Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.

I suspect we will see the GOP change its position on the American DREAM ACT.

That anti-hispanic position of theirs was part of what cost them this election.
Just open the borders...There are no jobs for us let alone them

why bother anymore you people seemed determined to give our country away
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Hannity has seen the light, although a bit late.
All the right wing pundits I've seen have been saying, since Tuesday night, that their party must broaden it's base.
Republican's will change their platform but will the tea party come along with them or break off?
Look for more of these knuckle-dragging dinosaur r-wing extremists to try to start walking a little more upright as they start the process of 'evolving' as a reaction to President Obama's stark re-election staring them in the face. Extinction is a great motivator. Can Limbaugh be far behind?

Sean Hannity, John Boehner say GOP should tackle immigration reform | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Well, that was fast.

Just two days after President Barack Obama sailed to re-election over Mitt Romney, boosted by more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, some Republicans are striking a new tone on illegal immigration.

Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued:
He's looking at votes as a way to keep power, but unless the republicans are prepared to join one nation under mexico, they can't outbid democrats. It's like helping the termites eat the house supports.
"We've gotta get rid of the immigration issue altogether. It's simple for me to fix it. I think you control the border first, you create a pathway for those people that are here, you don't say you gotta home. And that is a position that I've evolved on. Because you know what--it just--it's gotta be resolved. The majority of people here--if some people have criminal records you can send' em home--but if people are here, law-abiding, participating, four years, their kids are born here... first secure the border, pathway to citizenship... then it's done. But you can't let the problem continue. It's gotta stop."

Holy shit.

I am actually gobsmacked by that.

Welcome to the party, Sean!

One of the few things Bush did right was attempt sane immigration reform, except the psychos in the GOP stopped him.

Do over. Try again.

We had full employment with the same number of illegals we have today, if not more. This means they are not stealing jobs. This means we are not meeting immigrant labor demand with a legal immigrant labor supply.

It is as simple as that. Our quotas are way out of whack and need to be fixed.

And as I have said many, many times, Hispanics are natural born conservative Republicans. They are hard working, deeply religious, and family oriented.

Let's hope the GOP has not FUBAR'd their relationship with these wonderful people.

I guess he sees the handwriting on the wall. If Puerto Rico does become a state, the Republicans' "Latino problem" would only get worse.
Look for more of these knuckle-dragging dinosaur r-wing extremists to try to start walking a little more upright as they start the process of 'evolving' as a reaction to President Obama's stark re-election staring them in the face. Extinction is a great motivator. Can Limbaugh be far behind?

Sean Hannity, John Boehner say GOP should tackle immigration reform | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Well, that was fast.

Just two days after President Barack Obama sailed to re-election over Mitt Romney, boosted by more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, some Republicans are striking a new tone on illegal immigration.

Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued:

LOL, that little disingenuous prick didn't "evolve" he did a 180 degree turnaround, so he can get the republican party to engage in "racial pandering" to Hispanics so they can get more votes. The Latino vote really stung the republicans.
Hannitard will probably modify and change his "evolution" this afternoon because limbaugh doesn't agree with his stance.
Republican's will change their platform but will the tea party come along with them or break off?

I think that the mainstream moderate republican party will start telling the Tea Party, neocons, moral majority types to go start their own party and pound sand. Hopefully one or more of the Republican leaders like Boehner will tell limbaugh and co to "go fly a kite".
If the moderate mainstream republicans agree with democrats they are certainly not moderate. They are just leftists who won't admit it.

America - just because we have to call the landmass something.
If the moderate mainstream republicans agree with democrats they are certainly not moderate. They are just leftists who won't admit it.

America - just because we have to call the landmass something.

no, little moron... it is you who is a wacko and does not share the values of most of the country.

and the fact that you're both extraordinarily ignorant and a liar just exacerbates your problems.
If the moderate mainstream republicans agree with democrats they are certainly not moderate. They are just leftists who won't admit it.

America - just because we have to call the landmass something.

no, little moron... it is you who is a wacko and does not share the values of most of the country.

and the fact that you're both extraordinarily ignorant and a liar just exacerbates your problems.

In that I have to agree with you. I do not share the same values as the new Americans. We should really change the name of the country to something more fitting, obamaland, for a clean break with the old values. The country has changed, it no longer has it's traditional values, nor its traditional integrity or honesty. That America is gone. Now we have changing demographics, a changing culture, a changing country. Time to get with the new program and the new obamamerica (another suggestion).

I'm not a liar except to the new obamericans to whom the truth is the worst lie ever told.

Can an American be a traitor to obamamerica? Don't we have to take an oath of allegiance or something?
Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.


I find it interesting that liberals only believe Democrats can change and evolve their viewpoints (didn't Obama do it recently on gay marriage, raising the debt ceiling, running the country at a deficit, extending the Bush Tax cuts, Gitmo etc), but conservatives can NEVER do it!!!

Such hypocrisy!

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