SCOTUS gives Trump the proverbial Middle Finger.

The ride is almost over for Trump supporters. They'll scream loudly and continue to open their no avail.
Thanks for playing. Now go home!

Trump lost. Biden won. The people made their choice. The people decide elections. Not the courts.
They do? You really must be 12 years old.


Bush v Gore was about the inclusion of a small number of votes in one state that were disputed (put the important parts in bold so you could comprehend).
Not the systematic throwing out of millions of legitimate ballots over six states with no evidence of voter fraud.

If you'd get your head out of the sand the voter fraud is everywhere. But that's ok, because your guy so said "won". If Trump had won with mail in ballots coming from under the table at midnight I can promise you'd be crying just like you did for the last 4 years..

No it isn't. You think there is because you don't believe any mass of people could reject your savior. Well, they did. By about an extra 8 million votes.
Stop your crying. Trump lost. Dry your tears and man up. I'm sure you'll have plenty to complain about over the next four years.
If anyone thinks that SCOTUS is going to go down in history with an election overturning decision, they're nuts!

I would like to see the Supreme Court come down on the side of the Constitution and for securing the integrity of our elections.

Wouldn't you?

Shouldn't everybody?

I think by rejecting this ridiculous suit, that's exactly what they did.
Federal and state officials both Republican and Democrat saying this election was the most secure
and smoothest in years.

Sorry the result didn't break your way like it did in 2016.

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.
Poor Trump assumed he owned the Supreme Court

Looks like they want no part of his crooked leadership

A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn’t.
It is just another frivolous lawsuit that will go nowhere
Thats one state.
You're right, how stupid of team trump and his supporters to think they could possibly accomplish anything by overturning the results in one State. Almost as dumb as thinking they had a chance of overturning the vote in any States at all.

Just wait.
For what? For every trump fantasy to get laughed out of court, so that he and his cult reject the results forever anyway? No need... I already see it coming...
Trump is now 0-1 at the SCOTUS and 1-51 in all courts


There is zero chance of Trump winning in the SCOTUS.

Because these lawsuits are a joke.

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.

Do you realize that your hate of the President is hurting the forum, who here has a title that doesn't match with the forum rules on how to post a real headline of the article you posted?

This thread isn't likely to be tagged by the internet because it is YOUR own words, not the article headline.

By the way going through the legal system isn't in any way a coup attempt, that is your stupidity you push every day.
The left are dancing in the aisles prematurely. The Pennsylvania problem was put away by the SC in favor of the Texas lawsuit against the four states, Pa., Ga., Wis., and Mich. The fact that a state is suing other states forces the Supreme Court to hear the case. At that point, it could be one fell swoop in reversing all four state's elections. That's probably why Ted Cruz has stated he will argue the case if he's asked.
It looks like Trump and his team has about run out of legal moves left, none left that would materially change the certified results at least.

It is time for Trump to end this legal drive, he doesn't have any justifiable cause left to pursue that will convince the courts.

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