Satellite animation shows air pollution in China and Italy clearing amid coronavirus lockdowns

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016

"This is the first time I have ever seen such a dramatic drop-off over such a wide area for a specific event," NASA air quality researcher Fei Liu said on NASA's Earth Observatory blog.

Continued - Airborne Nitrogen Dioxide Plummets Over China


Satellite images show that the most dramatic decline of air pollution was observed over northern Italy, the first region in the country to go on lockdown...

Himalayas Seen from India for the First Time in 30 Years Due to Air Pollution Drop


Residents of a northern region of India were amazed last week when they woke up and realized that parts of the Himalayan mountain range had become visible to them for the first time in decades thanks to a downturn in air pollution brought about by a nation-wide coronavirus lockdown. The remarkable development was reportedly first noticed last Friday when numerous people living in the city of Jalandhar and surrounding areas took to social media to express wonder at what they were seeing.

According to several observers, this was the first time in 30 years that the Himalayas, which are located approximately 100 miles away from the area, were visible to residents of the region. As such, the moment was something of a milestone for many young people who grew up in the area and had never seen the mountain range from that perspective. The reason for the remarkable turn of events is that there has been a precipitous drop in air pollution in India following a coronavirus lockdown which was initiated in late March.

The whole planet is shut down
ChiComs are full of shit and the population is paying for it
The whole planet is paying for it

This may not end well

One More Midnight Ride
Posted on April 9, 2020 by Baron Bodissey

One More Midnight Ride
by JLH, with apologies to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Listen, people, and you shall hear
Of the coming of sickness and pain and fear.
By the 18th of April in 2020,
Folks who realize now are plenty:
How Communism as politely as you might wish
Served the world a plague on a petri dish.
It came by air, by land, by sea.
It breathed its ill on you and me.
A friendly hello and a warm embrace,
And millions were sick at a dizzying pace.
“Herd immunity” pray, what is that?
We’ll all find out in nothing flat.
“Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.”
No thanks, I’ll just stay home and get high.
In Italy, they’re singing; in Buffalo, they dance.
But six feet away and taking no chance.
Music reaches further than germs on the air.
If you have a tin ear, who said Life is fair?
The world is in lockdown, so it’s perfectly clear —
Let the prisoners out, they’ve nothing to fear.
If MS-13 should break in your door,
Just blow them away, that’s what guns are for.
Hoard toilet paper — more than enough,
So you can decorate your neighbor’s tree with the stuff.
Don’t breathe on your children; just wave as they pass.
Monopoly at six feet is a pain in the posterior.
“Meals cafeteria style—it just isn’t fair!
From six feet away, I can’t pull Sis’s hair!
“Mom! Tommy blew all his germs right at me!”
“From six feet away?” “He’s fanning them — see?’
Time to go shopping. Let’s put on face masks,
And nylon gloves for manual tasks.
Let’s all stay together — but not too close.
Six feet! When you pass someone hold your nose.
Fifteen person limit in the whole big store!
Our grouchy neighbor just went home and swore.

Got an Rx to fill? Good luck with that!
At least standing in line doesn’t make you fat.
Six people in line at six feet apart.
At least it’s better if someone should… y’know.
Let’s go for a walk, like a long line of ducks.
Drivers in a hurry are just plain out of luck.
Well, as they say: This too shall pass.
The end of June wouldn’t be too fast.
In the meantime, online are many things to be done.
Character assassination is only one.
And if you’re feeling really forlorn.
The Net is richer than ever in porn.
So do not despair, if worse comes to worst,
We’ll clean it all up with a nuclear burst.
And just to make sure we’ve got it all,
There’s nowhere the a-bombs will not fall.
Thanks to the commies and jihadis also
“We will all go together when we go.”
Then either send those dirty American companies back or make your environmental standards much more strict. Either way we would see a net economic gain with our jobs returning.
30 percent reduction in atmospheric nitrogen dioxide pollution in the northeastern U.S.


This image released by NASA shows the average concentration of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide in March of 2015-19. (left), compared to March of 2020. (NASA/NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio)


The European Space Agency also released satellite images that showed reductions in nitrogen oxide levels in several major cities across Europe.


Ever see those contrails ruining an otherwise blue sky? On some days the contrails spread out and actually merge into a fine haze. What's the solution for the trailer trash lefties who never took a plane ride?

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