School Official Demands “Home School License”

There is nothing wrong per se with homeschooling, but of course the inmates of the rightwing nuthouse have to turn it into some demented cause celebre and attach all sorts of looney significance to it.

Give the rightwing nuts enough space and time and they can ruin anything.
There is nothing wrong per se with homeschooling, but of course the inmates of the rightwing nuthouse have to turn it into some demented cause celebre and attach all sorts of looney significance to it.

Give the rightwing nuts enough space and time and they can ruin anything.

Give the lefty control freaks enough space and time and they'll ban everything.

You cannot refute the absolute fact that home schooled kids outperform their government educated counterparts so you spiral into your partisan hackery blame game.

It's pathetic.

Actually, I've never met a Home-Skuler who lasted more than few weeks on a job because they couldn't interact with people.

You do realize schools are just as much about teaching socialization as it is about teaching math, right?

Oh, wait. You don't know that. You clowns live in mortal fear that they might learn things you don't want them to know.

I don't think you've met many home schooled kids. Home schooled does not mean schooled in a cave away from all civilization. We have a home school association. A scheduled play day. Co-ops where one parent who is great at science or math or sewing or cooking or balancing a check book, will teach a group of students those skills.

Outings with many home schooled children (tickets are cheaper when you get the group rate).

I don't know a single home schooling family that doesn't have membership in the Science center and doesn't visit there regularly. They also have zoo memberships. Most of the home schooled children also do many hours of community service. Plus, they can attend the local school for things like music, sports and science. They don't have to attend the school the entire day. Almost all of the home schooled children I know go to community college for their last 2 years of high school, paid for by the local school district who then gets to count them as their "graduates".

I not only don't think you know many home schooled people, I don't think you know any at all or you would know these things.
Albert Einstein a right winger?


Everyone I named was home schooled, which you defined as being right wing and stupid.

For one, you are right wing and stupid. That's a "given".

Second, not a single link.

Third, if Einstein was home schooled, it was over a hundred years ago and in a foreign country.

The Right Wingers likely to home school these days are the same tards that wrote the Texas State Republican Party Platform. Here, read it and tell me you agree with it.

About the Party :: TexasGOP - Republican Party of Texas
You are a partisan hack living in a dream world wishing for a socialist utopia..
Funny thing is I have not seen you mention giving up your means to meet those of the many.
You're a hypocrite.
All of you upper middle class and upper crust libs are hypocrites.
You believe what is yours is yours and what isn't should be. Yet you run around screaming at anyone who will listen how compassionate you are toward the poooooooooor...
Fuck off.
You are sexually aroused by big government.

A semi automatic rifle is not military grade so cut the fucking shit already.

And it's just like a sheep to use one example to broad brush everyone.

You are the most disingenuous dishonest, lazy minded sheep I have come across.

If that kid had been in a real school with real teachers instead of a bat-shit crazy prepper, he'd have gotten the help he needed.

Why is it you libs think everyone needs your 'help'?
Some of the sheep's heroes were home schooled.

FDR for example.

Here's a short list of home schooled failures

Homeschooled-Famous Homeschoolers - Well known home schooled people

God forbid people aspire to this standard and actually strive for it on their own without government interference huh?


Actually, I think most home-skulers are insecure about their already weak parenting skills, if they think that their years of brainwashing can be undone by a teacher introducing a contrary ideal...
Nice try..Won't wash.
What is your interest here? To what about public schools are you so inexorably tied?
Hey fuckwad....When you can quote chapter and verse regarding the laws with which home schoolers must comply, then you can post. Until then here is a can of shut the fuck up for ya..
All home schooled students MUST meet and match the exact curriculum requirements of brick and mortar students. All home schooled students are eligible to play sports for their respective district school teams. All home schooled students MUST sit for the same (end of grade) EOG and periodic state exams as brick and mortar students...
So now here is a BUCKET of shut the fuck up.

Yawn.... So what?

Frankly, the fact Home Skuling in allowed is the problem. We are going to have a whole generation of these mutants who can't interact with the real world because their parents were tiny minded religious assholes who were afraid their kids might find out what a condom was.

I never met one who wasn't just a little weird.
You've never met one because they are too intelligent for you.
Yawn.... So what?

Frankly, the fact Home Skuling in allowed is the problem. We are going to have a whole generation of these mutants who can't interact with the real world because their parents were tiny minded religious assholes who were afraid their kids might find out what a condom was.

I never met one who wasn't just a little weird.

We understand that the knowledge that you can't subject everyone to liberal brainwashing really scares you.

I was probably further to the right than you were until about six years ago.

Then my romney-loving boss showed me the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

Typical lib. Blame everyone else for your fuck ups.

You cannot refute the absolute fact that home schooled kids outperform their government educated counterparts so you spiral into your partisan hackery blame game.

It's pathetic.

Actually, I've never met a Home-Skuler who lasted more than few weeks on a job because they couldn't interact with people.

You do realize schools are just as much about teaching socialization as it is about teaching math, right?

Oh, wait. You don't know that. You clowns live in mortal fear that they might learn things you don't want them to know.

And of course you confirmed with intense interrogation that every person that lasted "just a few weeks" was home schooled.
Why do you care so much about where a kid gets his or her education?
You mean other than he went to a school and shot up 26 people with one of her military assault rifles she taught him how to use?

That had nothing to do with public vs home schooling even a fucking idiot like you should realize that.

Let me ask you this how many other people who have shot up schools etc went to public school? Or do you only count Lanza?

I count Lanza because he should hve been identified early on, and he would have been had he been put in with real education professionals instead of a crazy prepper who taught him how to shoot assault weapons.

Lanza was a bomb waiting to go off.

And this has to do with what?
Fact is, public schools for that last 20 years have been recommending kids get doped up in Ritalin. Because the teachers are no longer permitted to demand order and discipline in their classrooms. Educrats and the army of lawyers school districts consult have been softening the ground for litigation.
how about instead acting like a real country and making our schoold the top like they once were.

Your right that the smaller the group per teachers numbers the better.

But also kids learn from each other too.

A small group per theacher makes for a great education.

The right in this country has distroyed our schools by forcing 30 kids per teacher by defunding our schools

"and making our schoold the top like they once were."

LOL Apparently our schoold were the top well before you got there. Or were you home schooled.... by garden slugs?
Everyone I named was home schooled, which you defined as being right wing and stupid.

For one, you are right wing and stupid. That's a "given".

Second, not a single link.

Third, if Einstein was home schooled, it was over a hundred years ago and in a foreign country.

The Right Wingers likely to home school these days are the same tards that wrote the Texas State Republican Party Platform. Here, read it and tell me you agree with it.

About the Party :: TexasGOP - Republican Party of Texas
You are a partisan hack living in a dream world wishing for a socialist utopia..
Funny thing is I have not seen you mention giving up your means to meet those of the many.
You're a hypocrite.
All of you upper middle class and upper crust libs are hypocrites.
You believe what is yours is yours and what isn't should be. Yet you run around screaming at anyone who will listen how compassionate you are toward the poooooooooor...
Fuck off.
You are sexually aroused by big government.

I approve this message....rdean cant think for himself....he's a robot...without the HuffPo, he wouldnt know where to stand.
There is nothing wrong per se with homeschooling, but of course the inmates of the rightwing nuthouse have to turn it into some demented cause celebre and attach all sorts of looney significance to it.

Give the rightwing nuts enough space and time and they can ruin anything.
Yet another baseless claim to counter the fact that you are completely off base here.

What demented cause? What ‘loony’ significance?

What has been done was that the success of home school was pointed out and proven. The hypocritical lefties here were called on their bullshit claims about home school. The above statement is nothing more than an attempt to save face for those claims. To find a way around the actual FACTS. Sorry but it is not going to fly.
How many mass shooters were products of public schools?

Guy, you stopped being taken seriously when you cited the Moonies as a source.

Not really.

He has slaughtered you in this debate with actual sources, something that you have not brought to the table at all. Nothing. Not one single fact. All you have brought to counter his sourced data was bloviating.

Worse yet, you are still demanding that you are right and he is wrong. It is childish. The bright side here is that your credibility was already zero and your bigotry known so you haven’t actually lost anything, just failed to make gains.


Seriously, what has it happened with the GOP that you guys are so in love with crazy cults?

The Moonies, the Mormons, the NRA...

Learn to think for yourselves, that would be an accomplishment.
Guy, you stopped being taken seriously when you cited the Moonies as a source.

Not really.

He has slaughtered you in this debate with actual sources, something that you have not brought to the table at all. Nothing. Not one single fact. All you have brought to counter his sourced data was bloviating.

Worse yet, you are still demanding that you are right and he is wrong. It is childish. The bright side here is that your credibility was already zero and your bigotry known so you haven’t actually lost anything, just failed to make gains.


Seriously, what has it happened with the GOP that you guys are so in love with crazy cults?

The Moonies, the Mormons, the NRA...

Learn to think for yourselves, that would be an accomplishment.

The paper wasn't the source you moron the report cited in the article was.

And funny you telling people to think for themselves when you don't seem to think at all.
Here Joe, since you are incapable of independent thought, are some results of the study that weren't published in the newspaper that you seem to have a problem with.


Beyond graduation

Continuing education: Can they get into college?

The end of formal homeschooling is not the end of the educational road for most homeschool graduates. Over 74% of home-educated adults ages 18&#65533;24 have taken college-level courses, compared to 46% of the general United States population

Can they get a job? Sure!

Since the phenomenon of homeschooling is found in many settings, each reflecting the uniqueness of a particular family, it is not surprising to find homeschool graduates engaged in a wide variety of occupations


Involved in their communities

Homeschool graduates are active and involved in their communities. Seventy-one percent participate in an ongoing community service activity (e.g., coaching a sports team, volunteering at a school, or working with a church or neighborhood association), compared to 37% of U.S. adults of similar ages


So we see that homeschooled kids are more likely to attend college than public school kids, have no problem finding employment in a wide variety of careers and are more involved in their community than average.

My god the horrors.

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