SECOND Nurse tests positive for Ebola in Dallas

There was not one set up by the CDC according to your source, so how can they follow one?
After all it is your source

it's ravi, doesn't have to make sense.. be accurate...or true..
Stand by now to be run in circles defining terms and playing evasive word games...It's S.O.P.
So right now we have 1 patient zero, and two 2nd generation cases among the hospital staff that worked around patient zero.

The next 48-72 hours will let us see how many more 2nd generation cases we are going to see. If we start seeing numbers above 5 or so, we now have an outbreak.
Wait until the initial 21 day period from the date patient Zero took that flight. Let's see if anyone shows symptoms.
Let's see if the US government allows the media to report it or makes a few "calls" to the executives of all the networks and other outlets.
Let's see if the Obama admin decides to use the broad powers it gave itself to place 'emergency' regulations on information traveling over the internet

You have to keep adding 21 days to every NEXT generation that gets infected to truly clear the doubling window. Besides, we still have the risk of ANOTHER focal point popping up.
Sounds like it might be a good idea to quarantine the entire hospital.

“There was no advanced preparedness on what to do with the patient. There was no protocol. There was no system. The nurses were asked to call the infectious disease department” if they had questions, but that department didn't have answers either, the statement said. So nurses were essentially left to figure things out on their own as they dealt with “copious amounts” of highly contagious bodily fluids from the dying Duncan while they wore gloves with no wrist tape, flimsy gowns that did not cover their necks, and no surgical booties, the statement alleged.

“Hospital officials allowed nurses who interacted with Mr. Duncan to then continue normal patient-care duties,” potentially exposing others, it said.

^There is your breech of protocol. Hospital admin.
Have a question for you
In the very first sentence from your link it states
"There was no protocol. There was no system"
How can their be a breech in protocol; when their isn't a protocol in place for this?
They weren't following CDC protocol.
There was not one set up by the CDC according to your source, so how can they follow one?
After all it is your source
My link didn't say that.
Mine did.
I'm living in NE Ohio. Portage, Summit, And Cuyahoga Counties are good to go. Take your fearmongering and fuck off, we're all good here.

I live in a small town away from the hub of flights, too. It's nice living in a bubble not caring about the rest of the nation, isn't it? Sometimes I feel guilty about my nonchalance about my fellow citizens.
So right now we have 1 patient zero, and two 2nd generation cases among the hospital staff that worked around patient zero.

The next 48-72 hours will let us see how many more 2nd generation cases we are going to see. If we start seeing numbers above 5 or so, we now have an outbreak.
Wait until the initial 21 day period from the date patient Zero took that flight. Let's see if anyone shows symptoms.
Let's see if the US government allows the media to report it or makes a few "calls" to the executives of all the networks and other outlets.
Let's see if the Obama admin decides to use the broad powers it gave itself to place 'emergency' regulations on information traveling over the internet
Wait until the initial 21 day period from the date patient Zero took that flight. Let's see if anyone shows symptoms.
Let's see if the US government allows the media to report it or makes a few "calls" to the executives of all the networks and other outlets.
Let's see if the Obama admin decides to use the broad powers it gave itself to place 'emergency' regulations on information traveling over the internet

We have Media crews in isolation, as well as nurses and people from flights to people in waiting rooms. Since Obama is again leading from behind, I find it certainly his style that he would place "emergency" regulations on information traveling over the internet and tv.

"Does it occur to you that he doesn't want mass hysteria and mass panic? Such behavior and thinking is what we see illustrated in posts like yours.

Lol, then the fool should just shut up and stop saying stupid things like "You can sit on a bus next to an Ebola patient and not contract Ebola..." and the CDC comes out the same day and say "Stay away from public Transportation!" (just shakin' my head)
You can think, that I'm an evil, but! It is unfortunate that one man's selfishness and lying has now impacted the lives of many others, including the very people who were assigned to care for him.
You can think, that I'm an evil, but! It is unfortunate that one man's selfishness and lying has now impacted the lives of many others, including the very people who were assigned to care for him.
Just think about our soldiers sent against their will in West Africa. :(
There was not one set up by the CDC according to your source, so how can they follow one?
After all it is your source

it's ravi, doesn't have to make sense.. be accurate...or true..
Stand by now to be run in circles defining terms and playing evasive word games...It's S.O.P.
Ravi was in such a rush to shift any blame and place it on the Hospital she for got to read or did not read what she posted as support.
You can think, that I'm an evil, but! It is unfortunate that one man's selfishness and lying has now impacted the lives of many others, including the very people who were assigned to care for him.
Just think about our soldiers sent against their will in West Africa. :(

Yes. There are no practical reasons for doing that, other than PR foolishness.
Dallas Nurse With Ebola Visited Bridal Shop in Ohio

The Dallas nurse who flew to Ohio before being diagnosed with Ebola visited a bridal shop along with seven bridesmaids, the store confirmed to ABC News today.
Coming Attractions Bridal and Formal in Akron is now closed, but owner Anna Younker said Amber Vinson, 29, now in isolation in Atlanta, was at the shop on Saturday so her friends could get measured and look at bridesmaid dresses.

Dallas Nurse With Ebola Visited Bridal Shop in Ohio - Yahoo

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