Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

Was there a time when the US wanted the Italian vote based on immigration, or the Polish vote, or the Irish vote? No. They came here and were expected to become Americans so they did. Now we're expected to pander to hispanics because they refuse to become Americans. It's the hispanic vote based on the hispanic need. Clue one, hispanics do not give a shit about you. Americans are there to give them stuff, free stuff, all the time, and shut up until free stuff is needed. If there are no handy Americans to give them free stuff, they are happy to kill one another for more free stuff.
Just open the borders...There are no jobs for us let alone them

why bother anymore you people seemed determined to give our country away

if you're competing for jobs with people who can't speak english, i'd say the problem is with you, not them.

You can't be serious. Only 3% of illegals work in agriculture. 33% work in the service industry? Is the service industry too good for whites, blacks and Asians? Not a chance!

That makes 64% working in construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business, are honestly saying these are industries AMERICANS would work in?

Heck I did sales for over a decade! I have friends that have made a great living in constructuion.

Truckers work hard day in and out to bring home the bacon! And who doesn't want to be managment? No matter the profession management usually makes more than the people they manage!

Study counters beliefs about illegal immigrants (Only 3 percent work in agriculture)
Only 3 percent of the undocumented immigrants work in agriculture. The greatest numbers, 33 percent, work in the service industry.

The rest work in construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business.
Professions that have a high percentage of illegals (look at the jobs, most are jobs that Americans would take and pay a living wage):
Drywall/ceiling tile installers 27%
Cement masons & finishers 22%
Roofers 21%
Construction laborers 20%
Painters, construction etc. 20%
Brick/block/stone masons 19%
Carpenters 12%

Grounds maint. workers 26%
Misc. agricultural workers 23%
Graders & sorters, ag. prod. 22%
Hand packers & packagers 22%

Butchers/ meat, poultry wrkrs 25%
Cooks 18%
Food prep. workers 13%
Dishwashers 24%
Dining & cafeteria attendants 14%
Janitors & bldg cleaners 12%

Maids & housekeepers 22%
Sewing machine operators 18%

Cleaning/washing equip. oper 20%
Metal/plastic workers, other 13%
Packaging/filling mach. oper. 17
The right disenfranchises Latinos and gets hit over the head by the left for it.

The right evolves (Obama coined that term, fair game for all now so suck it) on the issue and still gets hit over the head by the left for it.

You people are unfuckingbelievable. Your tongue is just lashing, you're bitching by habit.

btw, since when did Sean "I look like Nathan Lane" Hannity become relevant?

I'm one of those people who for a long, long time said 'kick them out'. The reality is that is never, ever going to happen so let's move on. Secure the borders, make coming here legally easier than coming here illegally, put those who snuck in at the back of the line, they can become nearly full citizens but will never be allowed to vote - there's your punishment for doing it wrong, and get the hell over it.

I've evolved my position over the past year or so. Have fun lashing at that.
Of course we're never ever going to kick them out. We will never ever EVER convince them to become Americans and have any degree of loyalty to this country. They remain loyal to their home country until it comes to free stuff, then they are all American. We may not kick them out, but they are more than happy to kick Americans out.

We can all be more like mexico because that is what will make them happy.
Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.


I find it interesting that liberals only believe Democrats can change and evolve their viewpoints (didn't Obama do it recently on gay marriage, raising the debt ceiling, running the country at a deficit, extending the Bush Tax cuts, Gitmo etc), but conservatives can NEVER do it!!!

Such hypocrisy!

It's only been three days since the election. That's some pretty rapid evolution, like going from Homo erectus to space flight in one generation! :doubt:
Remember folks, only liberals, Democrats, commies can EVOLVE or apologize and mean it from the heart..

Everyone else, Pfeeeeesh like hell they can...................according to liberals, Democrats, Commies

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look for more of these knuckle-dragging dinosaur r-wing extremists to try to start walking a little more upright as they start the process of 'evolving' as a reaction to president obama's stark re-election staring them in the face. Extinction is a great motivator. Can limbaugh be far behind?

sean hannity, john boehner say gop should tackle immigration reform | the ticket - yahoo! News

well, that was fast.

Just two days after president barack obama sailed to re-election over mitt romney, boosted by more than 70 percent of the latino vote, some republicans are striking a new tone on illegal immigration.

Conservative fox news and radio host sean hannity said thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." hannity continued:

lol, that little disingenuous prick didn't "evolve" he did a 180 degree turnaround, so he can get the republican party to engage in "racial pandering" to hispanics so they can get more votes. the latino vote really stung the republicans.
Hannitard will probably modify and change his "evolution" this afternoon because limbaugh doesn't agree with his stance.

Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.


I find it interesting that liberals only believe Democrats can change and evolve their viewpoints (didn't Obama do it recently on gay marriage, raising the debt ceiling, running the country at a deficit, extending the Bush Tax cuts, Gitmo etc), but conservatives can NEVER do it!!!

Such hypocrisy!
So Sean had an epiphany the day after conservatives had their asses handed to them, and you think the timing is a coincidence?

Well....OK. :lol:
Now they are obsessing over Sean shows us who REALLY watches fox news on this board, and it ain't conservatives..:lol:
I suspect we will see the GOP change its position on the American DREAM ACT.

That anti-hispanic position of theirs was part of what cost them this election.

Bulcrap. Being against illegal immigration is not being against Hispanics. Illegals, like Americans come in all races and ethnicities. Ever hear of "You Don't Speak for Me?" It's an Hispanic organization aimed at protecting our borders.
Sean Hannity-talking head-flip flops-does not impact government policy-who cares

John Kerry-US Senator-flip flops-does impact government policy-I care

Mitt Romney-former Governor and failed GOP nominee-flip flops-does not impact government policy-who cares

Weathervanes matter only when they are in seats of power in government imo.
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So Republicans are now anti-Hispanic?

how disingenuous can person get..

As someone mentioned it's NOT JUST Hispanics who are here illegally..

and I guess there are NO Democrats in this country who are against illegal immigration
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I imagine the elections of Ike had something to do with the Dems' change, Syntha.

Too way street.
Like Dems flip flopped out civil rights? You sometimes sound TooStupid.

I don't like Hannitty at all, but I am glad he has flipped.

Abandoning long-held positions and flip-flipping are, apparently, conservative values. :lol:
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btw, since when did Sean "I look like Nathan Lane" Hannity become relevant?

The #1 rated cable news station (that makes them the mainstream media, by definition) gives him 60 minutes of prime time, 5 nights a week.

That makes him relevant. It also makes him a spokesperson for the Right.

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