Saudi clerics: Isis terrorism a 'heinous crime' under sharia law

koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
sex with children has only been ok with muslims in the last 100 years. Maybe some other forms of savagery. That is why people don't want that barbaric bullshit in their country.
I remember reading in detail what that pervert asshole did to a 9 year old. They still reference that book! Its fuckin disgusting.
What kind of grown man, regardless of the time stamp, gets off on sucking a 9 year olds tongue?

it wasnt 9 .it was 13
+ wasnt for was arab was for union.mohammad did married with ayeshe because her father was leader of some tribe.even britania king did it in history
So you say the several verse in Bukhari lie? Lol.
I was hoping for something better than the usual apologetics and al taqiyya. *Sigh*
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
I like how you keep applying the vague 'under 18' thing. Is that so you can avoid mentioning the difference between a SIX year old and a teen?

I believe mo banned alcohol because drunkards don't fight well.

two soldier of mohammad army had fight together during gaurding because of drunk.
and mohamad banned alcohol
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman

Dani has repeated some of the idiot Islamic propaganda to which muslim children are subjected. EVEN the victims of Islamic slavery were LUCKY TO BE ENSLAVED TO THE STINK AND FILTH OF ISLAM ---------and women who were lucky --were RAPED AND ENSLAVED BY MUSLIMS_----lucky ladies
wasnt by mohammad. mohammad died.
mohammad was king for 3-10 years
basterd omar and osman did mohammad .

rapist pig mo was KING of what?

mohammad start islam activity when he was 40.and he died at 63
10 years in mecca : he hadnt power
10 years in medina: he was just leader of small city
last 3 years in mecca: he wast leader(king) of suidi arabia

he ruled suidi arabia just 3 years.

he was a criminal tryrant------"king" like AL CAPONE WAS KING OF CHICAGO
The activities of the filthy rapist pig in MEDINA constitute HISTORICALLY
just about the ONLY comprehensive criminal genocide of an entire city by a
disgusting piece of shit
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
I like how you keep applying the vague 'under 18' thing. Is that so you can avoid mentioning the difference between a SIX year old and a teen?
1: it wasnt 6. sunni said was 9 and shia believed it was 11 or 13

2: it was traditional culture for arabs. ayeshe father was leader of famoustribe
and mohammad married with her for union.she hadnt older sister and mohamamd hadnt any choice.
mohammad married with more than dozen girl .all of them was daughter of arab tribe leader or arab commander
Her father was mo's best buddy 'brother', no need to marry his six year old child and have sex with the poor child when she was 9 and still playing with dolls. No need.
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
I like how you keep applying the vague 'under 18' thing. Is that so you can avoid mentioning the difference between a SIX year old and a teen?
1: it wasnt 6. sunni said was 9 and shia believed it was 11 or 13

2: it was traditional culture for arabs. ayeshe father was leader of famoustribe
and mohammad married with her for union.she hadnt older sister and mohamamd hadnt any choice.
mohammad married with more than dozen girl .all of them was daughter of arab tribe leader or arab commander
Her father was mo's best buddy 'brother', no need to marry his six year old child and have sex with the poor child when she was 9 and still playing with dolls. No need.

co'mon tilly FUN!!!!!
Volume 6, Book 60, Number 142 :
Narrated by Jabir

Some people drank alcoholic beverages in the morning (of the day) of the Uhud battle and on the same day they were killed as martyrs, and that was before wine was prohibited.
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago

maybe rule in islam was ok and good for suidi arabia culture in 1400 years ago.
you cant judje islam rule by 21 century value
for example people blame koran for slavery.
but slave supported mohammad in 1400 years ago.because islam was good for them better than ......
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 18:

Narrated 'Ursa:

The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
I like how you keep applying the vague 'under 18' thing. Is that so you can avoid mentioning the difference between a SIX year old and a teen?
1: it wasnt 6. sunni said was 9 and shia believed it was 11 or 13

2: it was traditional culture for arabs. ayeshe father was leader of famoustribe
and mohammad married with her for union.she hadnt older sister and mohamamd hadnt any choice.
mohammad married with more than dozen girl .all of them was daughter of arab tribe leader or arab commander
Her father was mo's best buddy 'brother', no need to marry his six year old child and have sex with the poor child when she was 9 and still playing with dolls. No need.

yes.he was best buddy brother.if mohammad didnt married with aboobakr was very bad insult to aboobakr .it was symbolic.
.because of arab culture and traditional.

+based on this book: ayeshe was 12 Ibn Khallikan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
I like how you keep applying the vague 'under 18' thing. Is that so you can avoid mentioning the difference between a SIX year old and a teen?
1: it wasnt 6. sunni said was 9 and shia believed it was 11 or 13

2: it was traditional culture for arabs. ayeshe father was leader of famoustribe
and mohammad married with her for union.she hadnt older sister and mohamamd hadnt any choice.
mohammad married with more than dozen girl .all of them was daughter of arab tribe leader or arab commander
Her father was mo's best buddy 'brother', no need to marry his six year old child and have sex with the poor child when she was 9 and still playing with dolls. No need.

yes.he was best buddy brother.if mohammad didnt married with aboobakr was very bad insult to aboobakr .it was symbolic.
.because of arab culture and traditional.

+based on this book: ayeshe was 12 Ibn Khallikan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'Abu Bakr was already Muhammad's closest companion. There was no need for him to "cement relations" with Abu Bakr by marrying his 6-year-old daughter, and thereby forever legitimizing child-marriages within Islam.

Additionally, if this was the sole purpose behind the marriage, he could have just as easily married Abu Bakr's other daughter, Asma bint Abu Bakr, who was a lot older and not married at the time.'

Responses to Apologetics: Muhammad and Aisha - WikiIslam
Last edited:
Just to mention the call of saudi clerics.

Saudi clerics declare Isis terrorism a 'heinous crime' under sharia law

are they the same kind of muslim or the other kind?

And what are they going to actually do?

nothing, so just let me know if they are different or not
anytime you're ready to answer..

or just admit you know this is one type of muslim coming out against the other
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 18:

Narrated 'Ursa:

The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry
abu bakr was very popular and famous in suidi arabia community.
married with his daughter was very good tactic and strategy

maybe rule in islam was ok and good for suidi arabia culture in 1400 years ago.
you cant judje islam rule by 21 century value
for example people blame koran for slavery.
but slave supported mohammad in 1400 years ago.because islam was good for them better than ......
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .

you are a victim of a MUSLIM EDUCATION-----Dani-------Every country in which slavery existed had mechanisms for FREEING slaves-----in Islamic school and mosques children are taught that MO' invented the idea------and they are also NOT told that the FREEING issue applied only to those slaves who converted
to islam. Even in ancient rome---monogamy was the rule------Islam innovated
nothing that was actually good------and it added lots which was REALLY BAD

maybe rule in islam was ok and good for suidi arabia culture in 1400 years ago.
you cant judje islam rule by 21 century value
for example people blame koran for slavery.
but slave supported mohammad in 1400 years ago.because islam was good for them better than ......
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .
Lol. Mo institutionalised slavery within Islam. He was a widow and orphan maker who then enslaved same, was a slave trader and a slave owner, and a slave abuser.
maybe rule in islam was ok and good for suidi arabia culture in 1400 years ago.
you cant judje islam rule by 21 century value
for example people blame koran for slavery.
but slave supported mohammad in 1400 years ago.because islam was good for them better than ......
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .

you are a victim of a MUSLIM EDUCATION-----Dani-------Every country in which slavery existed had mechanisms for FREEING slaves-----in Islamic school and mosques children are taught that MO' invented the idea------and they are also NOT told that the FREEING issue applied only to those slaves who converted
to islam. Even in ancient rome---monogamy was the rule------Islam innovated
nothing that was actually good------and it added lots which was REALLY BAD
but arab people hadnt good mechanisms for FREEING slaves before islam
fact: islam rule was good for suidi arabia people more than before all nation.just suidi arabia
koran was for 1400 years ago.and rule is for 1400 years ago .it isnt for now.
for example.
alcohol is banned in koran
because mohammad was in war .and suidi arabia have very hot weather and its not ok for drink alcohol

sex with under 18 girl was normal for 1400 years ago.even 100 years ago
I like how you keep applying the vague 'under 18' thing. Is that so you can avoid mentioning the difference between a SIX year old and a teen?
1: it wasnt 6. sunni said was 9 and shia believed it was 11 or 13

2: it was traditional culture for arabs. ayeshe father was leader of famoustribe
and mohammad married with her for union.she hadnt older sister and mohamamd hadnt any choice.
mohammad married with more than dozen girl .all of them was daughter of arab tribe leader or arab commander
Her father was mo's best buddy 'brother', no need to marry his six year old child and have sex with the poor child when she was 9 and still playing with dolls. No need.

yes.he was best buddy brother.if mohammad didnt married with aboobakr was very bad insult to aboobakr .it was symbolic.
.because of arab culture and traditional.

+based on this book: ayeshe was 12 Ibn Khallikan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There was no insult. Abu Bakr appealed to mo not to marry her. Bakr had an older marriage age daughter that could have fulfilled that role if what you suggest (?lie) is true. But no, mo wanted the six year old. Remember his excuse for wanting her?
maybe rule in islam was ok and good for suidi arabia culture in 1400 years ago.
you cant judje islam rule by 21 century value
for example people blame koran for slavery.
but slave supported mohammad in 1400 years ago.because islam was good for them better than ......
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .
Lol. Mo institutionalised slavery within Islam. He was a widow and orphan maker who then enslaved same, was a slave trader and a slave owner, and a slave abuser.

what ? i cant undrestand
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 18:

Narrated 'Ursa:

The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry
abu bakr was very popular and famous in suidi arabia community.
married with his daughter was very good tactic and strategy
So why not marry the elder daughter who was of an age to marry and who was unmarried? Sorry, he wanted the 6 yr old.
maybe rule in islam was ok and good for suidi arabia culture in 1400 years ago.
you cant judje islam rule by 21 century value
for example people blame koran for slavery.
but slave supported mohammad in 1400 years ago.because islam was good for them better than ......
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .

you are a victim of a MUSLIM EDUCATION-----Dani-------Every country in which slavery existed had mechanisms for FREEING slaves-----in Islamic school and mosques children are taught that MO' invented the idea------and they are also NOT told that the FREEING issue applied only to those slaves who converted
to islam. Even in ancient rome---monogamy was the rule------Islam innovated
nothing that was actually good------and it added lots which was REALLY BAD
Strangely, on another thread a few weeks ago, Dani said he is not a Muslim.
Isn't that right, Dani?
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .

you are a victim of a MUSLIM EDUCATION-----Dani-------Every country in which slavery existed had mechanisms for FREEING slaves-----in Islamic school and mosques children are taught that MO' invented the idea------and they are also NOT told that the FREEING issue applied only to those slaves who converted
to islam. Even in ancient rome---monogamy was the rule------Islam innovated
nothing that was actually good------and it added lots which was REALLY BAD
but arab people hadnt good mechanisms for FREEING slaves before islam
fact: islam rule was good for suidi arabia people more than before all nation.just suidi arabia
Arabs were much better as pagans. Rue the day mo stole their pagan moon God.
I still don't quite understand your point. Islam has not had a beneficial reformation, unless we consider salafi-wahabiism as such. But, getting closer to Islams roots in such a way is more of a retrograde step, even though it is the purists dream.
no.islam helped slave. islam helped women.
my point: for example
based on 21 century value: islam was anti woman
based on 1400 years ago value in arabia desert : islam was great for woman
I'm afraid I disagree with you on the Islamic view of what constitutes 'helping'. However, I still don't get what you are suggesting be done, if anything?

for example .islam rule helped for freedom of slave by new rule
or master cant do everything with slave.
for example .before islam:
if you cant pay your will be slave.but mohammad banned it

read this history: Maytham-al-Tammar (Meesam-e-tammar) - Freedom from slavery - Wattpad

or for example: islam banned married with more than 4 woman.
most arab rich had 20 or more .

you are a victim of a MUSLIM EDUCATION-----Dani-------Every country in which slavery existed had mechanisms for FREEING slaves-----in Islamic school and mosques children are taught that MO' invented the idea------and they are also NOT told that the FREEING issue applied only to those slaves who converted
to islam. Even in ancient rome---monogamy was the rule------Islam innovated
nothing that was actually good------and it added lots which was REALLY BAD
but arab people hadnt good mechanisms for FREEING slaves before islam
fact: islam rule was good for suidi arabia people more than before all nation.just suidi arabia

the rapist pig did something good to bring the Saudi animals into CIVILIZATION?-----
when will that program hit the rest of "the ummah"?. You do present an excellent explanation as to why Saudi arabia DESCENDED into a cesspit when the NON MUSLIMS fled the filth of islam. ------The rapist made things so bad for non muslims that Saudi arabia became a------ALL CESSPIT

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