Scotland Was Allowed To Vote On Secession. Why Can't The American States?

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I don't know why I even bothered replying to the neo-confederate White Supremacist Bripat.

He is a waste, every time. I guess its just pleases me to see how he exposes himself even further to the audience. Better to let the bigots let their freak flag fly.

In all their glory.

I had no idea I was dealing with a known sociopath......lesson learned.

It's obvious that you have no idea, period. People with ideas don't have to resort to posting links to videos. They can actually state their opinion.
One more thing. Cave chimps like you have a hard time reading. How was that?

Just what I expect from an ignorant baboon such as you.
Not nice calling yourself a baboon. You actually look more like a chimp. Did you shave your body hair today and remove the lice?

Do you ever tire of your infantile taunts?
Do you ever tire of being infantile?
I know it's difficult for you, but try to come up with something original. Rephrasing what I have said just looks so pathetic.
Yes you do look pathetic pretty much all of the time. Stop whining little girl.
It's not aggression...the "Confederacy" fired on a U.S. Federal fort without provocation. Then it was on.

I've already explained with this argument is horseshit at least 1000 times.
Your explanation was a lie. It still is no matter how many times you say it to convince yourself.

You mean Ft Sumter wasn't within the boundaries of South Carolina?
Doesnt matter where Ft Sumter is. Its all part of the US. The south got beat down for thinking differently.

So when Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground, murdered 50,000 Southerners, raped and pillaged his way across the South, he was doing it all to American citizens with Constitutional rights?

You Lincoln cult members just can't seem to keep your story straight. On the one hand you want the Confederate states to be sovereign countries so you can excuse the despicable treatment they received at the hands of Union generals and troops, and on the other hand you want to claim they were always part of the Union so you can claim Lincoln didn't commit an act of war by violating the territory of a sovereign nation.

I'll bet it hurts to be so fucking dumb.
Your post had nothing to do with what I said. I told you to stop messing with the crack and meth about a month ago.
Try posting something original once in a while. I dread it whenever I see one of your posts because I know how boring it will be.
As I recall, it was the position of the Federal government that the seceded States continued to exist as States but that their proper relationship to the Union had been temporarily suspended due to the insurrection. Restoring Federal authority and repositioning seceded States to routinely interact with the Union once again called for drastic measures. Historically speaking, the suppression of open rebellion by force of arms oftentimes becomes an ugly undertaking - in other countries, as well.
Thats right. The south had to learn that lesson the hardway.

You mean the same way uppity ******* should learn not to use "whites only" drinking fountains?

I just love the way so-called liberals are so fond of dishing out punishment to people simply for wanting to go their own way.

No the difference is the south got beat to a pulp and will never rise. Black people get to use your fountains and your women to this day.
So whether you deserve to get beaten to a pulp depends entirely on the color of your skin?
I know chimps like you cant read but what are you talking about? I said the south got their tails beat and will never rise from that tail beating. The stuff Black people went through with the fountains is over. Now we will push you out of the way and drink from your fountain with a white woman holding our hand.

I knew you were too fucking stupid to get the point. That seems to be the story of your career in this forum. You and discombobulated make a good team.
Pull your panties out your ass crack. Dont be mad your boys got their asses handed to them. if you had been alive during those times you would have helped bring about the souths loss even faster. So no matter how many civil war reenactments you participate in you are just playing big bad southern loser.
I've already explained with this argument is horseshit at least 1000 times.
Your explanation was a lie. It still is no matter how many times you say it to convince yourself.

You mean Ft Sumter wasn't within the boundaries of South Carolina?
Doesnt matter where Ft Sumter is. Its all part of the US. The south got beat down for thinking differently.

So when Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground, murdered 50,000 Southerners, raped and pillaged his way across the South, he was doing it all to American citizens with Constitutional rights?

You Lincoln cult members just can't seem to keep your story straight. On the one hand you want the Confederate states to be sovereign countries so you can excuse the despicable treatment they received at the hands of Union generals and troops, and on the other hand you want to claim they were always part of the Union so you can claim Lincoln didn't commit an act of war by violating the territory of a sovereign nation.

I'll bet it hurts to be so fucking dumb.
Your post had nothing to do with what I said. I told you to stop messing with the crack and meth about a month ago.

No one is surprised you didn't get the connection. Nevertheless, that didn't dissuade you from vomiting your incoherent thoughts in response. If it wasn't for the gratuitous insults, your posts would contain no actual intelligible content.
Your explanation was a lie. It still is no matter how many times you say it to convince yourself.

You mean Ft Sumter wasn't within the boundaries of South Carolina?
Doesnt matter where Ft Sumter is. Its all part of the US. The south got beat down for thinking differently.

So when Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground, murdered 50,000 Southerners, raped and pillaged his way across the South, he was doing it all to American citizens with Constitutional rights?

You Lincoln cult members just can't seem to keep your story straight. On the one hand you want the Confederate states to be sovereign countries so you can excuse the despicable treatment they received at the hands of Union generals and troops, and on the other hand you want to claim they were always part of the Union so you can claim Lincoln didn't commit an act of war by violating the territory of a sovereign nation.

I'll bet it hurts to be so fucking dumb.
Your post had nothing to do with what I said. I told you to stop messing with the crack and meth about a month ago.

No one is surprised you didn't get the connection. Nevertheless, that didn't dissuade you from vomiting your incoherent thoughts in response. If it wasn't for the gratuitous insults, your posts would contain no actual intelligible content.
Dont use words above your intelligence level. its just odd.
As I recall, it was the position of the Federal government that the seceded States continued to exist as States but that their proper relationship to the Union had been temporarily suspended due to the insurrection. Restoring Federal authority and repositioning seceded States to routinely interact with the Union once again called for drastic measures. Historically speaking, the suppression of open rebellion by force of arms oftentimes becomes an ugly undertaking - in other countries, as well.

Well, true. Those countries are not supposed to be free countries where people have rights. What you have made abundantly clear is that under the reign of Lincoln, et el, the U.S.A was no better than any monarchy or dictatorship. Lincoln was a nothing but a petty tyrant trying to keep his empire from dissolving.
You mean Ft Sumter wasn't within the boundaries of South Carolina?
Doesnt matter where Ft Sumter is. Its all part of the US. The south got beat down for thinking differently.

So when Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground, murdered 50,000 Southerners, raped and pillaged his way across the South, he was doing it all to American citizens with Constitutional rights?

You Lincoln cult members just can't seem to keep your story straight. On the one hand you want the Confederate states to be sovereign countries so you can excuse the despicable treatment they received at the hands of Union generals and troops, and on the other hand you want to claim they were always part of the Union so you can claim Lincoln didn't commit an act of war by violating the territory of a sovereign nation.

I'll bet it hurts to be so fucking dumb.
Your post had nothing to do with what I said. I told you to stop messing with the crack and meth about a month ago.

No one is surprised you didn't get the connection. Nevertheless, that didn't dissuade you from vomiting your incoherent thoughts in response. If it wasn't for the gratuitous insults, your posts would contain no actual intelligible content.
Dont use words above your intelligence level. its just odd.

Didn't understand what I posted, did you?
As I recall, it was the position of the Federal government that the seceded States continued to exist as States but that their proper relationship to the Union had been temporarily suspended due to the insurrection. Restoring Federal authority and repositioning seceded States to routinely interact with the Union once again called for drastic measures. Historically speaking, the suppression of open rebellion by force of arms oftentimes becomes an ugly undertaking - in other countries, as well.

Well, true. Those countries are not supposed to be free countries where people have rights. What you have made abundantly clear is that under the reign of Lincoln, et el, the U.S.A was no better than any monarchy or dictatorship. Lincoln was a nothing but a petty tyrant trying to keep his empire from dissolving.

The final verdict is that your homies lost the civil war and the world is better for it. Go crawl back into the swamps where the other feral chimps live.
Doesnt matter where Ft Sumter is. Its all part of the US. The south got beat down for thinking differently.

So when Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground, murdered 50,000 Southerners, raped and pillaged his way across the South, he was doing it all to American citizens with Constitutional rights?

You Lincoln cult members just can't seem to keep your story straight. On the one hand you want the Confederate states to be sovereign countries so you can excuse the despicable treatment they received at the hands of Union generals and troops, and on the other hand you want to claim they were always part of the Union so you can claim Lincoln didn't commit an act of war by violating the territory of a sovereign nation.

I'll bet it hurts to be so fucking dumb.
Your post had nothing to do with what I said. I told you to stop messing with the crack and meth about a month ago.

No one is surprised you didn't get the connection. Nevertheless, that didn't dissuade you from vomiting your incoherent thoughts in response. If it wasn't for the gratuitous insults, your posts would contain no actual intelligible content.
Dont use words above your intelligence level. its just odd.

Didn't understand what I posted, did you?
You didnt understand what you posted did you?
Try posting something original once in a while. I dread it whenever I see one of your posts because I know how boring it will be.
You dread my posts because they evaporate the fog you choose to live in. I'm a thorn in your ass. Glad you realize it.

My, my, my . . . look at all the hostile posts by the resident forum white man hater. You have got your panties in a tight little wad, haven't you? What is it about pointing out Lincoln's warts and blemishes that gets nasty cockroaches like you in such a lather?
As I recall, it was the position of the Federal government that the seceded States continued to exist as States but that their proper relationship to the Union had been temporarily suspended due to the insurrection. Restoring Federal authority and repositioning seceded States to routinely interact with the Union once again called for drastic measures. Historically speaking, the suppression of open rebellion by force of arms oftentimes becomes an ugly undertaking - in other countries, as well.

Well, true. Those countries are not supposed to be free countries where people have rights. What you have made abundantly clear is that under the reign of Lincoln, et el, the U.S.A was no better than any monarchy or dictatorship. Lincoln was a nothing but a petty tyrant trying to keep his empire from dissolving.

The final verdict is that your homies lost the civil war and the world is better for it. Go crawl back into the swamps where the other feral chimps live.

That's not the final verdict, asshole. That's your fetish, and nothing more. Repeating it 10,000 times won't make it any more true.

BTW, someone of your complexion shouldn't go around calling people chimps.
Try posting something original once in a while. I dread it whenever I see one of your posts because I know how boring it will be.
You dread my posts because they evaporate the fog you choose to live in. I'm a thorn in your ass. Glad you realize it.

My, my, my . . . look at all the hostile posts by the resident forum white man hater. You have got your panties in a tight little wad, haven't you? What is it about pointing out Lincoln's warts and blemishes that gets nasty cockroaches like you in such a lather?
Good ole Abe was a racist much like yourself. I'm not deluded into thinking Abe was some savior. However, he had an excuse. He was living during those types. Feral chimps like you have no excuse.
So when Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground, murdered 50,000 Southerners, raped and pillaged his way across the South, he was doing it all to American citizens with Constitutional rights?

You Lincoln cult members just can't seem to keep your story straight. On the one hand you want the Confederate states to be sovereign countries so you can excuse the despicable treatment they received at the hands of Union generals and troops, and on the other hand you want to claim they were always part of the Union so you can claim Lincoln didn't commit an act of war by violating the territory of a sovereign nation.

I'll bet it hurts to be so fucking dumb.
Your post had nothing to do with what I said. I told you to stop messing with the crack and meth about a month ago.

No one is surprised you didn't get the connection. Nevertheless, that didn't dissuade you from vomiting your incoherent thoughts in response. If it wasn't for the gratuitous insults, your posts would contain no actual intelligible content.
Dont use words above your intelligence level. its just odd.

Didn't understand what I posted, did you?
You didnt understand what you posted did you?

As I recall, it was the position of the Federal government that the seceded States continued to exist as States but that their proper relationship to the Union had been temporarily suspended due to the insurrection. Restoring Federal authority and repositioning seceded States to routinely interact with the Union once again called for drastic measures. Historically speaking, the suppression of open rebellion by force of arms oftentimes becomes an ugly undertaking - in other countries, as well.

Well, true. Those countries are not supposed to be free countries where people have rights. What you have made abundantly clear is that under the reign of Lincoln, et el, the U.S.A was no better than any monarchy or dictatorship. Lincoln was a nothing but a petty tyrant trying to keep his empire from dissolving.

The final verdict is that your homies lost the civil war and the world is better for it. Go crawl back into the swamps where the other feral chimps live.

That's not the final verdict, asshole. That's your fetish, and nothing more. Repeating it 10,000 times won't make it any more true.

BTW, someone of your complexion shouldn't go around calling people chimps.
Yes the final verdict is that the south lost. What state of delusion are you occupying that makes you think thats not the final verdict? You lost loser. Get over it.
Try posting something original once in a while. I dread it whenever I see one of your posts because I know how boring it will be.
You dread my posts because they evaporate the fog you choose to live in. I'm a thorn in your ass. Glad you realize it.

My, my, my . . . look at all the hostile posts by the resident forum white man hater. You have got your panties in a tight little wad, haven't you? What is it about pointing out Lincoln's warts and blemishes that gets nasty cockroaches like you in such a lather?
Good ole was a racist much like yourself. I'm not deluded into thinking Abe was some savior. However, he had an excuse. He was living during those types. Feral chimps like you have no excuse.

Whatever you say, porch monkey.
As I recall, it was the position of the Federal government that the seceded States continued to exist as States but that their proper relationship to the Union had been temporarily suspended due to the insurrection. Restoring Federal authority and repositioning seceded States to routinely interact with the Union once again called for drastic measures. Historically speaking, the suppression of open rebellion by force of arms oftentimes becomes an ugly undertaking - in other countries, as well.

Well, true. Those countries are not supposed to be free countries where people have rights. What you have made abundantly clear is that under the reign of Lincoln, et el, the U.S.A was no better than any monarchy or dictatorship. Lincoln was a nothing but a petty tyrant trying to keep his empire from dissolving.

The final verdict is that your homies lost the civil war and the world is better for it. Go crawl back into the swamps where the other feral chimps live.

That's not the final verdict, asshole. That's your fetish, and nothing more. Repeating it 10,000 times won't make it any more true.

BTW, someone of your complexion shouldn't go around calling people chimps.
Yes the final verdict is that the south lost. What state of delusion are you occupying that makes you think thats not the final verdict? You lost loser. Get over it.

You left off the part where you claimed the world is a better place for it. That certainly isn't true.
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