Senate Republicans at odds with Trump -

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told reporters Monday that the proposed tariffs “calls into question our ability to pass” within Congress the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement trade pact pushed by the White House.

He said he doesn’t “even want to think about” the economic ramifications if Trump eventually increases the tariffs to 25% as he has threatened.


somebody better think about the economy, Trump damn sure isn't.

fat ass, clueless bastard.
I agree with him, it would. but then he should put together a package that changes the asylum law. hey Senator, how's about you do your fking job for a change and help the president out.

These aren't really democrats or republicans. They're just more of the deep state asshole rabble trying to keep their seats at any costs no matter how much they harm the nation or anyone in it in the process. Not much difference between them and some of the demmocommies who'll say or do anything to hang on to their positions at the taxpayer tit.
In order to get any good honest government well somehow have to amend the constitution to enact single term limits. I know it's difficult to impossible to get there, nevertheless it's what will have to be done to end the circus we now laughingly call our government.
Too bad our founders didn't see this shit coming but people were a lot different back then. Service meant serving the nations best interest and not themselves to all they could get at the nations expense.

These aren't really democrats or republicans. They're just more of the deep state asshole rabble trying to keep their seats at any costs no matter how much they harm the nation or anyone in it in the process. Not much difference between them and some of the demmocommies who'll say or do anything to hang on to their positions at the taxpayer tit.
In order to get any good honest government well somehow have to amend the constitution to enact single term limits. I know it's difficult to impossible to get there, nevertheless it's what will have to be done to end the circus we now laughingly call our government.
Too bad our founders didn't see this shit coming but people were a lot different back then. Service meant serving the nations best interest and not themselves to all they could get at the nations expense.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight - deep state - uh huh.

Never. The traitor swine will get back on the rez or face the music in the primaries!

Seriously, I figure Trump will proclaim that Mexico got on it's knees to him, so he is allowing the Mexicans to live w/o tariffs

his handlers better put a chastity belt on him before he screws the entire damn world ...
It's all about inflaming his base. Trade (he's bringing jobs back) and the Wall (he's fighting the deep state to protect us)
Yet layoffs and closings continue and the amount of illegals have increased...Hell of a strategy.

Got a link for that claim about closings? Trump's not done with tariffs yet. The "Mother Lode" is imported cars. If Trump wants to get serious about fair trade those are next up.

Your strategy is what? "Those jobs are not coming back"

You don't read the business news?

At least 10 chain stores have announced closures in 2019
These Chains Have Announced a Ton of Store Closings in 2019

fk dude, chain stores have been closing stores for forever, remember IGA, Venture? KMart? where are they today? JC Penney's? I can go on, not sure your point though, weak ass post from you.
hey just know the democratic leadership in illinois just a passed a bill that raises the gas tax in the state from 19 cents a gallon to 38 cents a gallon. can you do the math on how much more the people will pay for a tank of 10 gallons of gas? it's far under what trump is proposing with the tariff, and look at you whiny bitches in here, complaining. how about some cheese and crackers with your whine.
BTW, for you bunch of whiners in here, a military family sacrifices life for the sovereignty of our great country. you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
BTW, for you bunch of whiners in here, a military family sacrifices life for the sovereignty of our great country. you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Playing the Military card?

We are not at physical war with Mexico, so leave our Military out of this damn conversation!

They should because it will hurt the American consumer.
how bad? do a math number for me. five cents on a dollar? do you have the balls to respond or are you going to remain silent?

Why are you lying?

It can rise to twenty-five percent which is twenty-five cents on a damn dollar!
yep it can. but only on a product that is under the tariff. no other.

They should because it will hurt the American consumer.
how bad? do a math number for me. five cents on a dollar? do you have the balls to respond or are you going to remain silent?

Why are you lying?

It can rise to twenty-five percent which is twenty-five cents on a damn dollar!
yep it can. but only on a product that is under the tariff. no other.

What will be tariff on the consumer over the time?

They should because it will hurt the American consumer.
how bad? do a math number for me. five cents on a dollar? do you have the balls to respond or are you going to remain silent?

Why are you lying?

It can rise to twenty-five percent which is twenty-five cents on a damn dollar!
yep it can. but only on a product that is under the tariff. no other.

Also you lied about what it will cost per dollar and that right there make you worthless!
It's all about inflaming his base. Trade (he's bringing jobs back) and the Wall (he's fighting the deep state to protect us)
Yet layoffs and closings continue and the amount of illegals have increased...Hell of a strategy.

Got a link for that claim about closings? Trump's not done with tariffs yet. The "Mother Lode" is imported cars. If Trump wants to get serious about fair trade those are next up.

Your strategy is what? "Those jobs are not coming back"

You don't read the business news?

At least 10 chain stores have announced closures in 2019

I know why those chain stores are closing, do you?
I originally interpreted your "layoffs and closings" as for manufacturing plants.

Gap, Tesla and Victoria's Secret are among the nearly 5,000 store closings already in 2019
Brick and mortar stores are closing and going strictly online. Nothing top do with tariffs or Trump. More to do with the "Death Star".

It never has anything to do with Trump when it's negative I know....
GM closed it's Ohio plant in April but Trump I am sure had nothing to do with that, Cat laid off workers due to tariffs. There are many more but you will claim , "Trump had nothing to do with it".

1. What does chain store closings have to do with Trump? Ans: nothing
2. GM is closing that OH Cruz plant due to poor sales. Trump wants it opened or sold quickly. The UAW supports Trump's efforts.

Trump wants GM CEO 'to do something quickly' to reopen Ohio plant - Reuters
3. Your claim that Caterpillar laid off workers due to tariffs is incorrect. The plant closings were announced years ago.
4. Yes I claim that Trump had nothing to do with plant closings, his efforts have been to level the trade deals to expand US markets.

These aren't really democrats or republicans. They're just more of the deep state asshole rabble trying to keep their seats at any costs no matter how much they harm the nation or anyone in it in the process. Not much difference between them and some of the demmocommies who'll say or do anything to hang on to their positions at the taxpayer tit.
In order to get any good honest government well somehow have to amend the constitution to enact single term limits. I know it's difficult to impossible to get there, nevertheless it's what will have to be done to end the circus we now laughingly call our government.
Too bad our founders didn't see this shit coming but people were a lot different back then. Service meant serving the nations best interest and not themselves to all they could get at the nations expense.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight - deep state - uh huh.


An idiot like yourself can't see the forest for the trees....

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