure the security of our country and provide sound, timely and actionable intelligence. Members of Congress waging these pitched turf battles should be ashamed of themselves and are unworthy of the offices they hold.
There's also the issue of getting it right. Some of the opposition had very good reasons to not vote for this bill. No doubt some turf battles were involved but if a better bill is possiblr a t this point in time, I say go for it. (lame -duck, bully you quack me up ! )
The daily Bully drive by...usually makes me laugh as this one did...kinda like the joke of the day.
Bully, don't act like you care. Acknowlegdging real and actual threats to our nation would be a great start for you and your depraved liberal ilk.
Bullypulpit said:
...The lame-duck session of Congress has, yet again, failed to pass the intelligence service reforms reccomended by the 9/11 commision. The turf battles over who gets what slice of the pie are apparently more important than helping to ensure the security of our country and provide sound, timely and actionable intelligence. Members of Congress waging these pitched turf battles should be ashamed of themselves and are unworthy of the offices they hold.

If you run across an objective article which gives some insight on the true motivations for the folks who voted for and against the last bill that was presented, I'd certainly be interested in reading it.

The last I saw, those opposed seemed to have a reasonable argument for voting against the measure. But we can never be sure if they're telling the truth.
Most of the opposition came from fears that the Military would no longer control battlefield intelligence. Basically making the Military beg for needed information from a separate entity, rather than being able to access directly the information needed for success. They are attempting to write a more successful bill regarding the changes needed before jumping into a vote. Amazingly this happened at the Congressional level rather than the Senate level where this kind of discretion is usually found.
Bully wants this legislation passed NOW - to hell with all that NUANCE stuff. Remember - Republicans are in power, and Republicans are always wrong.
Bullypulpit said:
...The lame-duck session of Congress has, yet again, failed to pass the intelligence service reforms reccomended by the 9/11 commision. The turf battles over who gets what slice of the pie are apparently more important than helping to ensure the security of our country and provide sound, timely and actionable intelligence. Members of Congress waging these pitched turf battles should be ashamed of themselves and are unworthy of the offices they hold.

You would think that someone as "wise", "intelligent" and "tolerant" as you claim to be would want to see such an important issue debated. Its the whole point of the legislature.

But I forgot, Bully is a leftist. Heaven forbid we have a Democratic debate on an issue. Heaven forbid we discuss why we should be making these changes in our national security and what the consequences of those changes are. No, we should just strictly make every single change the commission recommended without thinking out the consequences and without letting the American people and their leaders debate the issue.

I think Bully is mainly just mad because for as long as ive known him he has argued that Bush is a tryant. Therefore the American people exercise their right to debate it conflicts with his preconceived notions. President Bush shouldnt let their be debate, he should be a tyrant and force the changes. Since the Republican engaging in the Democratic process is contrary to the illogical conclusions of his fantasy world, he has to be mad at them for challenging his conclusions and thus he tries to mask the flaws in his hate idealogy by hating Republicans more for challenging his "reasons" for hating Bush.

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