Senate Republicans at odds with Trump -

Trump doesn't work for senate republicans.
So fuck 'em.
Trump works for his constituents.
And he's doing a damn good job - in spite of the worthless leftist traitor democrats.
Trump got my vote then.
And Trump will get my vote again.
Every fricking rino that doesn’t support Trump needs to be voted out.....

We need Republicans that will fight for Americas interest over their donors.
Every fricking rino that doesn’t support Trump needs to be voted out.....

We need Republicans that will fight for Americas interest over their donors.

like Trump fights for Russians - Mr Forest Ranger.

These aren't really democrats or republicans. They're just more of the deep state asshole rabble trying to keep their seats at any costs no matter how much they harm the nation or anyone in it in the process. Not much difference between them and some of the demmocommies who'll say or do anything to hang on to their positions at the taxpayer tit.
In order to get any good honest government well somehow have to amend the constitution to enact single term limits. I know it's difficult to impossible to get there, nevertheless it's what will have to be done to end the circus we now laughingly call our government.
Too bad our founders didn't see this shit coming but people were a lot different back then. Service meant serving the nations best interest and not themselves to all they could get at the nations expense.

Q-Tard nonsense.
Every fricking rino that doesn’t support Trump needs to be voted out.....

We need Republicans that will fight for Americas interest over their donors.

like Trump fights for Russians - Mr Forest Ranger.

Hey Tard.....

It's Hillary and obozo that threw in with the Russians.

"Thems" the FACTS TARD...….
Every fricking rino that doesn’t support Trump needs to be voted out.....

We need Republicans that will fight for Americas interest over their donors.

like Trump fights for Russians - Mr Forest Ranger.

Hey Tard.....

It's Hillary and obozo that threw in with the Russians.

"Thems" the FACTS TARD...….

sure, and they told Trumps cartel to lie for him and go to prison too-

ya f'n idget
Every fricking rino that doesn’t support Trump needs to be voted out.....

We need Republicans that will fight for Americas interest over their donors.

like Trump fights for Russians - Mr Forest Ranger.

Hey Tard.....

It's Hillary and obozo that threw in with the Russians.

"Thems" the FACTS TARD...….

sure, and they told Trumps cartel to lie for him and go to prison too-

ya f'n idget

Those were process crimes you ignorant cnn watching Tard....
Never. The traitor swine will get back on the rez or face the music in the primaries!

Seriously, I figure Trump will proclaim that Mexico got on it's knees to him, so he is allowing the Mexicans to live w/o tariffs

his handlers better put a chastity belt on him before he screws the entire damn world ...
It's all about inflaming his base. Trade (he's bringing jobs back) and the Wall (he's fighting the deep state to protect us)
Yet layoffs and closings continue and the amount of illegals have increased...Hell of a strategy.
Well, we are at record unemployment. The dems lied about these issues so long that they have no credibility with Trump voters. Nor did Jeb.

The Chamber of Commerce is all for limiting the Chinese theft of intellectual property. And Apple hasn't really been hurt.
Tim Cook says he isn't too worried about China tariffs on iPhones
Strangely, despite all his bluster, there aren't EU tariffs. But to be fair, he has had some success in getting Mexico and Canada to not use Chinese steel. Maybe the EU too.

Farmers aren't lacking illegal alien labor for harvesting. And Trump has turned down most offers for more judges and more deportations.

Obviously, Trump has a problem with the increased illegal immigration and his base. But it's more about inflaming his base on immigration than actually making it impossible to work here and not have legal status.

The mfring jobs aren't coming back as you noted. The tariffs just made consumer goods like washers more expensive. Anyone can give Trump kudos for good intentions. He's 70plus, and this is a very different country tnan I grew up in, and I'm 60. But there's no logical reason just to make imports more expensive, or to tax them.

The progressives aren't crazy, just not very civil. If it's lower skilled workers you worry about, and you have some problem with using taxes on emplloyers who don't provide benefits to have the govt provide them …. just gradually increase the min wage. I'm not really for increasing prices at MickeyD's because that was supposed to be a entry to the job market, not a career. But running the cash register at Bed and Baths or taking the Dry Cleaning are not any less useful than making a clotheswasher. And plumbers and electricians are doing nicely, thank you.
Trumps handlers kept him from taking a shit in his shoes.

just as predicted :abgg2q.jpg:

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