Schumer warns about "hard right"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
In a recent address on the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) issued a stark warning, accusing House Republicans of steering the government toward a shutdown through what he referred to as “extremist policy proposals.” Schumer emphasized the need for bipartisan cooperation while shedding light on the progress made in funding negotiations.
Schumer criticized the hard-right factions, particularly the Freedom Caucus, for pushing for drastic cuts that would adversely impact vital programs.
Despite facing opposition from hard-right Republicans, Schumer asserted that Democrats successfully protected crucial priorities.
Housing programs, veterans’ benefits, healthcare, nutrition, small business support, clean energy investments from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and funding for federal law enforcement were safeguarded against draconian cuts.
With the January 19th deadline approaching, Schumer urged both parties to work collaboratively and avoid a government shutdown. He emphasized that Democrats would not yield to the hard-right’s demands for extreme cuts, signaling a firm stance against what he deemed bullying tactics.

When you go grocery shopping, and you can no longer afford what you want.
It is because of Chuck Schumer's greedy spending has devalued the dollar.
Schumer and the irresponsible Democrats caused this inflation crisis.
Schumer uses his rhetorical hate and fear tactic a lot because he knows that Democrat Voters are dumb and easy to manipulate.
The Republicans are trying to avoid Bankrupting Our Country.
The Democrats don't care because they are greedy and corrupt.
Schumer and the Democrats treat the American Taxpayers like they are their slaves.
When "Make America Great Again" adherence to Constitutional law and order is deemed dangerous by the demented LEFT, it's clear where the problem is.
MAGA shit on the constitution at every chance they get...

The list is endless and their only defence is to project their issues on anyone else.

Lets face it, your god is facing 91 felony charges in court and ye fucks have still haven't got it...
The Democrats are just like thieves with a stolen credit card.
They don't care how much they run up the debt on the backs of the Taxpayers.
Eventually there will be a reckoning.
The high debt is a threat to our economic security, but the greedy corrupt Democrats don't care as long as they are getting their kick-backs.


“This is totally uncharted territory. These are debt levels that have not been seen before. This is going to exceed even Japan’s debt, which is the largest debt as a share of the economy in the entire industrialized world,” Brian Riedl, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told the Washington Examiner.

Already, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio has ballooned to the highest levels since the end of World War II. The latest annual deficit for fiscal 2022 was $1.38 trillion, per the Treasury. As trillion-dollar annual deficits become the norm in Washington, the U.S. is already hovering around a 120% debt-to-GDP ratio, all while the population begins to age rapidly.
MAGA shit on the constitution at every chance they get...

The list is endless and their only defence is to project their issues on anyone else.

Lets face it, your god is facing 91 felony charges in court and ye fucks have still haven't got it...
In Trump's case, a person who has been constantly investigated for 8 years then finally gets charged with 91 felonies aimed at preventing his reelection, I'd say, look first at the justice systems that are bringing these frivolous charges. MAGA
The Republicans are trying to avoid Bankrupting Our Country.
You have to be really dumb to believe that. Show me how that is working out for you on this chart of deficits:

MAGA shit on the constitution at every chance they get...

The list is endless and their only defence is to project their issues on anyone else.

Lets face it, your god is facing 91 felony charges in court and ye fucks have still haven't got it...
We don't care. Why? We don't believe it. Even if true it really does not matter anymore.

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