Senate Blocks Bill That Would End Sanctuary Policies

Lets face it, the Democrats support not only illegal immigration but illegals who commit murders. I disagree with the Republicans on many issues but I could NEVER vote for a Democrat!

Senate Blocks Bill That Would End Sanctuary Policies | NumbersUSA

And with no explanation why.......


And with no explanation why...........................!

The issue isn't as simple as you nutbags have been led to believe. You are being used by a disingenuous group of pandering GOP politicians. They know these measures won't pass....because they are stupid.....but they also know that you are not likely to investigate the issue any deeper than your initial emotional reaction to those dirty Mexicans.

Rinse.....repeat. Time after just keep buying in.
Lets face it, the Democrats support not only illegal immigration but illegals who commit murders. I disagree with the Republicans on many issues but I could NEVER vote for a Democrat!

Senate Blocks Bill That Would End Sanctuary Policies | NumbersUSA

And with no explanation why.......


And with no explanation why...........................!

The issue isn't as simple as you nutbags have been led to believe. You are being used by a disingenuous group of pandering GOP politicians. They know these measures won't pass....because they are stupid.....but they also know that you are not likely to investigate the issue any deeper than your initial emotional reaction to those dirty Mexicans.

Rinse.....repeat. Time after just keep buying in.

ILLEGALS that even a federal govenment RUN BY THE LEFT ARE COMITTING MURDERS after being sheltered by liberals in sanctuary cities who DEFIED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

Lets face it, the Democrats support not only illegal immigration but illegals who commit murders. I disagree with the Republicans on many issues but I could NEVER vote for a Democrat!

Senate Blocks Bill That Would End Sanctuary Policies | NumbersUSA

And with no explanation why.......


And with no explanation why...........................!

The issue isn't as simple as you nutbags have been led to believe. You are being used by a disingenuous group of pandering GOP politicians. They know these measures won't pass....because they are stupid.....but they also know that you are not likely to investigate the issue any deeper than your initial emotional reaction to those dirty Mexicans.

Rinse.....repeat. Time after just keep buying in.

of course being the moronic intellectual coward you are you dont actually say why it isnt so simple; just throw out the SIMPLISTIC RACE CARD, implying people appalled by the sheltering of illegals, even ones who murder, in sanctuary cities, is just a bunch of racist white people who dont like mexicans

that's why you idiots on the Left dont deserve anything but contempt
your "emotional reaction" is to knee-jerk defend an indefensible policy left-wing loser, using of course the Left's tired race card, which is of course an example of playing to people's emotions.

libs are idiots and hypocrites
Further proof the two parties are more alike than different...but the partisans of both parties still can't see this fundamental truth.
I am quite sure both Independents who side with Dems are Jews who vote with Dem, and Kirt is said to be bought by AiPAC, a real Zionist.

I guess this one go to voting for Trump.
Further proof the two parties are more alike than different...but the partisans of both parties still can't see this fundamental truth.
That's because they hate being compared to, or equated with, those they loathe..
Yes but it clearly is some kind of mental disease. The MSM thrives on it and loves dividing Americans.
Adherence to partisan ideology is a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study for me.

And yeah, the media loves to stir the shit, they're no longer just trying to "report".
Republicans knew the bill would not pass, they brought it up for a vote anyway, so they can go to their constituents and say: seeeeeeeee, we tried to do something but WHAAAAAAAAA, the evil Dems stopped it...

and then they'll use this bill that they knew would never pass, in their ads come election time....

it's an old and tired favorite, cover your ass move, by a petty, partisan, and pathetic congress...
Republicans knew the bill would not pass, they brought it up for a vote anyway, so they can go to their constituents and say: seeeeeeeee, we tried to do something but WHAAAAAAAAA, the evil Dems stopped it...

and then they'll use this bill that they knew would never pass, in their ads come election time....

it's an old and tired favorite, cover your ass move, by a petty, partisan, and pathetic congress...


it really is appalling to protect illegals; who may go on to murder innocent Americans, and this shows exactly what the Democrat Party is all about

the only petty, partisan and pathetic thing i can see is just how low Democrats will go to continue pandering to illegals
Republicans knew the bill would not pass, they brought it up for a vote anyway, so they can go to their constituents and say: seeeeeeeee, we tried to do something but WHAAAAAAAAA, the evil Dems stopped it...

and then they'll use this bill that they knew would never pass, in their ads come election time....

it's an old and tired favorite, cover your ass move, by a petty, partisan, and pathetic congress...


it really is appalling to protect illegals; who may go on to murder innocent Americans, and this shows exactly what the Democrat Party is all about

the only petty, partisan and pathetic thing i can see is just how low Democrats will go to continue pandering to illegals
The problem is the Rs are just as bad. They have majorities in both houses. They could have done what the American people wanted, but they chose not to.

Pandering to Big Ears and illegals appears to be a bipartisan effort.

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