School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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she did provide the school with a doctor's note stating that the child should not be given any pork or its products. Schools must honor medical notes.
Then she can bring her own damn lunch. What's so hard about that?
Schools cannot disregard medical notes. If they serve lunch then the child must be provided meals consistent with the medical prescription.

Being a member of a terrorist political movement isn't a ' medical condition', dumbass.
I'm tired of ONE or a few people influencing what we as americans have done since forever. We eat pork. We love our bacon. We love our dogs. Both "unclean" to muslims. We are not a muslim country. She wants her kid to eat their food that is acceptable? Fine. Move to the middle east and stfu.
Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Jews who keep Kosher assume that any meal prepared by anyone not also an observant Jew is not Kosher. The responsibility for determining if food Kosher rests solely on the observant Jew themselves.

Which is why very few Jews who live outside the observant community actually keep Kosher.
I'm tired of ONE or a few people influencing what we as americans have done since forever. We eat pork. We love our bacon. We love our dogs. Both "unclean" to muslims. We are not a muslim country. She wants her kid to eat their food that is acceptable? Fine. Move to the middle east and stfu.

Porcine are unclean animals and ovine are clean animals. I worked on a hog and sheep farm and hogs are cleaner than sheep.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

You dont hear Jews pissing and moaning about their dietary about this bitch do the same?
she did provide the school with a doctor's note stating that the child should not be given any pork or its products. Schools must honor medical notes.
Then she can bring her own damn lunch. What's so hard about that?
No no. That will not suffice. She insists the school take away pork from all the other students...for HER dumb religion.
The article stated no such thing.
The article states she might sue. Try a reading comprehension class.
Quit the rudeness.
The mother might indeed sue the district for disregarding the doctor's note. There is nothing in the poorly written report which suggests that the suit would be requiring that all students be on the same medical protocol.

What doctors note?
Bacon ROCKS!

If anyone disagrees with that then they are perfectly free to not buy bacon.

I hope you never have to kill your pet pig and butcher it. I killed it and my friend butchered it hanging the carcass upside down from a tree and had a camp fire to burn they hair off. Sweet meat from 'The Pig' who loved beer.
I farmed in the sixties and it is a farmer's duty to give the best care to the animals in his care, clean bedding, clean food and clean water for their short time on Earth before they went to market and were not pets. That was in rural Ohio and thirty years later I was living in rural Georgia where my friend got a free piglet that had been weaned and I made her my pet because she was a shoat, female and young. It was his pig who could not kill it by shooting it in the mouth so I took the gun away from him and put the bullet in the brain and the legs immediately went flat. He had a family and they had no money.
I'm left wondering what fucking doctor issued a "medical" note about her religious allergy to pork? Isn't that kind of... idk illegal or fraud or something?

(Conspiracy theory activated) Which then leads me to perhaps that is why the school is so terse with her in their response, because she had already raised a stink when they informed her they don't accommodate religious dietary needs, then she got some doctor to write a note and force them to comply - which the school would know was a lie (unless it actually said "for religious reasons" which kind of makes it not a doctors note doesn't it?)
Bacon ROCKS!

If anyone disagrees with that then they are perfectly free to not buy bacon.

I hope you never have to kill your pet pig and butcher it. I killed it and my friend butchered it hanging the carcass upside down from a tree and had a camp fire to burn they hair off. Sweet meat from 'The Pig' who loved beer.
I've been to plenty of pig roasts. But I have never actually hunted a pig. They don't roam wild around here. It's down south in rural areas where they have a wild pig problem AFAIK.
Many of the old dietary 'laws' made practical sense at the time they were written, especially re pork in that climate, but may are no longer necessary as the reasons for them are gone, re pork that happened around the turn of this century.
Many of the old dietary 'laws' made practical sense at the time they were written, especially re pork in that climate, but may are no longer necessary as the reasons for them are gone, re pork that happened around the turn of this century.

Yep...they even lowered the safe cook temps to 145 making it possible to actually have a juicy piece of loin finally.
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