Sen. J.D. Vance demands Justice Department investigate Trump-critical Washington Post editorial


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018

On Nov. 30, Washington Post Editor-at-Large Robert Kagan wrote an extended opinion piece arguing that Donald Trump is on a "clear path" to establishing a dictatorship in this country, and that because the Republican Party and what were once "conservative" establishments are backing him from every side there would be little possibility of stopping him should he win reelection.

There would be no real checks on that power. At most, Kagan suggested, Democratic state governments could wage legal resistance to new federal mandates as "a form of nullification." They could "refuse to recognize the authority of a tyrannical federal government" in some limited situations. An example might be state refusals to abide the promised "mass deportation" of millions of residents, many of them American citizens from birth.
But Kagan darkly concluded that Trump could soon have the power to jail his political opponents, purge government workers who do not pass Trump-centric loyalty tests, and make good on all the other dictatorial threats he and his Republican allies have vowed to make happen.
On Wednesday, Republican Sen. J.D. Vance sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of State Antony Blinken asking that Kagan be investigated and potentially jailed for writing the editorial, which Vance suggested could be "an invitation to 'insurrection,' a manifestation of criminal 'conspiracy,' or an attempt to bring about civil war."
You do not need to wonder whether Trump will have Republican Party support for his plan to jail political detractors and scrub free-speech protections for the press. Other Republicans are even more eager than he is.

We are dangerously close to the edge here people. Fascism is knocking at the door and the banana republicans wanna let it in. They are planning to destroy our way of life in favor of some demented fantasy world where only straight white men are allowed any semblance of freedom and schools become indoctrination centers for future low wage workers to support the billionaire class.

Wake up people, they've told us who they are and they aren't faking it.

We have the tools to stop them, but will we use them?
We are dangerously close to the edge here people. Fascism is knocking at the door and the banana republicans wanna let it in.
It's no secret our mission is to wipe out the Dem party and prevent them from ever wielding power again. Because Dems are a danger to themselves and our great country.


The Bidenistas are actually, literally trying to jail the Trumpster and his top aides for life. How is Trump out of school by merely suggesting that they be treated in same way.

Don't you think that Trump can draw up charges to make it all "legal"? Some of the sharpest legal brains in America are Trumpsters, and Biden's stooges like Jackoff Smith and Merrick Garland don't have the legal brains to try a chicken thief in Mercer County.
Yeah right, nominating the neocon's prom queen would solve everything.
It does. She'd get the women voters that Trump won't get. She would be elected in a landslide vs Biden. Trump v Biden is a toss-up.

I'd take the sure win. Calling Nikki a neocon is bullshit. If Biden wins like in 2020 you can enjoy the next 4-years of democrat rule.
It does. She'd get the women voters that Trump won't get. She would be elected in a landslide vs Biden. Trump v Biden is a toss-up.

I'd take the sure win. Calling Nikki a neocon is bullshit. If Biden wins like in 2020 you can enjoy the next 4-years of democrat rule.
She is also the one that got the whole Confederate cancel thing going as governor of SC.....Piss on her.
It does. She'd get the women voters that Trump won't get. She would be elected in a landslide vs Biden. Trump v Biden is a toss-up.

I'd take the sure win. Calling Nikki a neocon is bullshit. If Biden wins like in 2020 you can enjoy the next 4-years of democrat rule.

How do you think that Ms. Haley would do in winning the votes of millions of Little Trumpsters out there? Or don't you think those votes are needed for a GOP candidate to win?

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